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Posts posted by rjcurrie

  1. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    To be honest, I was a little concerned about the defenses and survivability of the characters myself, so I rewrote all of them on 15 points (25 points for Challenger) and addressed some other issues at the same time.


    In addition to increasing PD and ED, I have increased each character's CON to improve their ability to withstand Stunning when STUN does get through. I also boosted Gauntlet's STR to 50 and with his new PD and ED of 32 (plus 3/3 Combat Luck), he fits a little better into the brick category. I also decided that Professor Plasma was slightly underpowered so I have made most of his powers "Only in Heroic Identity" and boosted his attack and damage capability.


    The links in the original posts now lead to the new versions.

  2. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    What sort of feedback are you looking for? The origins all look good; they don't shout "!960s", but that's not a bad thing. I don't usually offer mechanical critiques; my preferences aren't your preferences. That said, the write ups I've looked through so far all look playable, and have good potential for Hero Moments in a convention game.


    Challenger - So long as he keeps his levels in DCV and remembers to abort to a dodge now and then, should give a good Captain America vibe in combat.


    Silver Archer - Solid bowman. Could be in serious trouble if he actually gets targeted, but that's the archetype. Like the Shoot a Bullet Out of the Air trick, should be able to use that to Heroic effect in a run.


    Finesse - A real monster of a PC, and a nice subtle Wonder Woman vibe. With the DCV, levels, speed and reflection should really shine in combat.


    Prof Plasma - KillerShrike sometimes calls characters like this "Glass Cannons"; that said, looks like he should be fairly effective in combat and very useful in any adventure with a science angle.


    Swift Justice - Looks like a very effective character, both in and out of combat. With the high Speedster Tricks roll, should be able to pull off a fair number of Flash-like effects. More likely to take a punch than the other HtH characters (if they're playing defensively), but also a bit tougher.


    Morning Glory - Both effective and interesting, in and out of combat.


    Lady Luck - Always loved this style of character, and a good build to play her roll. Should come in very handy in any situation, but the player will need to think about how to avoid getting hurt; the levels and missile deflection should definitely be useful.


    Gauntlet - A solid flying light brick and energy projector, though he'd be smart to avoid squaring off at ground level against a dedicated brick. Nice non-combat skill set.


    As a player, I'd probably miss a focused brick option, but I'd be glad to play any of these characters.


    Thanks for the comments, OddHat.


    It sounds like the biggest problem might be that they could all use a few more points in Defenses. Maybe I should just up their point totals by 10-15 points and spent it all on Defenses? Currently, Challenger is built on 450 points while the others are built on 425. Maybe I coiuld make them something like 460 and 440, respectively.


    It was an interesting experience to write these characters up. They have existed as concepts with very brief bios -- briefer than what is here -- in my notes and eventually on my web site for about 12-13 years. However, this is my first attempt to actually write them up as characters. Some were straight-forward to me -- like Challenger, the Silver Archer, and Professor Plasma because they were either already defined through by their off-spring (Challenger and Silver Archer) or because they were based on former PCs of mine that I set hadn't included in the modern SuperSquad America (Professor Plasma). Actually, Gauntlet was also a former PC of mine, but they really share nothing but the name -- a big chunk of Gauntlet the PC's schtick was not appropriate for the 60s and was later used as the basis for Rampart in the Remarkable Wrong-Righters. Others like Lady Luck, Morning Glory, and Swift Justice were tougher because they weren't much than basic concepts. I really had no idea what they would actually look like as Champions characters, especially Lady Luck.



    To be honest, I had never intended a Wonder Woman vibe for Finesse but yeah, now that you have mentioned it, I can definitely see where you would pick one up. Always interesting to see what others find in your characters that you didn't put there. Years ago, when I first created Silver Bow as a PC, I had always envisioned a Green Arrow clone as her father but gave no thought to her mother until I created the SuperSquad America convention event. At that point, I figured she should be a martial artist (a la Black Canary) to carry the Green Arrow bit a little further, but I also needed (in my mind) to explain where Silver Bow got her high DEX and high STR and that's when I came up with the extradimensional princess bit. Most of the staff stuff came when I was writing her up -- mainly as a way to distinguish her from Challenger, the other martial artist on the team.


