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Posts posted by mky7

  1. @IndianaJoe3 I'm trying to model it because they can't understand him if they can't see him. In essence, what i'm trying to give him is Speech, Invisible to Hearing Group, but Obvious to Sight Group. I just don't know how to do that. I like the language skill idea, but then others would need to take the language as well. Skills can be built as powers though. Is Language: Tactical Hand Signals, Usable on Other legal?


    @LoneWolf It is a mystical ability. He's using his ki to project his current intentions to those that can perceive him (whether he's aware of them or not, so anyone eavesdropping on the conversation would "hear" what the ninja is saying, provided they see the him). It's an ability that is intrinsic to his ninja training. 

  2. I'm trying to make a silent ninja character. The idea is that even though he doesn't speak, he can still respond by staring back at them and using minimal body language. Anyone observing the conversation that can see him immediately understands what he's getting at.

    Example Conversation:

    Blaster: VIPER has abducted the mayor! What's our plan team?

    Brick:  Those snakes can't hurt me. I'll charge right in there!

    Silent Ninja: ...

    Brick: Reckless? What do you mean?

    Silent Ninja (with a more serious expression):  ....  

    Brick: VIPER's got Grond with them!?

    Silent Ninja: *nods, then closes his eyes*

    Blaster: You've got a plan, Ninja? Well alright, I'm all ears.

    Silent Ninja: *slowly opens his eyes, a smirk forming under his mask* ...

    Blaster: Plan E? That's crazy!

    Brick: But it just might work.

    Blaster: Fine, but if something goes wrong I'm blaming you.

    Silent Ninja: *shrugs*

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