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Posts posted by Rerednaw

  1. I was thinking about the aliens from Alien. If you hit hard enough to do BODY, then you trigger a killing attack, continuous, uncontrolled acid damage shield that diminishes over time (several phases).


    How would construct this power? Juggling all the advantages and combinations makes my brain juices squeeze out of my ears sometimes and I was looking for a little help.


    1d6 Killing Attack (physical, acid)

    Self must take body (-1/2)

    Damage Shield (+1/2)

    Continuous (+1 for damage shield)

    Reduced END (+1/2)

    Gradual Effect 1 turn? (-1/4)?

    other modifiers?



  2. Re: Re: Whoa!


    Originally posted by Killer Shrike

    Hey, thanx!


    Any comments on the points and whatnot?


    A good write-up. However, I would suggest perhaps making it a special power or removing the END cost so it cannot be placed in a framework except with express GM permission.



  3. Re: Clarification requested


    Originally posted by DoctorItron

    Rerednaw, I'm a little confused. I'm not sure if you want the defenses to protect you from all attacks, or only from the "feedback" damage you take when you do a move-by or move-through?


    If the former (all attacks), then I agree that the limitation should be small, since you'll almost always be moving in combat. A -1/4 limitation sounds right.


    If the latter (feedback damage only), then I'd go with a -1 limitation, since the defenses won't protect you against attacks.


    It is only from feedback damage. If anyone hits him while he is moving he takes normal damage. With time and experience, he will be able to extend the effect of his defense to beyond that of impact only.



  4. I'm working on a speedster with limited physical invulnerability to collisions or move throughs/bys. (Kinda of like Cannonball from the old New Mutants).


    What kind of limitation would it be on extra defenses if they only work in those circumstances (must be moving and doing a move by/through etc.). Normally I'd say -1. But since it will probably end up being his primary type of offense, maybe -1/4 or -1/2?





  5. I don't have the book in front of me but I do recall a table for skills.


    One of the difficulties when making characters, especially when it is a bunch of new players, is all the page flipping. I was wondering if there existed a summary page for skills/talents/perks/powers with their costs?


    I have the Fred book and I have the program hero designer but I don't recall seeing this in either.


    Something like the composite skills/ads/disads sheet that GURPS has in pdf (actually a reprint of the back of their compendium guide).


    I suppose I could go through and make one myself...but I wanted to know if there was one already.



  6. He's mentioned in Champions Universe and in Conquerors', Villains and Crooks, but there isn't a write up for him.


    In CKC, his entry is in boldface indicating a character sheet, but unfortunately he isn't.


    Where can I find his 5E stats?

  7. How is it a disadvantage...


    Originally posted by Monolith

    We will address these things little by little. :)


    First off, only 6 villains out of nearly 100 in CKC which have 1,000+ points ...the number of "powerful" villains is not that many.


    The villain needs to be able to absorb more punishment, and do a little more damage in order to have any chance at making it an easy fight.


    As far as the Psychological Limitations go, it makes sense that many villains are Overconcident...If the GM does not play a villain as Overconfident or as a Megalomanic then the GM should just erase the Disads and replace them with Experience. I enjoy playing the villain's Disads myself.


    I play them as well. My point is that they just aren't disadvantages. They should be worth a reduced value or even 0 points because they do not limit the villain.


    Here are some other 'disadvantages':


    Distinctive Feature: Aura of Utter Evil (causes fear). - If anything this would help Presence attacks and might even be an advantage.


    Psych Lim: Casual Killer. (most players would be too, if they could)


    Reputation: Powerful evil supervillain(es)./Dangerous Supervillain(es) This limits them if, I mean if, they actually want to lead a normal life or aren't evil/a villain...which isn't the case for most who have this.


    Psych Lim: Sadistically evil.

    Psych Lim: Vengeful

    Psych Lim: Contempt for normal humans/Disdain for normals/Normals are playthings.

