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Everything posted by Merovign

  1. Re: Ideas for Neo-Victorians in StarHERO I would suggest a survey of Victorian society (a brief one) from a variety of sources, and then pick and choose from it like a buffet. Which is what a society that wants to emulate a past one would tend to do - use the parts that benefit you. A modern society that wanted to adopt Victorianism would likely pick the parts most compatible with its own values - not attempt to force old values on itself. We tend to look back on the times that provided us with the most progress and success as the worst because they gave us the advantage of the extra leisure time we needed for self-criticism. No matter how much worse the lives of medieval peasants were than 19th-century Americans, anyone can tell you how bad the "Robber Barons" were, and some of them can name names.... but not too many will dwell on medieval lords as particular tyrants, even though their "peasantry" were treated. It's totally up to the game designer, you can make the society the evil twin of its history, or you can pick the best parts to represent it, or you can try to make it a realistic middle path, or for that matter an equal mix of good and bad with no particular message. Best of luck with your gameworld!
  2. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I don't think I used enough smileys in that post, what do you think?
  3. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Good to be part of the game (finally)! Sorry I didn't get back sooner, had an awful Flu-Like-Bug this weekend. Getting better now, though. I'm working on a character for Gemini Ascendant, looks like I can take more than a couple of hours to make that one. I hope to be done with work a little early on Thursday so I can be there in time for the beginning of the game. Hopefully, as time goes by, Jin can prove his worth and maybe provide a little tasty seasoning. And maybe I'll get back into the Rule/System groove and be more up to speed with the software. I'll try to keep up with the thread every day to sort of "catch up" with the group, but at least for the first few sessions on GA I'm not going to go back and read the whole thread, to reduce the amount of "on-table-knowledge" I have to work with. I am going to review the campaign background website (and maybe propose some upgrades to it... ) and I'll probably have some questions about "the universe" as I go.
  4. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Just stopped by to say thanks, the game was fun (and the first for me in a while now), I'm looking forward to "seeing" you all again next week! I'll get a grip on OpenRPG one of these days, honest...
  5. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Hey y'all. Some of you may remember me as that guy who has never joined the game. Nolgroth, for personal reasons, will not be available for the game until after Christmas. He'll get back to you, as himself or through me, with more details as soon as he can. Wish I had better news, or more of it...
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