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Mr. R

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Everything posted by Mr. R

  1. I am the person that link is referring to, so here are some of what I found useful. Str Each point is 5 str in Hero So 5 str is 25 in hero. Dex Look at dex, agil and fight and average them out, then look at parry dodge and att. Usually they will come out at Hero normal, but be careful because M&M is like Hero 6th in that Offence and Defense are divorced from the base stats. So basically eyeball. A good rule of thumb is if Att, Parry and Dodge are about 7-8, then make that the OCV/DCV and make the dex accordingly. Con Same as Str but at a 1:10 ratio. Body, eyeball. Int, Ego Pre Com map like Str at a 1:5 ratio Advantages and Powers. GO HERE: http://www.d20herosrd.com/ Most of the powers are easy to figure out and most map to a 1:5 ratio like Str. So 10 Dam, Range is a 10d6 EB 5 Dam, Str based is a 5d6 HTH attack Afflictions are either flashes, entagles or mental attacks. Defences are Toughness times two to PD and ED so 13 toughness becomes 26 PD 26 ED M&M does not differentate between regular and Killing, so be careful you don't make some too lethal if you make their attack killing. For that reason base PD and ED at 8 and resistant. Movement again eyeball, but generally if they are REALLY FAST, give them a lot of NCM Advantages mostly become talent or you can ignore them as they influence the action economy. Three big ones are Ritualist, Arcanist and Gadgeteer. I'd make them all 40 pt VPP with a lot of disads like RSR and can only change between adventures. Skills again map to Hero, just look at the document to figure which skill goes where. If in doubt, make it a KS.
  2. Mr. R

    COH builds

    Every team needs a new wet behind the ears person Designer Notes: There is not a lot to on here, so I extrapolated. The team needs another flying blaster, but her mental powers give her an edge.
  3. Mr. R

    COH builds

    A ghostly member Design Notes: She's a variation on Sister Psyche, but with differing support powers. It does make her play differently though. More reactive than proactive. The Desolid is the Wild Card. COH could not really play it up, but in the hands of a good player it can be VERY powerful. I like that though they start out the same, the two are very different.Also note that it is Numina and Sister Psyche together that makes this team so dangerous. One says "you can't hurt us" and the other says "and if you do I can fix em"
  4. Mr. R

    COH builds

    Team investigator and stealth operative Like I said, he's Batman and Hawkeye. He's got the investigation abilities and can really fight. The Arrow multiple is straight forward, and I took a page from Arrow (TV series) with the bow as a staff. Add some Martial Arts and he's nasty. He also follow in the steps of Hawkeye / Green Arrow with a temper, and he over estimates his abilities.I know CoH had the ever-full quiver, but that did not feel right to me. So I gave him charges. This makes him more tactical and planning his shots for maximum effect.
  5. Mr. R

    COH builds

    High flying blaster Design notes: He's Data with powers. I gave him extra armour due to his android body (Ablative armour) and a bunch of extra senses as well! Power wise, a suite of Energy Blast powers and a set of Energy HTH attacks. You will notice no snipe. Basically it can be filled by a braced/set haymaker (total 19d6 damage). Again most powers cost a lot of END so as to prevent spamming.
  6. Mr. R

    COH builds

    Next up the 2IC, Sister Psyche
  7. Mr. R

    COH builds

    Wasn't planning on it, but I'll consider it.
  8. Mr. R

    COH builds

    So we start with Statesman So some design notes. He was a fairly easy build. High strength, durability, flight and some electrical powers. He has a lot of perks, but he has been at this since the 1930's, so he's earned them. Skills were just eyeballed, but i figured Teamwork and +4 to All combat were again justified by his great experience!Please let me know what you think. All constructive comments are welcome and appreciated!
  9. Mr. R

    COH builds

    So I will start with Freedom Phalanx https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Freedom_PhalanxThis is a powerful team made up of Stateman: Leader, BrickSister Psyche: Deputy leader, MentalistCitadel: Android High Flying BlasterManticore: Infiltration, Detective Weapon Expert (Bow)Numina: Ghost, Empathic abilities to help or hinderPositron: Scientist, Engineer, BlasterPenelope Yin: Rookie Hero, Psychic PowersSynapse: Forensic Accountant, Speedster, Electrical PowersBack Alley Brawler: Street Hero, Investigator
  10. Mr. R

