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Everything posted by Merovign

  1. Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO Also, for a great resource.... browse the boards! There are a ton of great resources in the posts and responses here, and not just in the genre threads. It's cheaper than books, and a great place to get started. Once you've spent some time catching up with all the questions other people have asked, you'll have a better feel for the system, AND a better feel for what other resources you might need. Welcome and happy gaming!
  2. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign It's not the size of your crazy... Alternatively - big crazy comes in small packages. As to skin tone, would it be easier to try the asian skin tone you mentioned earlier? That might work (it's hard to tell and I hate for you to spend any extra time on it at this point...). Apart from me being picky, it's perfect. You are the workhorse here - why is it that the less I work the less spare time I have? WTF is up with that? And why do I hate smilies in MapTools but use them all over the boards?
  3. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Awesome! The skin's darker than I was thinking, ya know, more Venice Beach and less New Delhi. More yellow and less grey, I guess. But it's all good! Is Ta really that tall? Maybe Killian should get up in his face less often. For some reason I like the "Monkey in Powered Pants" think, and I don't mean that in a "circus" kind of way. It's like a perfect sci-fi monkey.
  4. Re: Powers and Pulp It's all about balancing the challenges to the characters. It's easy enough to make a "Pulp Setting" that fits with super-powered characters, and if you've been successfuly creating challenges and enemies in a Champions campaign, just keep doing what you've been doing. Scaling down the characters, I would think, would only be needed if you want to use pre-made challenges and enemies, or just want to tone down the campaign, in which case the suggestions above about "flavor changes" in addition to simple points-changes are awesome. But you're kind of making new characters at that point - which is also cool, sort of a "multiverse" kind of thing. But you can also scale up the setting to meet the characters - especially if the players are happy with the challenge level.
  5. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Dude, family first! We can wait.
  6. Re: Space Junk in Earth Orbit So, Baloo, that would be purchased as ablative, -1?
  7. Re: Space Junk in Earth Orbit 1) Why have I never heard of Salvage 1? I have every episode of Quark, for crying out loud! 2) We could probably, given enough time and effort, get all that junk into a ring, which would be easier than retrieving it all or moving it out of orbit. 3) Another trick would be to make a satellite that collects junk and chucks it - the sun, deep space, the moon, even at Earth. Like the Toy Box, sort of. Though I imagine it would be more robotics and less EVA suits. 4) And yet another - a manufacturing/recycling satellite that collects and processes space junk into other things - stations, ships, etc. Maybe a touch outside current technical means. I think of it less as junk and more as materials that we don't have to lift into space - it's already there.
  8. Re: Dark Heresy The Elder Wyrm returns to devour all life! Mwuhahahaha! And nothing the Malvans can do will stop it! It's always nice to have another flavor in your RPG "culinary" toolbox! Even though conversions make my head spin.
  9. Re: High Tech High Noon At first I said, "Oh, bad voice acting, boring, yadda yadda," I got about halfway through and almost quit, and when the one "robot's" guns were empty and they made duck quacks, I started laughing, and it kept getting funnier after that. So, like a lot of movies, it should have started halfway through. Good find!
  10. Re: Y-Wing Evolution I always thought of the Y-wing as sort of like the P47 Thunderbolt - it was a mainstay multirole fighter/attack platform, it wasn't pretty, but the darned things just kept flying. Though the Y-wing was more of an attack aircraft, IIRC. http://www.aviation-history.com/republic/p47.html The idea of hearkening back to older designs is not entirely alien to the Star Wars universe.
  11. Re: Weird Science, Chinese Rain Rockets Mercedes does this to try to keep hail off their outdoor storage facilities, I recall hearing, though they use planes and not rockets to seed the clouds.
  12. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Oh, and, additionally: I call this piece of art: "Hey, I can see my ship from here!"
  13. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign My condolences to the crew of the Mercury. May grace and forbearance guide you through these difficult times, and no infections set in and stuff.
  14. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Okay, we are just THAT GOOD. The Gemini Ascendant server is open for business. Come one, come all.
  15. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign James' PC has said "AAAACK! THUD!" It's looking doubtful, but you might want to check in periodically here for further announcements. Looks like possible filesystem corruption due to a really useful and psychotically dangerous utility running in the background, but that's blood under the bridge right now. I will update before the top of the hour in either case, possibly sooner. Tech support (i.e. us) is on the job.
  16. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Sourpuss and grumpy face! Sourpuss and grumpy face! (Wait - I'm egging on the GM when he's in a bad mood - should I be working on a new character?)
  17. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I could put my finger on that. (runs...)
  18. Re: How to make an ice planet plausible Following up on Nolgy's atmosphere processing, it could be that a significantly high-tech civilization may have engineered entire worlds, under a number of scenarios. It could be that a world was engineered and abandoned with the processing systems still intact and running. They could be monolithic processing machines, or huge surface greenhouses that grow wild. The plant life thing depends on CO2 being present, anyway. It could be that the world is a failed terraforming event and the atmospheric O2 levels are slowly falling through chemical conversion or what-have-you. I think part of OP's question was looking for a naturalistic model for an ice world, and that's trickier. The "summer belt" of greenery on the equator would probably be best because it doesn't require as much land/water as you'd think, with less animal life breathing the O2, and probably less forest fires. It also allows you some terrain variation. At the extreme end, a large icy satellite orbiting a gas giant might be affected by the larger world's awesome electromagnetic field in such a way that a natural hydrolysis occurs that breaks up some surface ice into hydrogen and oxygen, but even if that mechanism could work it would pose some pretty serious threats to visitors. Would be a cool idea for a "puzzle" as to why an iceball has a breathable atmosphere.
  19. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I'm actually at the point where I don't want to speculate too much about what's going to happen. Hoping we can keep the tempo up - the last session was cut short in some ways, a high point in others. We have a chance to propel the story forward - we've been going sideways an awful lot. I doubt that's all over with, but maybe we're working on a couple of arcs now. As usual, I wish I had more to say. Busy chasing flutterbys the last few days.
  20. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign If Dralasites are mainly muscle, they might have electrostatic short-range perception. The development of sight might have been engineered to deal with leaving a "short-range" ground-based home environment.
  21. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign What, no Anarchy T-shirt? Great work, don't go making up any new patterns. Oh, and one more thing - a short-sleeved spacesuit? (I have a whole routine about that from when Doom 3 came out, I'll post that someday when we have a "video game reminiscence" thread. )
  22. Re: US Police Equipment #1 is all down to ammunition design, not caliber, and the second paragraph - well, I guess that depends on what the department approves. But people believe all sorts of things. Some of them are even true. (90% shot placement, 7% bullet design, 3% caliber, They say.)
  23. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign No, but I wish I'd thought of that... it would make the Hawiian shirt reference clever instead of random.
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Mindstalking" by Lunascape.
  25. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I imagine the tech Killian is a little pink. Maybe not that pink. Outfit is cool. My original concept had sort of armor plates on it, but he's a tech for crying out loud. What you have there works good for a Skinsuit, which is what he wears. If you have a stock-standard space helmet, he could be carrying it, but don't go to any lengths for that. Feel free to add a little color and/or pattern to the suit if it works better with the dark background - maybe make it charcoal, I don't know - maybe it looks fine as is. I'm half-tempted to request a Hawaiian shirt, But That Would Be Wrong. Once again, awesome work!
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