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Everything posted by AlgaeNymph

  1. Obviously. There are more powers for players. ; ) Think of the stories! A shutdown team practically writes itself. Or something. : p
  2. looks at videos Yeah, that's the kind of corruption V'han would go after.
  3. Which is why a better comparison for the V'hanian Empire is Achaemenid Persia, which also respected local cultures and prohibited slavery. (Or possibly the United States at its more heavy handed...) This segues well to my next point. The sad thing is that for some people, freedom and self-determination means maintaining privilege at the expense of others. We like to depict rebel groups in fiction as akin to the Returners, but they're much more likely to be akin to the Spartans: a toxic culture with good publicity. (There's a reason I keep linking to this video.) And now back to the topic at hand: Thank you muchly. : ) I'd also like to add an explanation my sweetheart gave me: "You may have all the funding the empress can throw at you, but money isn't the solution. Imagine it like this- you play Skyrim, and have a hack for infinite Magicka. You still need to go about casting spells for that infinite Magicka to do any good. Money is only valuable for what you can do with it, and even if it seems like there's plenty, there's always gonna be somewhere and someone else who wants it, for you to compete with."
  4. I...haven't Can you elaborate? Particularly in this thread's context?
  5. Oh, now I know what I want to bring up. Say you have a science hero(ine) who wants to reform and uplift society...except that's kind of the Empire's job. Are they relegated to face-punching? Or, as is my guess, are they subsumed into the government and they get to do what they wanted to anyway? But then where would they do it? Newly annexed worlds? But then where's the challenge when there's government backing?
  6. In that I'm talking about scenarios outside of military service.
  7. When not in their mandatory -- and very well-compensated -- two decades of military service the superbeings of the V'hanian Empire engage in the standard superheroics. However, the Empire takes very good care of its people. (Except rebels, but the living standards raise the question of why anyone would rebel.) So what's there to do?
  8. Could you elaborate? Either turn them to your side, or turn them into bodies. Yeah, her power was one I definitely had at the forefront of my mind. : ) Also, thanks for directing me to those outtakes! I also found out that Thunderbird doesn't like Lady Blue... : ( I have, but I'm looking for powers on the cheap. Suppressors cost a loootta points. I know what Flash is but I'm unfamiliar with it in action. Could you tell me more? And sometimes I get something good that I wasn't expecting. : D But that should be its own thread, assuming one isn't already there to search for.
  9. Suppose I'm looking to create a team of superhumans designed to neutralize, abduct, and otherwise eliminate meddlesome superheroes...or -villains. Because I do. What powers and powersets would you all recommend?
  10. To directly answer your question: The Justice Squadron's Mansion has a section in The Ultimate Base (p.86-99), and Ravenswood Academy has a whole chapter in Teen Champions (p.44-79). The Champions themselves sort of have their base, Homestead, described, but I recall it's "just use the generic one in the guidebook" and I don't recall anything else at the moment. To expand on this thread, something I've thought about is "what sort of base would be useful for someone who doesn't need anything?" By which I mean a do-anything power set that doesn't require lots of stuff; a mystic master, for example, but not a gadgeteer. I'd look at the following list: And modify it from there. Our do-anything doesn't need a vehicle, unless they have teammates who do. The do-anything may have a secret identity, but the base may be all-business with the civvie mask being anywhere else. Even if someone can conjure a lab you still need a place for all that stuff. Same goes for prisoners, loot, and trophies. A public meeting spot is fine for bright & shiny types, but grim avengers prefer an e-mail in front of seven proxies. And hidden servers away from the base. If the do-anything's too conked out to use their healing powers they're gonna need a medbay. Conjured AI can monitor the news but they'll have to be stored somewhere. Or you can give a network of news junkies your e-mail if you can't just make minions. What else could I add to that list?
  11. Dang, and I though you of all people would have one handy, or at least know where that thread was... Welp, best wait and see what develops then.
  12. As is my wont, like the straightforward title asks. A list of villains from 4e, and listed by supplement. Heroes too, but they're not as common, and I wanted the title to be easier to find via search engine. I think there was a thread that answered this, but I can't seem to find it. So much for my MLIS...
