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Posts posted by kridenow

  1. Re: I have faced, the Destroyer....


    But the robot' date=' you'd better have around 8 or more. And a lot of time to kill.[/quote']


    We did it yesterday night. We were 2 (level 23 and 30).






    But it was long, yes.



    And for Dr Destroyer lovers :





    (yes, it's the old armor. There is a reason, somewhat)

  2. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    The file check looks like a full download. It's just a check but it can be long on some machines.


    And if you just installed the game, it's likely there is a file check to see if you're up to date. And you can't bypass it as far as I know.

  3. Re: Microverse : what did you do with it ?


    I've pondered a bit more about extreme shrinking.


    Yes, the atomic-sub atomic level is really difficulty to imagine and how it would look.


    Wandering in such an "atomic- microverse could be more or less touching the essence of things, how they are done, why, by whom and so on.

    So, I might go for something relatively mystic in nature, despite having ties and inspirations from real world physics.

    How would it look... is still a question. I may dodge a bit the problem by relying on symbolic views and having figurative descriptions.

    Which would be "since your (character) mind isn't really ready to apprehend this weird universe, here is how it interpret what you see".


    So, the microverse layer made of viruses and bacteria is actually supported by a smaller and rather conceptual layer of reality.


    I however need to populate this microverse with interesting denizens...

  4. Re: Microverse : what did you do with it ?


    The traditional use of a "Microverse" in comics and science fiction was inspired by the earlier, simplistic model of an atom with a nucleus and electrons orbiting it, as directly parallelling a solar system with its central sun and orbiting planets. At that scale shrunk visitors were no longer able to perceive the macroscopic world in any recognizable way. They interacted with individual electron "planets" as though they were entire worlds, usually Earthlike to a great degree.


    With the more recent understanding of the greater complexity of atomic structure, comics universes with an established "microverse," such as Marvel, have used the explanation that they actually exist in another universe, which is accessible through shrinking to sub-atomic size. In most cases the microverse's physical appearance remains similar to that of Earth and its region of space. However, if using that model you could justify your microverse having a radically different appearance, makeup and even physical laws, if that would suit your purposes.


    Yes but, there, the Microverse is simply another dimension accessible only by shrinking.

    It's an interesting take but rather disconnected from the "real world".

    I figure you can still play in that alternate dimension and make symbolic ties to the normal world.


    I originally considered playing at the micro/nanometre scale. Which is a scale where viruses and bacteria populate the Microverse. Or playing at tne femtometre scale where we're speaking of atom and electrons cloud. There, what is a population might become debatable :)


    In the first case, it's relatively easy to picture viruses and bacteria and make all of this the population of the physiological world.

    In the second case, it's much harder (to me) to picture how the Microverse could look. Plus interaction looks much more limited.


    The dimensional movement route and the Microverse as a world on its own dodge the depiction problem but provides a workable solution.

  5. Re: Microverse : what did you do with it ?


    So' date=' in the end, it will be a whole other reality that you can design to your desires[/quote']


    Well, yes, that's why I came here to ask what others have done with the Microverse :) : what is your Microverse world, how does it look, how are your characters travelling, what are the "natural dangers" ?, did you... populate it ? so on.


    The question of what the world looks like when your atom sized can be easily ignored when you focus on the end result like a character shrinking to pass through a door or some some NND attack from "inside".

    It's what I called "keeping a remote, normal sized point of view" as, here, the Microverse is just the flavor explaining the effect.

    But when it's the focus of the adventure, it raises all the questions I didn't really need to answer.


    Maybe I should go back to books about particle physics as well as trying to grab some comics ? ;)

  6. Re: Microverse : what did you do with it ?


    Best advice I can give is to go to your local comic shop and find some old back issues of The Atom or Justice League (featuring The Atom).


    For a Marvel comics perspective you could also look for old Micronauts comics as well.


    As curiously as it can sound, I'm close to be completely ignorant in comics matters.

    Will try to see if I can find some of the titles you mentionned.

  7. Hi there,


    I'm toying with the idea of sending characters in the Microverse, as part of a serie of "incredible adventures".


