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Posts posted by Grond

  1. You actually tell your players this when they ask ... rather than making their characters buy/use senses to detect such things ... or simply try something on the target to find out?  Wow, you're an easy GM!

    He's a new player and not experienced with Hero at all, he asked me how to handle such a power and I told him I needed a week out to think about the best build. So basically I haven't given him anything - yet.

  2. One of the characters in my gaming group is a cyberkineticist and about to face Defender is a 8friendly) combat. He has bought a multipower that includes ego attacks, telepathy, mind control, mind scan etc. for the machine class of minds.

    He asked if Defender's armor has electronic circuits or processors he can control and my answer was "Maybe, I'll tell you next week" :D

    How would you handle such a combat, considering the 350 point Defender described on Champions Universe?

    I don't know RAW but a solution might be giving Defender's armor the same EGO as Defender's INT, using eventual power defense as ego defense, might do?

  3. I am interested in buying the Book of the Empress but between shipping costs and customs I imagine the price will be double the price tag or so.

    I was wondering if you have any European distributors for latest Champions stuff.

    I might buy some more books as well, need to ask my friends tonight but right now I am interested in that one.

  4. Following this thread. I converted a lot of characters from Kingdom of Champions myself for 5th ed. (we're not playing 6th) especially the ones with reduced size sheets ("use the characteristics for Seeker but with 40 STR" and so on).

    I just tinkered a bit with Wrath of the Seven Horsemen but there's a lot of work to do there, even converting things straight without adjustments.

  5. Re: DEA and local police








    Just in case someone needs them... straight away conversion, I just had to rewrite Moondog a little bit.

  6. Re: DEA and local police


    I can't thank you enough, I just failed to do some simple connections eh. I have now a new perspective on how to handle events.

    Besides, is there some official Hero supplement with various agent stats? I know we have package deals in Dark Champions but is there a compendium of "standard" agents of the aforementioned organizations?

  7. Re: DEA and local police


    Also since it seems you also read it I'll drop in other questions :).

    I am not certain about the timeline or how much the government actually knows about the pack.

    Why is sgt Duffene in a civil prison and not in a military one? what did he do to end in jail for several lifetimes?

    How could Mongrel free Doberman from a prison and how could Duffene help the escape and why?

    Seems like the FBI already knew the pack and all of his members, including Hellhound, that means the Pack probably had done prior crimes together?

    I read somewhere Duffene, Mongred and Doberman were jailed in Rikers, that cannot be since one normally stays just 1-2 years in Rinkers before being moved to a state prison. My idea is a guy like Duffene who is incrimated for several horrible crimes could end up in a supermax like Sing Sing, while Mongrel and Doberman could have been sent to another prison in NJ, right?

  8. Re: DEA and local police


    Wow boys, thanks thanks thanks, you are helping me a lot understanding how I can untangle the situation. The way played it so far is like this: one PC is an inspector for HCPD (organized crime), he was given the files of Don Ballado on an encrypted pen drive protected by biometric locks (eh well, I had to update the adventure a little bit) from the other vigilante characters. He printed the code that says "perivian, 300 kg, 10PM, brandweir shipyards" and told his sergeant that that night the Pack MIGHT be there. Of course he has no proofs that the files are really to be trusted as they were given to him by masked vigilantes he barely knows and is already risking by covering them. The sergeant also can't spend too many resources on something related by an inspector that told him he found the note behind his door at home signed by one of the "other" characters (Vic Sage aka The Question, for those who read a bit of DC comics :)). So The sergeant gives the inspector a small squad of 10 armed cops (guns, rifles and shotguns) and no SWAT teams (why call the swats for something that might as well just be a drug dealing operation?) hoping it is just going to be a routine drug bust... but after your last post I am not certain he would behave this way. It's certainly reasonable all these agencies will be on the hunt of even the smallest of traces including an anonymous letter received by a local inspector... food for though indeed.

    What I am still totally unaware is how these kind of operations are structured, how many agents are displaced, their modus operandi and so on, haven't found any Internet articles on this (maybe you can point me out some books?).

  9. I am playing Shadows of the City and one of the character, a local police detective in hudson city, decided to ask his dept for firepower help in busting a big drug cargo in the docks.

    Considering I live in anotehr country (;)) all this local/federal/national overlapping of duties is making my head spin.

    Armed vigilantes using non conventional weaponry are wiping out the major drug dealers in the city. On top of my mind I guess ATF (for the weaponry), DEA (for drugs) and local police powers could be involved.

    I have seen some action movies myself but I wonder - would the local police actually ASK DEA for help in the drug bust or they would prefer to keep it for their own and use their resources? Considering they know they have weird weaponry, would they call ATF as well? How many agents would participate in the action?

    I have look far and wide but I can't find detailed modus operandi when things like this happen. Also would Police use SWAT teams?

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