    As for the lack of a real brick, that's probably because of my own personal bias against bricks. I often find them a little too one-note for my liking and to be honest, I don't think I have ever played a brick as a PC.

  3. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    The final member of the 1970 SuperSquad America is Gauntlet, the team's powered armor member.


    Roger Crane was always a good student, especially in science and math, and he had plans of attending M.I.T. to study engineering. However, just after he graduated high school, his contractor father died in a construction site accident, leaving the family heavily in debt. Seeing no other way to look after his mother and siblings, Roger decided to forego university and take over the family construction company. But that did not stop him from studying all he could about various engineering disciplines on his own and through occasional night school courses. He might never actually get the chance to earn an actual engineering degree, but he would find his own way to make the world a better place. Inspired by powered armor characters in comics, he set out to build his own powered armor suit in his spare time. His first effort was crude and inefficient but it was enough for him to take to the air as the superhero Gauntlet. He continued to refine the armor and soon earned an invitation to join SuperSquad America, their first new member after the founding five.


    Personality-wise, Roger is an advocate for social change and wants to make the world a better place. He take his responsibilities very seriously and is known as a champion for the underdog.


    You can see his 1970s write-up here.


    The Hero Machine depiction of him -- to be replaced by real artwork later:



  4. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    Next up is Lady Luck -- SuperSquad America's resident probability manipulator.


    Lisa Collins was a somewhat plain and slightly clumsy girl growing up in Columbus Ohio. While she was a good student, she had only a few friends and very little social life, but she was always happy and cheerful. When she was 16, her elderly eccentric Aunt Miranda died and left Lisa the ring that she had always claimed brought her good luck. After donning the ring, Lisa felt a change come over her. She began to bloom physically and things began to go more and more her way; she even became a cheerleader in her senior year. It seemed that the mystical powers of the ring triggered Lisa's ability to alter the laws of probability in her favor and when she wore the ring itself, she could actively manipulate probability to affect herself and others. When she moved to New York to attend Columbia University, she also decided to don a costume and became Lady Luck, the Luckiest Girl in the World and was one of the founding members of SuperSquad America.


    Personality-wise, Lady Luck is a happy-go-lucky and cheerful hero.


    You can see her 1970s write-up here.


    The Hero Machine depiction of her -- to be replaced by real artwork later:



  5. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    Next up is Morning Glory -- SuperSquad America's hippie superheroine with light powers.


    Gretel Stebelhoffer had a normal midwestern upbringing until she left Kenosha to study chemistry at University of California, Berkley. There, she got involved with the flower child movement and soon dropped out of university to become part of the Haight-Ashbury scene, although unlike many, she managed to avoid getting into heavy drug use. One night at a party, someone spiked her drink with an experimental drug that triggered her light-based superpowers. Deciding that, sometimes, peace and love need to be fought for, she became the superhero Morning Glory. At Silver Archer's request, she moved to New York to join SuperSquad America. While capable of delivering powerful blasts of lights, she prefers less violent approaches like using the hypnotic qualities of her light to produce feelings of peace and love in her opponents.


    Personality-wise, Morning Glory is a free spirit, sexually and otherwise and has a very left wing point of view. Her politics have caused her to clash with Challenger and other more conservative members of the team, while her obvious attraction to Silver Archer has brought her into definite conflict with his wife Finesse.


    You can see her 1970s write-up here.


    The Hero Machine depiction of her -- to be replaced by real artwork later:



  6. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    i don't see anything wrong with the art work thats what comic art should lok like not that photorealistic junk marvels been foisting off on us


    I have an artist friend who does commissions for me for a very reasonable price and I can get a greater variety in poses and costume designs by having him do the art for me. But in general, I agree with you.

  7. Re: league of extraordinary PULP HEROs


    While I could probably submit any of the characters from my Friends of Justice convention game, I'll pick the only one that I've actually played a version of. That would be Joey Pulzak, former heavyweight boxer.

    Josef Stanislaus Pulzak was born in 1903 in the Bronx. The son of Polish immigrants Stanislaus and Eva Pulzak, young Joey grew up often having to defend himself from bullies who would pick on him because of his background. As a teenage, boxing manager Arnie Flynn recruited Joey to join his stable of fighters. Over the next several years, Joey climbed the ranks of heavyweight fighters and was getting close to shot a title. But it was not to be.