    Psych Lim: Violent


    I don't know, I'd consider a 2x vulnerability to be worth something and certainly more than one of those above. I'd still assign these psych lims, reps, etc. but they would be for roleplaying purposes and since they aren't a disadvantage, I'd probably reduce or strip the points given entirely. But that is as a GM.


    As a player, our group tends to scratch their heads when facing groups of villains who are more powerful than us and have no exploitable weaknesses. Not to say they are all like that, but all too many of them are.

  8. I was flipping through some of the character examples in the supplement Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks. I've noticed a recurring theme.


    Many villains have overconfidence, vengeful, some kind of prone to violence psychological, enraged, megalomania and so forth.


    If you had the kind of offensive/defensive power array that some of the non player characters possess you would be overconfident as well, since there isn't anything (or very few) things in the campaign universe that could match you.


    Likewise for the other psych traits, it's difficult for a typical party to take advantage of (1000 pt+ NPC) overconfidence when they don't possess anything that could handle him.


    Whereas for a player character (even a superhero) built on a great deal less, being overconfident IS a disadvantage.


    I'm not talking about 'powering down' certain write ups. In previous versions of Champions, these 'Enemies' are mostly written for the default campaign. I'm assuming that these are also (I don't have the book in front of me so I cannot verify at the moment).


    Many of the character write ups don't have the full 150 disadvantages either. Granted with experience it would be natural for some to be bought off, but the players don't have that option at start.


    =After action report, where the players and GM discuss what could have been handled differently=


    Players: "Let me get this straight, we have a 12 dice cap on powers. This guy we are fighting has hardened defenses with lack of weakness in excess of 70 versus our primary attack types and an equivalent amount versus our special attacks. How are we supposed to affect him?"


    GM: "Use his overconfidence against him."


    Players: "What!???"


    GM: "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, his attacks are 20+ dice"


    Players: "--"


    GM: "Well, you could have debased yourselves and appealed to his megalomania..."


    Players: "That doesn't sound very heroic."


    GM: "Coordinated attacks..."


    Players: "Only add what gets PAST his defenses."


    *granted, I don't tell players the attacks and defense of their opponents. This example was from a game where I was one of the players. The GM didn't do anything wrong, he used everything in the module as written and even toned down some of our opponents. We couldn't talk our way out of the situation. Combat was not even considered because we knew we didn't have the capability. Unusual talents (I had 3 levels of luck) didn't kick in. Our enemies hunteds didn't show, and it would have been cheesy if they had, if a villain's hunted take him out, what good are the players for? We couldn't call out for any assistance either. *


    By the way, we ended up blowing up the doomsday rocket. The resulting explosion took out the villain, but killed all of us in the process. After a week or so, the villain recovered from being blown into next week as he only took stun damage not body, but we were all dead.


    So the bottom line is, should villains get the points for these disadvantages if no one can effectively use them against the villain?



  9. Making a energy projector who uses force fields.


    I have this question. Is there any reason why I couldn't separate the PD and ED portions of the force field and place them in different slots. I recall there's a rule about redundant slots in a multipower.


    (The idea is he can concentrate his powers on defending against physical or energy attacks or both, but cannot maximize both and still do a full attack).


    For example in a 60 point MP:


    Cost Power

    60 MP reserve

    10 m 10d6 EB

    5 u 5d6 EB, AF (radius)

    4 u 3d6 RKA, energy

    3 m +15 PD FF

    3 m +15 ED FF





  10. I am of four minds (pun intended) defining this mental power:



    -Based on ECV

    -EGO to break not STR

    -and (forget the last modifier)


    Mind Control.

    -One command. "Do absolutely nothing!"


    -Drain (Ego)


    -Transform (normal to completely paralyzed).


    Which would you use and why?


    Just looking for opinions on this.



  11. Originally posted by Zaratustra

    Sounds very good, but why a different power?


    Because there isn't true 'invulnerability' in the Hero system. Using desolidification, then any attack with affects desolid will affect that form, which really makes no sense.


    There isn't an official damage reduction 100% power as of yet either.


