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Posts posted by psychoticbarber

  1. Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


    Sounds like the players need to


    1) Escape from the mall.

    2) Figure out what's going on.

    3) Find a way to reverse it.


    Some sort of greater demonic entity is responsible for the tainted chocolate. Basically a given, haha. A mischief demon. What kind of powers/talents do your characters have?

  2. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central


    I decided to forgo Powers as I'm still indecisive about powers' date='( as seen with Riff).


    I've only played one pulp game before myself, and that was for only one session. :) But I do remember that maybe one in every bunch of pulp characters had any kind of powers. The Shadow is the only one that comes to mind and he had only one power. The rest were like Indiana Jones and Jake Cutter (From Tales of the Golden Monkey). So, enter Hank. :)


    ...as long as the GM supports powers, because I don't think I can build a four-armed Plutonian without them...

  3. Re: Another Magic System...


    First of all, thank you very much for help, I like your idea quite a bit (at least, the parts of it I fully understand ;)).


    A couple questions:


    Weave Affinity Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool)' date=' 10 base + 10 control cost, VPP Pool Is Limited To Highest Affinity x 10 AP (Affinity Effects Use Lowest Applicable Affinity Level AP Limit; +0), All Limitations On Effects Other Than RSR: Affinity Skill Require GM Permission (Activation and Charges Are Never Permitted; +0), Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required To Change Powers (+1) (25 Active Points); Affinity Appropriate Effects Only (Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water Affinities) (-1/4), All Effects Require Appropriate Affinity Skill Roll To Initialize (Multiple Affinity Effects Use Lowest Affinity Level Skill Roll; -1/4); Real Cost: 20 points per 10 Pool.[/quote']


    I'm a little lost by some of the Hero-ese here. Just to clarify... The character buys a VPP at 20 real points for every 10 points in the pool?


    Then, the limit of how much of that pool that can be accessed is based on the affinity system?


    Cosmic I follow...I think the rest of that block I follow, just those two questions.


    Affinity Skills: (3/2 Power Skills)

    Power Skill: Air (INT)

    Power Skill: Earth (CON)

    Power Skill: Fire (PRE)

    Power Skill: Spirit (EGO)

    Power Skill: Water (BODY)


    Really like this, just wanted to say that.


    Thanks for your help!

  4. KillerShrikeKillerShrikeKillerShrike!


    There, now that the summoning is done...


    I'm mostly poaching the Wheel of Time's channeling for my magic system. Would you folks mind looking over this document, and help me streamline this system a little bit? I very much want the "affinity=active points"/"skill=real points" relationship to stay mostly intact. Other than that, feel free to critique, as long as you offer useful suggestions.

  5. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central


    A plutonian geek.


    Completely obsessed with Earth Culture, but learned about it in the only way he could: Via radio. He styles himself after Nick Danger, when he comes to Earth.


    Visually, he plays the hardboiled detective straight; A khaki-coloured trenchcoat over a gray suit and fedora. His skin is very, very pale from living on Pluto, and his hair is shocking white. He has two small antenna that he keeps covered under his hat. He smokes cigars, drinks whiskey, and has a great fondness for Earth women.


    His problem is that unless it happens in a radio drama, he probably doesn't know how to do it. Actually making a telephone call? Quite foreign to him. He probably narrates his own life quietly under his breath, which would weird out a lot of people.


    As with most hard-boiled dectives, he has a heart of gold under his gruff exterior. He always tries to do the right thing, and in fact comes to Earth to warn them about the Plutonian invasion force that is mere months away from landing. Unfortunately, his ship crashed somewhere out in the American midwest, and has only just now arrived in (wherever the game is to be set).


    Rough sketch, but it'll do for now.

  6. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central


    Again' date=' I want this to be a campaign where we all have some input so whatever works out best for the players will be what we go with. I, for one, would like to have the posts happen fairly often. Once a day/5 times a week would be good for me, but I could do more (and, obviously, less)[/quote']


    Depending on the expected level of the intenseness of posts, I can usually do one or two a day. I do go away for weekends and things, but I'm usually able to let somebody know I'll be disappearing.


    I'm also curious about very general point-levels, just so I can sort of figure out some of the aspects of the character as I go. My characters very much grow as I build them, so I just want to start slapping some basic bits together.


    Edit: I'm also very much leaning in the direction of the Plutonian with a heart of gold.

