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Mr. R

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Everything posted by Mr. R

  1. A high tech summoner. This is seriously cool! I can see this guy as part of a starting team, or brought into an existing team to provide some tech and extra muscle! Personality wise, i like. Power wise, it is a nice take in the summoner type!
  2. Chapter Three Mexico So this chapter starts with the guardian of Mexico, a man behind the scenes pulling and pushing thing to keep his country safe. He’s a ruthless pragmatist, but he can justify a whole host of adventures, so I like it. As well he has set things up to help in the creation of home grown heroes, so again cool! We then get a quick tour of Ciudad Juarez and Guadalajara and Hecelchakan and a quick run down on the heroes and villains operating in each city. Next we get Mexico City, and mention that it is seeing a rise in supers. This could lead to a Mexico based campaign, if people are up to it. By far the coolest thing here is La Liga de Metaluchdores. Basically super powered masked wrestlers who fight crime in and around Mexico City. Monterrey is next and the burgeoning supers scene followed by Palo Santo a town ravaged by an undead horror but about to be saved, possibly. A village untouched by modern problems and events in Tijuana round out the chapter. The final note is a man who has built a battlesuit out of junk. Sounds very cool!
  3. A high tech threat from another world As written he was OK, but everything that made him nasty they gave a MAJOR limitation that it only functioned in the high tech environ of the city, or only against inhabitants of the city. This was like a -2 limitation at least. So scratch the invisibility, the weaken and the entangle. So he's a teleporting blaster. Sorry he's not only the security chief, but the chief defender of the city. Those should be his primary weapons. So I just got rid of the limitations. In fact, I'd add a couple of extra blasts, including a straight 14 d6, just to add to the threat. Use wise, he can crop up anywhere. Part of the hook of the city is that it can be the catalyst for activating some superpowers, people he can then add to a team. Also I can see him acting as a mercenary to get favours and equipment. SO I like him!
  4. So a connection to the Viking discoverers of North America. And Vikings are cool! So for a team of new heroes, he could be a serious threat. I am not sure about the M&M equipment pool, but make it something that if more high tech and he's real dangerous. He's expensive, but a large chunk of that is from the Summons. Power wise, he's nasty at range, even nastier HTH, and he's surrounded by a bunch of berserk robots. Add in his back story (are there more like him there) and he's got a few good plot hooks!
  5. So an anti hero, for a good reason A nice tie in to a techno magic conspiracy. He has some good hooks and can be a very sympathetic NPC, especially if they get his back story!
  6. Who is he? And why does he seem familiar? So this is the tie in to M&Ms Superman analogue. I actually like it. Its Superman meets Data. Are we heroes due to upbringing or are we programmed that way? Add all the ties to former enemies and allies and he could be used for a long time. Power wise, he's a flying brick. Its a classic because it works!
  7. A vile mystical threat that needs to be contained before he spreads his misery across North America So every team needs an opponent who can take on the whole team. Aaron Allston once wrote that the way to get your team to get organised is to make an opponent that can beat the bricks, out damage the blasters and is more dexterous than the Mart. Art. And give him something that will make your team miserable. This is that opponent. He can dish it out and take it. Jerome R. Rondeau
  8. I am a rock, I am an island The other decent member of the team and its conscience. Given that he was created by an RCMP officer, I am not surprised he has a police officer mentality. If the team does go TPK, I would expect him and Luna to be the core of a new team. Build wise he makes a decent second brick with a few extras.
  9. So the resident Wolverine clone, but at least an interesting one So as written they gave her Casual Killer. I think that is the wrong complication. What she has is more like Wonder Woman, a warrior's training. She'll kill if she has to and not think twice about it. Also it fits better with the honourable. So this NPC is interesting. I could see her forcing the team to make some hard decisions, both regarding her methods and her desire to have a code! Seriously this is the most complex member on the team with the most plot hook and role playing opportunities! Though I am not a fan of Wolvie clones, this one is pretty go
  10. They never really mention, just a summons/conjure. I would assume from his write up, extra-dimensional entities (AKA Demons and Angels) and similar. Possibly elementals as well! The detect is dimensional incursions. Basically is something from another dimension step into ours, he notices it!
  11. Team speedster and most likely to betray So the writer of this section must be a big wrestling (WWE) fan. Chris Cage's nick name is "The Opportunist". In WWE there were two friends from Canada called Edge and Christian. Edge's moniker was "The Ultimate Opportunist" and Christian's other moniker was Christian Cage. So personality wise, I can see this guy betraying the team ASAP. He's greedy. The only reason he's on the team is he was threatened with a beat down if he didn't join (Sorry when did Team Canada get recruitment ideas from the Mafia?), and he's a glory hound on a team that has two already. Jealousy is a green eyed monster. Given that the book makes reference to other moles in other teams in the book (entirely optional), I was surprised he wasn't in that little side bar. Power wise he's a standard speedster, fast with a couple of tricks. He could use more speedster stunts but as written is decent.
  12. So a dedicated ranged combatant OH wow! So we have a telekinetic with NO telekinesis. But she has telepathy, but no other mind/psi powers. Any way to make he weaker? Seriously if I was presented with this at a table I'd ask the GM to allow changes, use the points from telepathy for TK, move it to the EC and try to get at least a 9 dc attack. As it is she can plink the opposition. Also this is another whose personality can grate on team mates, and a big secret that really is over used and relies on the ties of family (who she never knew or met) leading her to betray the team. Again, this team is designed to implode. American heroes rush in to save Canada as their team gets a TPK! Other national teams are presented as competent, so WHY? Sorry Rant off!
