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Everything posted by dsrtrosy

  1. I do apologize if this has been asked and answered, as I am unable to search for the content I need. I find the issue of immortality a bit confusing in the rulebook. On page 7, it says, "That’s why, for example, a mere 1d6 of Blast (5 CP) costs the same as being financially Well Off, having an Eidetic Memory, or even being Immortal." This leads one to the logical conclusion that Immortality costs 5 CP, although that cost is nowhere to be found in later pages. Later, the only description given for Immortality is as a function of Life Support and Regeneration. I don't understand how the amount is arrived at for the one example on page 213 (Zombie). Can you explain this for a complete newcomer? Thanks in advance!
  2. My dog stars in a political depolarization spot for a student event.
  3. This is exactly what I need today. I'm at the end of year 2 of my PhD, I can't seem to focus on anything, I hate all the people, and my dog is avoiding me. I AM DEFINITELY FEELING CRANKY!! :thumbdown :mad:
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