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Everything posted by Angelalex242

  1. Re: Marvel Characters Thanks, guys! That resource rocks!
  2. Re: Marvel Characters Cool. I'm looking for a Magneto writeup too. He's strong, though...to the point I'm wondering just how many points he costs.
  3. As usual, I'm going to assume this has been done 10,000 times before, and as usual, I'm not up to reinventing the wheel. Can anyone link to Marvel character writeups? Say, Spider-man, the X-men, (including Magneto) and so on?
  4. Re: Final Fantasy Well, by end of game, I more mean Advent Children. The Cloud presented is really kinda weak...he has less points then Squall for crying out loud. By the time he hits AC levels, he's weaker then Sephiroth, perhaps, but not by much. Sephiroth's presented as a 750 point character, AC Cloud's probably around 600. Though...if anyone can find writeups for Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, finding writeups for the other Advent Children versions of characters can't be far behind. Also, if anyone has an idea for how First Tsurugi itself might be written up, I'd like to hear it. Unlike other weapons, it's actually 6 swords that can combine in a huge number of permutations into a single blade. He can use any of the 6 blades by themselves, or he can use 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4, 1+2+3+4+5, Full First Tsurugi, Full -2. And he often takes swords out of the main blade for use as offhand weapons. (The man clearly has ambidexterity by this point, given how often he uses two swords.) Never mind that awesome parry (and especially bulletparry) skill he has. Yazoo fires like...50-80 bullets at him and hits him twice...once when Cloud doesn't have a sword in hand, and once in the back. Never in actual combat.
  5. Re: Final Fantasy That is exactly what I wanted. While those are obviously pregame characters in every respect (among other things, Cloud's got a buster sword, not First Tsurugi), they're easy enough to adapt to later game levels or movie levels. Thank you very much.
  6. Re: Final Fantasy To be fair, Nomura did that on purpose. If you watched 'distance', the creators said 'we don't care of it's possible or not, as long as it looks cool.'
  7. Since I'm sure somebody must've done it already...these characters are too popular for it to have not been done...has anybody ever written up Final Fantasy Characters? Say...Cloud Strife? Or Sephiroth? Or, for a real challenge, the Advent Children version of Aerith? I figure somebody will probably have a link rather then making one from scratch.
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