    How did you use the Microverse ? Down to what scale do you (or would you) shrink the microverse ?


    I was considering a down-to-atomic-scale Microverse but then come the simple question of "how is looking the world when you're so tiny ?".


    Here the Microverse is basically the adventure setting, not a way to explain the power effects while keeping a remote (normal sized) point of view.

    So it will be less "you can move through the door because you're so tiny now, when on the other side, what you're doing ?" but more a universe on its own.


    Since I have trouble to picture how the world could look when you're microverse sized (it also come from only a vague estimation of the Shrink level), I thought asking if someone already used it as a setting (even or if only for a game)

  8. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    Buy the limited defenses and all appropriate life support options and put a limitation on each of them (including the limited defenses). Probably something like:

    Only 3 "adaptation" powers may be active at once -1/4

    I chose -1/4 because I think there will be few situations where the character will need more than that. Others may disagree.


    Other limitations may be appropriate once you decide how the power works. For example, if the character's adaptation doesn't occur until the character has been damaged by the environment, then a trigger limitation may also be appropriate.


    I guess the Trigger would have to go in. Since I want a reflexive power, not consciously controlled.

    I guess it also solves my (little) dilemna about "when" the adaptation occurs.

  9. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    Or the GM can grant permission to put appropriate 0 END powers in the Elementatl Control.


    That was also my thought :)

    Considering two powers are already have decreased to 0 END cost, I'd have authorized on them all.


    It would also look odd to be able to raise the "force field" but not any LS because of a lack of END (even if it's only on activation). It can happen, still, even if rarely.

  10. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    (Only Powers that cost END can go into an Elemental Control. Powers that already cost END may have Reduced END but you can't take Costs END and Reduced END on the same Power)


    (I leave an END cost on every power in EC frameworks but it's another topic :) )


    20 4) Tunneling 8" through 8 DEF material, Usable As Flight (+1/4), Usable As Swimming (+1/4) (60 Active Points); Limited Medium (soil and rock only) (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6


    I guess this is your take on the "adapt to get out of every situation" power ?

    Interpreted in game as growings wings, claws, fins and gills or whatever at will ?

    I never think about putting Usable as... in movement powers that way. It's a smart build.

  11. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    An interesting view, thanks for posting here (I'm always interested to see powers constructions).


    Just asking... Why did you go for a 0 END Force Field & Succor when you put a Cost END for the LS serie ?

  12. Re: Inceptum Terminus World Book


    Hmm because you see those wars as France-Germany wars ? And... centuries old feud ? (The Franco-Prussian war was already included in my 70 years period anyway)

    No problem. I was just trying to suggest other options that I found a bit more rooted in reality. Now, it is only my opinion, no worries.

  13. Re: Inceptum Terminus World Book


    The traditional enemy of France is England, from Middle Ages to the Napoleonic Wars (so about 5 centuries), not Germany. It just happens the latest wars were against the Germans (so about 70 years).

    I don't exactly see where fascism is rising in France but it might be a campaign theme so it's ok.

  14. Re: Inceptum Terminus World Book



    Some comments about the France involvement there.

    I have trouble to imagine why France would sign a mutual defense pact with Pakistan (and/or Iran and Afghanistan).

    However, I would rather see France sign a scientific cooperation treaty with Pakistan (much less with Iran or Iraq).

    That can lead to a technology transfer about civilian nuclear operations and/or military nuclear operations tp Pakistani.

    From there, the technology, maybe the material, has to make only a jump into Iran (maybe from spying or bribing ?).


    France would have little reason to accept Taliban cells on its soil.

    However, I suggest to use the Lebanon connection instead.

    France has a long history of friendship and fatherly attitude toward Lebanon. Many people from the top Lebanese social class still learn and speak french.

    But Lebanon is also famous to harbor the Hezbollah, which is said to be supported by Iran.

    So it looks more likely that Hezbollah terrorists, using their Lebanese contacts, successfully enters France and, from there, can radiate into Europe and establish cells.

