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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Day Jobs 21: Celebrity Famous for being famous, or something else? Celebs are trend setters and part of the zeitgeist in and out of spandex. https://housedok.com/day-jobs-21-celebrity/ BSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #DayJobs #Celebrity
  2. Martial Arts In Metahumans Rising Part 22: ITF Taekwondo Kick high, kick hard, and fly at foes with ITF Taekwondo. Dance through the battlefield setting up foes for devastating aerials, and look good doing it. https://housedok.com/itf-taekwondo/ BSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #MartialArts #Taekwondo #ITFTaekwondo
  3. Lesser Loved Games This eclectic bundle collects 35 games and adventures ranging from tales of derelict spaceships to food fights to introspective survival horror. You can even put on the spandex with Poisoned Apples I & II for Metahumans Rising and help root out corruption. https://itch.io/b/2306/lesser-loved-games #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #RPGBundle
  4. Altitus: Banyu Yue – More Than A Mechanic This week we are exploring how Day Jobs and Martial Arts can be combined in Metahumans Rising to create interesting and unique characters. Meet Banyu Yue, mechanic by trade, underground fighter by necessity. https://housedok.com/banyu-yue/ #Metahumans #Superheroes #ValentinesDay #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Altitus #Silat
  5. Another big bundle is out. $5.00 for 119 tabletop RPG games, adventures, and accessories, from almost 70 creators. Funds gathered for this bundle go to Emerge, a youth support group, part of Birmingham LGBT. As part of this bundle, we contributed two adventures: Gene Jackers, a two layered tale of gang war and a techno-organic cult looking to hargest genetic material. Changeling's Bargain sees the heroes investigate a company that claims they can "fix" Metahuman children. https://itch.io/b/2262/ttrpg-bundle-for-trans-youth
  6. ❤️ Love Struck - A Metahumans Rising Adventure Love is in the air. The love of who is the question. It is time for everyone to bow down to their new Queen in Red. https://housedok.itch.io/love-struck Sorry for the delay on this weeks update. We are located in California, and our power was out from before 9 AM yesterday until later today. There are a lot of people who are going through a lot worse right now, so are are happy to be able to bring a new adventure to your table. If you would like to help spread the word: BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social/post/3kkpeu25uow24 Twitter https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1754645928815018378
  7. Love is in the air. The love of who is the question. It is time for everyone to bow down to their new Queen in Red. https://housedok.itch.io/love-struck #Metahumans #Superheroes #ValentinesDay #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Adventure #Vampire Sorry for the delay on this weeks update. We are located in California, and our power was out from before 9 AM yesterday until later today. There are a lot of people who are going through a lot worse right now, so are are happy to be able to bring a new adventure to your table.
  8. Fanguary is a vampire themed tabletop RPG Bundle with twenty games and adventures, for ten bucks. The funding helps provide medical aid for another indie creator. Happy to be able to say we are a part of the bundle! https://itch.io/b/2285/fanguary-mutual-aid-ttrpg-bundle #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising
  9. Day Jobs 20: Jobber Not everyone can be a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Time to look at heroes are getting buy paycheck to paycheck. https://housedok.com/jobber/ BSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #DayJobs #Jobber
  10. Martial Arts In Metahumans Rising Part 21: Luohan Shaolin Kung Fu Baskin Robbins has nothing on Kung Fu. With so many flavors of Kung Fu we have tried provide a version that will feel authentic to the source, while acknowledging the vastness of possible variations. https://housedok.com/shaolin-kung-fu/ BSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #MartialArts #ShaolinKungFu
  11. Between a Demon and a Fool – A Metahumans Rising Adventure High tech weapons are being funneled into the city? The question is why. Team up with a new hero, the Red Fool, and uncover GEO's sinister plot. ITCH https://housedok.itch.io/between-a-demon-and-a-fool DTRPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/467365/Between-a-Demon-and-a-Fool--A-Metahumans-Rising-Adventure
  12. Between a Demon and a Fool – A Metahumans Rising Adventure High tech weapons are being funneled into the city? The question is why. Team up with a new hero, the Red Fool, and uncover GEO's sinister plot. ITCH https://housedok.itch.io/between-a-demon-and-a-fool DTRPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/467365/Between-a-Demon-and-a-Fool--A-Metahumans-Rising-Adventure Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Blue Sky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #JustBusiness #CorporateGreed
  13. Day Jobs 19: Principal Captains of industry, executives, the boss, these principals will take you to a very different school. https://housedok.com/day-jobs-19-principal/ BSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #DayJobs #Principal
  14. First Irregular Surveillance Task force
  15. They say in Low Gothic.
  16. Martial Arts In Metahumans Rising Part 20: The Crucible There is the right way, the wrong way, and the hard way. The Crucible isn't any one style but rather the idea that someone who is forced to defend themselves will over time become adept in doing so, learning what they need one fight at a time. https://housedok.com/the-crucible/ BSky https://bsky.app/profile/housedokpro.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetahumansRising Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #MartialArts #HardKnocks
  17. When I type out a post, no issues. When I drop something in CTRL+V it gave me the bot check. This aligns with posting to Funny Pictures, which is why I thought this might be the case.
  18. Wonder if the trigger is for when something is pasted into the forum with no text attached.
  19. Beep, beep, I am a meat popsicle...
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