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Everything posted by Ephelides

  1. Re: Monster Slayers Archtypes Ooo! Got a couple more. The Friend: He's not happy with this monster-hunting shtuff, and he may not be very good at it (or perhaps he's very good at it), but that doesn't stop him. His friend(s) is/are in trouble, and he isn't going to let him/them face danger alone. (I'm thinking of that cartoon-like "Amurican" in Dracula; he was one of the useful sort). The Hireling: This guy's only fighting monsters because he's paid. He might be looking for another job, and/or whining about this jub, or he may be so glad to have any job he's hanging onto it with both hands, both feet, and all his teeth. (I'm thinking Winston Zeddemore from Ghostbusters). This type should not be confused with the Red Shirt, who's an NPC only there to die messily to impress the players with how dangerous things are.
  2. Re: Monster Slayers Archtypes Two more archtypes (yeah I know, I'm late to the party). The fanatic monster hater who gets by on sheer hatred and determination. The disbeliever who never admits the supernatural exists and has a scientific explaination for everything.
  3. Re: New campaign, new member here... She wants to keep "the super resistance" alive, the anger of superpeople building, until they lash out at the government. In the confusion that follows, she will take over the country! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Over the top? What does that mean? You have not said what the rest of the world is like, regarding supers. Perhaps the rest of the world has a calm, rational reaction to supers. She is so embarrassed by the USA's reaction that she is determined to change it so her country is not a laughingstock. She wants to "investigate" supers to find out how they do what they do. She cannot experiment on-=-=-oops, "test" and "research" them-=-=-if they are all in hiding or neutralized. I will think on this to see if other ideas occur to me.
  4. Re: [Possible game] Jonestown Blues You just must rent out "Cool World"! It is so much like what you have described! But the writing is second rate and sometimes the acting is too, I warn you.
  5. Re: Stupid firearms question I think the propellent might burn, though I always thought air got the compounds to mix good when the burning started. I could be wrong. The projectile will travel faster and further with no air resistance. The "wad" pushing out could also happen with pistol/rifle rounds. An unseated (total or part) projectile would be Bad News®. Also, the round likely bulges from air-pressure inside. This is very bad for semi-/full-automati feeds. Could happen to shotgun rounds too.
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