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Everything posted by Seb1313

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ok... So this happened during a D&D 4E game I played in. Player 2 is playing a dragonborn which has an elemental breath power... Player 2 walks into the room. Player 1: Well if it isn't our walking oven. Player 2: More like walking phone charger. Player 1: Oh... Electric breath weapon. Sexy.
  2. Re: Starting a Big DC Campaign Thank you so much for the advice. I'm reading through Edsel's campaign right now...
  3. I've been playing Fnatasy Hero for a few years now and about a month ago my group (I'm GM) made the jump to Dark Champions. While we learned the reigns we played a few isolated missions just to blow stuff up. Now I decided to start a bigger campaign set in Hudson City. After a few years of adapting old D&D adventures for HERO I'm having some problems making one up for DC. I can come up with ways to draw the characters in and cn come up with big climactic finishes but I lack the creativeness to plug a good middle into it. So...I was wondering if anyone had some good advice for a campaign. I've looked around the boards and gotten some ideas and though about buying Hudson City Blues but am still unsure. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Re: A few questions Thank you. it makes a lot more sense now.
  5. I started my first campaign a few days ago. It isn't high fantasy but isn't low fantasy so it's kind of in the middle. After the first few sessions I have a few questions. My first question is how important is it for non magic users to keep track of endurance? Another thing that came up that a few of the characters wanted to block attacks directed at them. Do they lose time in their next phase, and can they just continue to block whenever they want to? In the rulebook it just explains when they can and when they have to stop each phase. Thanks in advance for any help or any other advice.
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