    COH builds

    So for my next set I will be looking at the signature heroes from City of Heroes.These are two big powerful teams. Due to the sometimes large backstories I will not be posting them in the build itself, but instead link to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_HeroesIt does a much better job. So I will post the builds, the powers as I see them in Champions/Hero, any tactics and reasons for the Disads taken.
  11. Chapter Twenty UNISON UNISON is the United Nations International Superhuman Oversight Network and follows in the footstep of UNCLE and UNTIL. We get a history and how the UN in Earth Prime allows the UN to field its own little army. But also it is an intelligence gathering group with its own cadre of spies and operatives world wide. One branch I really liked was Team Alphabet, 26 super agents that each had a letter from the alphabet. We then get a section on the structure and operations. These include: Alien Diplomacy, Border Crossings, Investigations and Assassinations (I found this part refreshing, Lawful Good doesn't mean Awful Stupid). Equipment is next and I found this underwhelming. All this alien and villain super tech and they can’t reverse engineer any of it? Their enemies get Blasters and Ray Guns, and they get M-16s. I could see a small elite arm with SOTA equipment for just those heavy operations. Then a couple of bases are detailed and some key personnel. Then we get some suggestions for campaigns using UNISON, including a super team option. In fact the SWORD team idea from Nato above (SEE Central Europe) would be a perfect fit here. This could even be like the Legion of Superheroes with teams formed for certain operations. Finally Global Threats are detailed. The big WWC and its front organization (which has been operating for over 25 years with nobody figuring it out, amazing) is mentioned. We get two underworld high tech suppliers who are in competition with each other, and not friendly by any means. Then two organizations that are into creating super villains who are also not on friendly terms at all. A Chinese Mastermind and various global powered supervillains are noted. Finally the greater galaxy and ALIEN INVADERS. I found this section hit and miss. There is a lot of good ideas here (Team Alphabet) with some bad ones (Normal equipment for an organization that impounds super tech). If you are wanting a gritty UNCLE type game, then it works. If you want more four coloured SHIELD, then you have to modify. But there is enough from other chapters that it would be easy to change it up a bit. So ends my Journey. Final Verdict 4 stars out of 5 There is a lot of good stuff in here. The world is presented as having its own heroes and villains and USA is not doing a Mighty Mouse “Here I come to save the day”. The world here is very organic. But there are some duds, which I have made known throughout the posts. Also some parts just do not seem to work, or stretch things way too far. But if you want to get a supplement for your heroes who like to travel to interesting places, meet interesting people and blow things up, then I highly recommend it regardless of the system you use.
  12. Typo Darn it I set a trap for the bugger and he evaded it. Nasty little buggers!
  13. The other undersea king, More DC like So here is the Aquaman homage, with a few extra powers. He is another where I feel he was a PC in a campaign, he is that fleshed out.So my comment. I own Hero Games Atlantis, and IIRC the Queen Mom, Sea King and resulting family are VERY similar to the one in that supplement. So I suggest that if you can find it, and want to run an undersea campaign, get it. It will flesh out this section a lot! So that is it for characters. One more finishing chapter and I am done!
  14. Comment after the Sea King I like her. Ties to WW II and to the current King gives her a lot of hooks.
  15. Chapter Nineteen Atlantis There have been so many supplements about Atlantis, and this one hits all tried and true. We get history, WW II involvement, interactions with the Supers of the world, internal politics and rebels. Culture and technology are given a go over. Then we get the Royal Family and their involvement on the outside world of superheroes. There is nothing new here really, but it does give a hint for undersea adventures. If you can get Hero Games Atlantis, you could really flesh out this section to do a complete undersea campaign.
  16. All he need is some vines And the homages just keep on coming! All he needs is a big jungle cat, or talking gorilla!
  17. Where have I seen him before? A classic pulp concept that was made into a comic. He fits the Lost World narrative completely. Again if you are gonna copy, make it a good one. Seriously this guy could be dropped into any fantasy campaign with just a little modification.I like!
  18. Chapter Sixteen to Eighteen Antarctica, The Lost World, Sub-Terra So we start with the Cold Continent. It has a Treaty System guaranteeing no mineral or military exploitation will occour. Most honour this treaty. One area of interest is an under ice complex of ancient design that the UN is trying to map and decypher. And of course the WWC has their biggest, baddest base here. Ties to a lost race of ice people, unknown space debris and possible alien artifacts round out this section. So lots of plot hooks. Then we get to the Lost World. This is the links to the Bermuda Triangle area. Fall through a cave in the Himalayas. It actually could be made into its own campaign and Green Ronin should come out with a book just on this, it is so cool. We get a bit on premises needed to game here (Think PULP), a bit of history, some geography and two lost civilizations (Roman are cool, as are Incas) with a side bar for adding more to the mix if you are so inclined. A pair of local heroes are detailed (see if you can get the homage) and some adventure ideas for adventure arcs are given. I loved this section. Then we get Sub-Terra, which also is not really underground but more under dimension. All the classics are here, Morlocks, Fomorians, Serpent People, Kaiju ( Cue Blue Oyster Cult, Go Go Godzilla) and places of note round out this chapter.
  19. See if you can spot the homage As I have said before, if you are gonna copy, make it a good one. He's Namor, from Marvel.Attitude, temper responsibility. And he's a different type of Atlantean. As I have said before his culture is different from the other undersea country. Breaks the cookie cutter mold!
  20. I agree. Unlike Bogatyr, he would not fear for his life coming out. She has many of the same powers, no dependency, and she FEARS for her life. I would have him come out to dare the government to deny him. Basically force their hand!
  21. From https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/sexuality/agenda/article/2016/08/12/definitive-timeline-lgbt-rights-australia So I get the feeling that Anti Gay feelings are still fairly strong. If you are a gov't sponcered super dependent on a drug held by that same gov't, and elements of it are very homophobic, you might keep it quiet for the chance to do some good!
  22. And Melbourne's Supers scene The Kelly Gang. A group of Power Armour users. Use Power Corp from Threat report that I detailed in another thread. Madame Redback. The controller of the local WWC cell, who has a spider motif and who's long term plan is to take over the WWC. I like her as this shows that the WWC is NOT monolithic and has deadly internal power struggles. Smart heroes could use this to severely weaken the WWC. And is this happening in other cells around the world! Sunhawk, an aboriginal hero with solar powers. and hopes to provide a positive role model. Yellow Dragon, who heads a Vietnamese gang and plans to accumulate more powers and influence! Young Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Think Kazar, but greater strength, resistance and a saber tooth tiger!
  23. And his Rogue's GalleryBower Bird a criminal fascinated by the colour blue. More amoral than evil.Crime Model. At 2 meters tall and over 300 Kgs, all her crimes revolve around the beauty industry as she want to be the greatest model around.Mentus the Mind Master who was left behind from an inter-dimensional invasion who will make a cushy life for him here.
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