  13. (Dang, didn't reply because I didn't have much to say, then put it off, but it's something, so...) Thanks for the thorough-yet-concise reply! It's certainly answered my questions with affirmative maybes. ; ) I am curious who you think won the tournament in 2012. Based on what happened to the Champions-verse (and ours) I'm guessing the Dragon won... 😞
  14. I’m normally more specific with my topic titles but I’ve a few odd questions that don’t fit a higher theme, and may have more as I think of them. Also, the questions assume knowledge of the source material, particularly the 4e supplement Watchers of the Dragon. Here’re my questions, with no further adieu: • According to the rules no high-tech is allowed in the tournament. But what about everything else that isn’t martial arts? No reason was given that I remember for other superpowers being disallowed, save for implied tradition. • Related to the above, what if the fighter only uses martial arts, but they’ve been genetically enhanced? (Teleios might enter on a lark…) • The tournament winner’s home country becomes preeminent for the next 60 years. What if their country is the V’hanian Empire? Or does the boon only go to the continental level?
  15. What are TV versions like? The only teen show I've watched was Daria.
  16. Visiting jerks might be a thing. Though since the super sub-school's secret they wouldn't have reason to visit unless they had beef with Rowan, or one of the staff, or one of the students, or just wanted to get at some rich jerk through a student, or actually had a personal issue with a non-trad classmate's secret ID. But other than that no reason to visit the school at all. Oo! Someone remembers Ms. Crone! 🤩 Obviously one of my favorites; I like smart kids who have it all together. 🙃 How do you mean?
  17. Perhaps my inquiry is based on faulty assumptions but read me out. If Orchardsville is in any way based on real-world Orchard Lake (which is about the right direction and distance from Detroit) then, unless you count the chain stores along the main street, there’s bugger-all to do unless villains hide bases there rather than any other bedroom community. “But the action’s in Millennium City” you say. True, it’s a relatively short (~16 mi/~25.7 km, if the distances are about the same) drive, but can your turbo teen get to the scene of the crime fast enough? And what’s the range of your teen teleporter? To say nothing of weekdays and curfew. Or is it assumed the happenings’ll be in the city where our hero(ine)s’ll just happen to be? Seems contrived even for comics. Or, again, am I missing something?
  18. Oo! I can just imagine all the fanboys complaining about this making the show "too political," as if superhero comics never were. I can also imagine all my spicy hot takes, but you can as well so I've no need to prove my point. ; ) I'll need some time to think up a proper contribution, but...um... Stonewall. The gay, earthbending rock-guy. Who was gay. And only had plotlines related to such. Well-meaning, but controversial due to the character's lack of depth. Quite the shock to the creator and writer of the character, but they never looked beyond their arthouse bubble anyway. Yes, I'm just as lazy as the show's producers. : p
  19. Ooo! : ) What're they like? What can they do?
  20. There're at least two heroes named Templar and Charisma, and at least two villains named Pharaoh and Hecate. The show's been around for ~20 years as of ~2006 and had an amusement part based on the show completed in late 2003 (and if only I had more information on that...), so I'd say it's fairly popular. As for what the show's like, it started in the late 80's and is described as a soap opera, so I'm guessing it's going to be a trope opera. Especially since Travis Garver (the players of Templar) complained (rightly) of it becoming hackneyed. I'd draw on the X-Men cartoons for inspiration regarding character interaction (combined with the occasional romance subplot from the DCAU, and possibly latter-day redeem-the-villain cartoons), with the series taking place in the kind of standard supers setting you see in RPGs. Since it was created for syndicated television (almost certainly by a syndicate) before the era of Web-based cultural literacy, I expect the characters to be...archetypal, to put it politely. For plot arcs, my intuition is to look at whichever kept-on-life-support shows have been making bank for Weekly Shōnen Jump.
  21. For those who don't have too much free time and aren't conversant in obscure and seldom-relevant lore (and you probably homebrew anyway : p), To Save The World is a soap opera in the Champions setting, even more so than the heyday of the X-Men: And besides a mention in Everyman (p.24, 108) and possibly Champions Battlegrounds (which I don't have...) there isn't anything else about it that I recall. So what? Let's flesh it out, just for fun, based on what we know or can extrapolate. Particularly if using the adventure seed where Menton gets too into the show... ; )
  22. I...don't know anything about Champions Now, or the examples given therein.
  23. Somebody actually replied! : D But I wasn't thinking about lazy-to-nonexistent worldbuilding, or the monetization of sequels, so much as deconstructing what rebels are. I should probably make it a more specifically topical thread...
  24. Relevant for any campaign that focuses on Istvatha V'han. ; ) I look forward to reading everyone's opinions.
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