    You see, Arnie was compulsive gambler. And he owed a lot of money to gangster Gunther O'Toole. O'Toole was willing to forgive the debt if Joey would take a dive in his next fight against the O'Toole-backed Jake Cutter. Joey refused and went to win the fight.


    After the fight, Arnie revealed that when Joey refused to take a dive, he instead sold Joey's contract to O'Toole. Joey was angry and told O'Toole that under no circumstances would he ever box for him. O'Toole relented and release Joey from his contract. But that didn't free Joey from his influence in the boxing world. Joey soon discovered that either he fought for O'Toole or he didn't fight at all. Joey chose not to fight at all.


    Always a good driver, and fascinated with cars, Joey decided to open a garage. He also started to learn how to fly. His driving, flying, mechanical, and of course, boxing skills and being a sucker for a sob story have drawn Joey into the adventuring world.


    Joey is a honest straight-forward guy who can be quick to temper but just as quick to calm down. He loves being able to use his skills to help people in trouble.


    Artwork by Kerry Connell for my Friends of Justice event.

  8. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    Next up is Swift Justice -- SuperSquad America's speedster.


    Brian Turnbull was studying hard for his bar exam and drinking large amounts of caffeine when suddenly, his superspeed powers were triggered. Deciding to put his powers to work for good, he adopted the superhero identity of Swift Justice and joined SuperSquad America.


    Personality-wise, Brian is a strong believer in justice and hates when criminals get away with committing crimes. He also loves women and can be very flirtatious.


    You can see his 1970s write-up here.


    The Hero Machine depiction of him -- to be replaced by real artwork later (in this case, I think it is really needed):



  9. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    Next up is Professor Plasma, SuperSquad America's resident physicist and primary energy projector.


    Kyle Matthews was a grad student at MIT when gained his remarkable energy powers after entering MIT's cyclotron to shut it down before it exploded. These powers make him one of the team's flashiest and most powerful members. Kyle has had to live down rumors that he gained his powers by mistaking the cyclotron for the men's room.


    Personality-wise, Kyle is just short of the stereotypical absent-minded professor. He has a tendency to be long-winded and use big words when he could be straight forward and can get too wrapped up in intellectual problems and ignore what's going on around him.


    You can see his 1970s write-up here.


    The Hero Machine depiction of him -- to be replaced by real artwork later:



  10. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    Next up is Finesse, princess of the extra-dimensional magical world of Eyratha, wife of the Silver Archer, and mistress of the Eyrathan Fighting Staff.


    Princess Leianda of Eyratha was born with the superior strength and speed common to all members of the Eyrathan royal family, abilities that they put to use as the people's defenders. When SuperSquad America saved Eyratha from the evil wizard Garlak, Leianda fell in love with Denny Quinn, the Silver Archer. With her father's permission, Leianda returned to Earth with the Squad, married Denny and embarked on a superhero career as Finesse. With her enhanced physical capabilities and her skill with her enchanted Eyrathan fighting staff, she is a formiddable fighter.


    Personality-wise, Finesse is headstrong and believes in strong but fair authoritative rule.


    You can see her 1970s write-up here.


    The Hero Machine depiction of her -- to be replaced by real artwork later:



  11. Re: SuperSquad America: The Originals


    Next up is the Silver Archer, the original SuperSquad's swashbuckling bowman.



    An expert archer, Denny Quinn competed for the U.S. archery team at 1960 Rome Olympics. Unfortunately, a bad case of flu kept him out of the medals. Inspired by Challenger, Denny decided to put his archery skills to work fighting crime with an arsenal of specially designed arrows. When SuperSquad America visited the extra-dimensional world of Eyratha, Denny fell in love with Princess Leianda. Before the team left, King Karuk gifted Denny with both an enchanted bow and his daughter's hand in marriage.


    Personality-wise, the Silver Archer has a swashbuckling attitute and loves witty repartee. He has a definite left wing point of view political and hates to see the little guy put down by "the man".


    You can see his 1970s write-up here.


    Once again, here is an old Hero Machine depiction of him -- to be replaced by real artwork later.