    I also meant to include it was special power that costs no END, so it can't go into a framework. Thanks for pointing that out, Derek.


    And of course, it should go without saying that no character should be invulnerable to everything, there should always be a weakness.


    Just my thoughts on the matter anyway.



  12. I've noticed that the damage reduction charts thread has become a invulnerability thread.


    Since I want to handle the two separately I'll ask here. (Yes I know this has been brought up ad naseum).


    I've considered the limited form of Desolidification and also high damage reduction (75%) only versus a given SFX, but I'd really rather see a different power altogether.


    My thoughts:


    The standard superhero campaign is 350 points. A character who wishes to be invulnerable should probably be made to spend most if not all on this power.


    Invulnerability *STOP* Base cost 120 points for one type (PD, ED, or Special). The special categories are mental, adjustment powers, and so forth.


    Advise strongly that this power be taken with a mandatory limitation (must be against a particular special effect). (-1/4 to -2, depending on how frequent the attack form is).


    Other limitations: Not resistant -1/2. Not versus AP attacks -1/4. Not versus Penetrating attacks -1/4. Not versus indirect attacks (guy with invulnerable outer skin gets hit with a blast that originates say inside his mouth) -1/4. Likewise not if successful Find Weakness made -1/4.


    Suggestions/changes to resolve this mess (other than not allowing it in the first place?)



  13. I think KS are VERY useful...


    Say your character has made a practice of studying supertypes or secret organizations all his life. He collects documentation and any reports or clues to their habits, practices, tactics and weaknesses. (Maybe he was in the records and research division of UNTIL or PRIMUS)


    KS: Superheros


    KS: Supervillains

    KS: Supervillain weaknesses.

    KS: Supervillain main abilities\powers.

    KS: PSI



    KS: VIPER (local nest)


    The list goes on but wouldn't these knowledge skills be of a great benefit?


    For example:


    Oh yeah, that happens to be Supervillain X, his main abilities of force field manipulation stem from that glowing amulet around his neck, but he's got a weakness for redheads...wielding sharp nasty pointy things.


    Just my thoughts on the matter.

  14. I've been reading through the 5E rules and noticed that some skills cost 1 point to raise and others cost 2 points to raise per level. The example here refers for Knowledge skills:


    Page 41, FRED: "Two Character points...gives the character and 11-..."


    Page 42, FRED: "...Alternatively, a character can base a skill on INT for 3 character points... In either case, each +1 to the skill roll costs 1 Character Point."


    This makes KS (and PS and SS) cheaper than standard 3/2 skills.


    I guess I'd prefer to either see a +1/1 or +1/2 as a standard. And I know as a GM I can rule by default, but I wanted to know what the reason was. Was it grandfathered in?





  15. Originally posted by Acroyear

    Assuming you mean to play supers.


    You actually just need Hero - that's the rules.


    Champions is a genre book (it's useful, but not necessary, especially if you've been doing superhero gaming a while).


    Champions Universe is a setting book... Hero's new house setting.


    Yes sorry I meant I have been playing Champions since the beginning.


    I should have clarified my question.


    So does Champions and Champions Universe not add any new powers/skills/advantages? If it is the setting/background I have all my stuff since the Island of Doctor Destroyer...just wondering what the changes were from the BBB. (4th edition Big Blue Book).


    Do they expand on the 'old' groups/villains. Like Eurostar, Destroyers, DEMON, etc? Or is it the same stuff with new stats?


    None of the stores in my town sell Hero stuff, so I can't even sneak a peek to tell which ones I need.



  16. Hello world. I am glad that 5th edition has been released, as I have been playing since the first edition. However I cannot tell by the catalog entries whether or not I need to buy both the Hero System and Champions books or is Champions enough?







    Three Systems for Steve Jackson under the sky,

    Seven for White Wolf in their halls of stone,

    Nine for the alternative publishers doomed to die,

    One for TSR on his dark throne

    In the Land of Wizards of the Coast where the money lie.

    One System to rule them all, One System to find them,

    One System to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

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