  13. So the leader of Team Canada So as written he is an arrogant blowhard, who just happens to have serious power. Also he seems to have a genuine vicious streak that is now affecting the rest of the team. Finally they made his growth Always on but then reference a team jet: Really, he's 32 ft tall, how does he walk in it? Or is he laid prone inside for the trip? (yeah with his attitude?) Also how about feeding him? He's 4x larger which means 64 time volume and thus food needs, at best! So with this attitude it appears they made this team to eventually implode. So my changes. He's still arrogant, but more "I am that good". Also I made his able to change his height, as it fits with his backstory. Basically that is it. So build wise he's powerful and versatile. And versatility costs. He can mix it up in HTH, fly up to meet air born opponents and strike at ranged opponents with his own blasts. What he's lacking to make him a good leader is tactic and teamwork. But otherwise he's OK.
  14. Chapter Two Canada So they pack in a lot of material in this short chapter. We start in Quebec and a team based in Quebec fighting a mystical evil. It includes some notes to get into the tone in a Quebec based game. There is even a few notes about what the team La Ligue des Heros du Quebec (LHQ) looks like and what templates they are. It is a good hook. My one quibble here is that they forgot about four other provinces to the east, but is not major! Next Ottawa and Team Canada, our national super team. WOW! Compared to the other hero teams in this book, these guys are…… dysfunctional. With some work they can function but as presented, they are an ….embarrassment. I will post them separately as they got write ups, as well as my modifications. One nice hook is a retirement home for supers. I can see this getting some use in some campaigns. Then we get to Toronto. Here we get introduced to a possible new hero with links to a hero of the past and a super agency group that to me was underwhelming. Then there is an interesting section about Aboriginal, Inuit, and Metis and a mystical threat to all of North America. Also an old conspiracy and a possible ally is introduced. After this is a part on the Sanctum of the Superman analogue. I found this interesting but of little use in most Canada based games as by its nature it is so isolated and hidden (basically about ten people know about it/where it is ) The only good part is the link to the new hero in Toronto. At the end we get an explanation about a group of winged humans (Note they are in Greenland which is not part of Canada) and a floating dimensional city that was host to one of Canada’s newest threats and a possible source for new superheros or villains. So on the whole a mixed bag, but positive. There are a number of hooks here that could lead to a number of overarching adventures.
  15. An interesting government NPC! Well I like this build. A secret, ties to the past and a possibility to affect the game world in a positive way. Also he is versatile. The skills of a super agent coupled to a fast brick ( a brick who trades str for speed and movement). I find him cool and would play him. My one complaint is the name. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, other country have their patriots. I can see him in Mexico, "I am Patriot" "Not my patriot, go back to the US of A" Like get something more indicative. I know the All American!
  16. A mystic guardian! He's cool, but as he's tied to is location he's got limited use. But he's a good example of an earth elemental type. But he is a good tie in to Gatekeeper and other dimensions.
  17. So a new mage! Well I like this build, with a few caveats. Is there going to any mage type who doesn't have Ritualist? Or Arcanist? Also I do like the defense as a change from mage shields, but it is expensive. What I like is he's a tie in to dimension hopping adventures, if that is your bag, or keeping those other dimensions from bleeding to much here. And he has a cool background with a bunch of hooks!
  18. Because we all need a Batman clone! So in the book as presented, he's a bit of a wuss. I had to give him a bit of Martial Arts help and some gadgets. Otherwise, he was OK and has lots of plot hooks to play with!
  19. Next is the brains behind the Mayombe Cult. And a mean, depraved brain it is. This is the enemy that people will feel OK to let drown. She's as nasty as they come. Power-wise she's good. A collection of combat spells supplemented by artifacts she makes or finds and a set of rituals to set up the combat field. Her power is not fantastic, but she is versatile. As another poster to these boards put it "Versatility costs". But she is an acceptable opponent, and used right could bedevil PC'c for a long time!
  20. So First up a snake fro Louisiana. Seriously, he's a snake! So opinions! He' a bit weak. For a Daredevil or Batman type he can be a threat, but at PL 10 I was expecting more. Where he will shine is if he is supported by his sister/mother Lady Mamba and other cultist. Also he could make for a member of a Snake Themed team (Boa Constrictor and Black Mamba from the old Champions enemies book would fit right in). But as is, ......
  21. So this summer I picked up Green Ronin’s Atlas of Earth Prime. As a Hero man I still look out for other products to get ideas and inspiration. Well this product blew me away. Very well detailed and lots of information. So I thought I would give a chapter by chapter impression as well as post many of the characters that I converted into Hero/Champions format as well as my opinion on said characters. So just to let you know these are in many cases my opinion and the conversions are sometimes eye-balled. It is fortunate that M&M uses a point system and that many rules can be found online, that helped in the conversions! So. Chapter one, The USA. Well this section is a bit sparse, but given that the main settings are in the USA, this makes sense. But they do provide a number of plot hooks: A prison in Tennessee that is hiding a secret (To be honest it's not much of a secret when one thinks about, but would make for an interesting adventure) A bit about possible escalation in Chicago. Louisiana and the Snake Cult there. A mysterious mound in Kansas that could lead to mystic or high tech secrets A legacy hero in New York who may need aid. Magic nexuses in Arizona, New Mexico and San Francisco. All in all some good parts to it, with some neat hooks, a bit heavy on the magical/mystical, but acceptable!
  22. I have to agree. Viper Force One and Two are both dangerous teams with very different flavours. VF1 is your big guns, overwhelming force team VF2 is less powerful, but has more members and better team tactics. They beat you by setting you up to take a haymaker while entangled types!
  23. So I just read about the update that Green Ronin is doing to the Freedom-verse, especially the new Lady Liberty. So I offer a Book to read, a YA novel called “Dreadnought” by April Daniels. Here read the blurb from Goodreads. I found it enjoyable and a bit thought provoking. Link https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30279514-dreadnought
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