  12. I'm considering running a convention event featuring the orignal incarnation of SuperSquad America, my universe's first superhero team. In my universe, the superhero era began on July 15, 1961 with the introduction of the original Challenger by president John F. Kennedy as a hero to face the "challenges of the new frontier". In 1966, Challenger and other heroes came together as SuperSquad America and the team lasted until 1976 when it was disbanded.


    The convention event would be set (at least the first year) in 1970 and feature the team as they existed at that point in time. In tone, it would be early-mid Bronze Age although it may be best to look at this event as a modern day comic telling new (or retelling old) 1970s adventures and trying to emulate the tone of the originals. As preparation for this possible event, I have begun to write up the team members as they existed in 1970 and I thought I would run these character write-ups by forum members for their opinions. I still have to work out details on backgrounds and such, but I will provide a brief introduction to each telling what I currently know abut the character.


    First up is Challenger, the world's first superhero. Stephen Kennedy (no relation to the political Kennedys), millionaire industrialist and owner of Kennedy Industries, a leading Defense contractor, first discovered he had enhanced abilities in late 1959 or early 1960 and came to the attention of the US government in late 1960. With the reappearance and resurgence in popularity of superheroes in comic books and the new Kenedy administration's forward-looking approach, the idea of a real-lfie costumed superhero seemed like a good idea.


    Challenger fills the Superman/Captain America role in my universe. He is the first hero and a patriot. He is a good man who tries to set an example for other heroes to follow (and usually succeeds). He is considered by some to be the Lancelot of the Kennedy Camelot.


    You can view his 1970 write-up here.


    Here is an old Hero Machine picture of him -- but if I go ahead with the event, I'll get real artwork.



  13. Re: Superhero Images


    Finally, here is the Mysterious Mr. Z, an alien mind in a human body who has a kind of mixed up a couple of superhero costume tropes in his outfit:




    Artwork by Kerry Connell

    Coloring by Rod Currie

  14. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets?


    As I often do, I use some of the characters from my SuperSquad America convention games to answer this.


    Silver Bow -- I think Kelly is a little too modest to fight crime in fishnets. As an investigative reporter, she would certainly look into their origins and once convinced of their safeness, probably pass them on to one of her female teammates.


    Diva -- As a brick, Diva doesn't really need the boost, however she might keep and wear them (I can see Diva wearing fishnets) because let's face it if Diva is wearing them, they're unlikely to fall into the wrong hands.


    Crimson Fist -- Jackson would not wear them. He's too straight-laced for anything like that. He'd probably offer them to his wife Karen (Forethought).


    Forethought -- A few years ago, Karen would have never considered wearing fishnets even in her personal life. These days, she's a lot more secure and I think she would seriously consider wearing them as part of her costume. And if they came as a gift from Jackson, she almost certainly would wear them.


    Nightingale -- The history of the fishnets would intrigue Jenny, particular with the name of the Golden Age heroine and the connection with sonic powers and magic, Especially since she herself is magical and uses sonics. A few years ago, before she learned her mother's identity she would have syspected the original Nightingale of being her mom -- in the SuperSquad Universe, superheroes didn't appear until 1961 -- making the 60s the Golden Age. These days, she'd likely speculate that perhaps time travel was involved and that the fishnets were really hers, so she had better start wearing them so as to avoid messing up time (there's been enough that in the past few years). If she didn't suspect time travel (or it is ruled out), she would likely don the stockings in tribute to the heroine with whom she shares a name and powers.


    Impact -- I don't think Yuri would be caught dead wearing them in public -- although he has enough of a sense of humor that he might don them in private to give a show for his professional figure skater girlfriend. In the end, he would probably offer them to his half-sister Jenny or perhaps he would give them to Illyana (the figure skater) and try to talk her into being his crime-fighting partner.


    Mysterious Mr. Z -- Mr Z is an alien and can be unpredictable in his behavior. However, I could see him at least trying out the fishnets, although he'd have to ditch the trenchcoat to do so. A nice leather jacket might work.


    El Portdar -- Ramon wouldn't be caught dead in fishnets and since he wears a battlesuit, he isn't faced with the option of wearing them as part of his costume. He'd probably go to Silver Bow for advice on what to do with them.

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