  7. Re: First Time GMing


    Nope' date=' had nothing to do with a poorly designed keyboard. Who puts the 'Y' key where the 'T' key should be...I mean, c'mon![/quote']


    You have the fabled QWERYT keyboard!? That's like the Golden Ticket! Take it to IBM!


    Unless this is an actual keyboard model, in which case... WHAT!?

  8. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central


    How long do we have to get the sheets ready? I know you said you didn't want them, but I'm still in the process of acquiring Pulp Hero and I definitely want to look at it before I sheet it up.


    I have a couple ideas:


    1) A former Nazi Scientist who is obsessed with electricity.

    2) A Plutonian whose spaceship crashed, some future-y tech, definite fun with "Not from earth" schtick.


    Those are the two that immediately pop into my head.

  9. Re: First Time GMing


    That's awesome! Congratulations for taking your first step behind the screen, as it were. As for stupid characters, I'd give it another session to see if he mellows out, and then start trying to figure out what you can do.

  10. Re: Weapon Familiarity and Reality


    I think in real life STR has more to do with melee than DEX.


    Edit: (stupid page accidentally told it to post, I wasn't done yet). It's easier to hit when you're strong, because the speed of your swing is proportional to your strength, and the faster you swing, the harder it is to block.


    Dex is of course also factored in, in terms of blow placement.

  11. Re: Kayru, City of Ancients


    I'm a design cat. So if you need help building something' date=' I'll merrily jump in, but I tend to not read blogs. Too broad, and I have a lot of other projects burning already. But if you have a specific "Hey, how do I do this?" question, I'll happily help you. If you're going for a magic SYSTEM design, you want KS's help.[/quote']


    Definitely will do. The Blog is becoming less and less system-oriented, and more and more of a thought-organizer. The magic system is definitely in progress, and I'll be sure to bug the forums if I need some help with something else.


    One question, if there is somewhere I could turn to get a list of the things changed from 5E to 5ER, that would be absolutely amazing. I have a copy of 5ER now, but I want to focus on what I need to learn, rather than relearning the entire system.

  12. Hey folks,


    I've been lurking for a couple days now, but I wanted to let everyone in on my new, up and coming, still-in-progress, low-magic (but definitely not no-magic) fantasy setting, modeled in the Hero System!


    I'm doing a fair amount of the work as a blog, found here, though once you read the magic-system post, you'll probably be thankful that I'm going to clean it up into another type of file.


    The premise is this: Magic has been gone from the world for over a thousand years, and with the secret return of ancient wizards, it is again being born into the world.


    I'm mostly posting this because the blog is fairly niche and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have any readers yet, and I thought that of all the people in the universe, fellow Hero players would be most interested.


    Hope you enjoy, feel free to comment here, or there, or both (if you comment there, let me know that you're from here, and I'll be supernice! :D)

  13. Re: D&D twists on Fantasy Hero Ok???


    Who the heck let Sweeny Todd on the board?


    Welcome, rep, etc. etc. Careful, I bite. :D


    Well, I have to claim a lack of prior knowledge of Sweeny Todd. First I heard of him is from the movie ads recently, and I created my first psychoticbarber identity back three years ago on KoL.


    Thanks for the welcome!

  14. Re: D&D twists on Fantasy Hero Ok???


    Just had a thought I think I'll employ for my next game. Why not a marked string?


    It would allow you to measure inches around corners, in odd paths, and basically however you like, and does not require the use of a grid. That and all you need is a ruler, a marker, and a piece of string.


    *Decides to make one later on...*

  15. Re: Naruto


    So buying your Chakra as a power reserve and just having all powers that pull from chakra only use the end reserve and all other 'normal' attacks; ie taijutsu, pull from your normal End. So characters like Garaa have immense ER; others like Rock Lee, have Giant end; and Naruto would have both.

    La Rose


    I began to try this this morning, but I ran into one difficulty: END reserves are very cheap, point-wise. At one character point per ten endurance, a character can easily pull off a hundred or more endurance with little cost to the character. Looking at the standard endurance cost per power, if we assume a maximum REC of 5 on the END reserve, it would take a very long time for anybody to run out of Chakra.


    I would instead buy Chakra points as Characteristics with the Limitation "Only for Ninjutsu/Genjutsu, not linked to Phyiscal END", and apply the Character's natural REC to it post-segment 12. The idea put forward on the HLV game for having a Chakra Control Skill Roll, in which a small failure costs you more of your Chakra points, would work well with this system.

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