    Double crossed by Iran itself or doing it willingly, you can have Hezbollah members filling the same role than your infiltrated Talibans.


    You can still keep the USA condemnation of France "helping the terrorist" since there, the french have sold technology or materials to Pakistani, which then have slipped into Irani/Al Qaeda hands. Add to it Lebanese/Hezbollah cells entering western countries because of the close ties between France and Lebanon, I think you can keep this element.


    Now, about the rest, the geopolitical evolution, I really don't see France choosing to face USA in a war. A reluctant ally, a neutral country, a misguided self deluded pacifist country if you want but fighting USA, I just can't picture it (sincerely, I actually can't even tailor a motive).

    Maybe, then, make France doing a string of bad decisions (securing assets on its own in Africa, raising the ire of China which invested a lot there recently), trying to form a third side in the looming war which backfire at some point ?

    Or you might go for an "unfortunate event". With, say, french ships officially neutral but sailing too close from US ships just before a major naval engagement and someone is a bit zealous in the interpretation of "warning shots" (french shooting at a "nosy" US fighter or the other way around), leading to a brief confused state of war until/if the situation is clarified ?


    Once the sleeper cells detonates their bombs, anything can happen I imagine, even obliterating the so dubious France (especially if indirect accusations and incidents piled before).

  15. Re: Trek Plot Brainstorm Help!


    Not a story idea but... I generally use a format for my Star Trek games that is more or less mimicking the TV episodes frame. I mean running two stories at once.

    It's quite often the case in TV shows, where you have one "serious" plot unfolding and at the same time, either a secondary plot for comic relief, either a character building plot.


    It can be tricky to run, especially if you also separate your players in two different groups there but it can also serve to ease with some plots where the specialized Starfleet personnel sometimes lack... skills.

    I know many GMs are at times puzzled by questions like "What the medical officer is going to do in this adventure ?" or "this is a diplomacy and stealth mission, what the Klingon PC will do there... ?"

    Not saying you are... but using this two-plots-at-once format was quite fun and a change in roleplaying pace, for me and my players.


    Now about plot/episode seeds, I can advice you to give a look on those boards


    (but actually, you might already use that format or one similar :) )

  16. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    I didn't mention that often the "resist to attacks" side of the power because either it can be handled in a simpler way either because it has the same base problem than Life Support (which I found... more representing there).


    The adaptation to extreme environment might be also seen as an ability to sustain some forms of attacks. If the character can endure extreme heat, can't a Fire/Heat EB be resisted ? If you can't crush the NPC with extreme pressure, can a hit from a baseball bat hurt ?


    The ability to redistribute Active Points in appropriate combinations of LS and defenses is the core theme. The more flexible, the better it fits.


    Let's say the character is suffering from shots of Fire EB, phase after phase. The power gives a ED able to decently protect against the attacks.

    Then the Fire EB bombardment stops and several crazy environmental conditions happen at once.

    ED drops to zero (no longer need to protect against an attack) and Active Points are now invested in as many LS types as needed (or possible).

    A bit later, the environmental conditions change again (so the LS distribution changes too) and the Fire EB bombardment restart. Some Active Points are diverted from LS to ED.

    (there, the power is limited by the number of different dangerous sources, it can and will be overwhelmed, that's part of the theme).



    Using an Armor for the defenses is a solution. However, it doesn't allow to redistribute points between ED and PD if needed.

    It doesn't allow the Active Points to be poured into LS types if needed.


    A multipower can manage the LS types.

    It doesn't allow to counter alien/crazy/extra-dimensional environment change, according to the rules, since those conditions can't be bought. But some handwave and lack of rules lawyering can easily be tolerated there.


    If I understand well your earlier proposal, it could be done by having all LS types and a limitation (on them all) allowing only a certain number to be used at once ?

    That would be like a multipower, no ? (or I'm wrong, not an impossible event). Save you have a fixed limit while the multipower limit is the Active Points you can distribute.


    I just gave a look to the Multiform option (following the link provided above).

    It sounds to be a good candidate since it allows to redistribute your abilities.

    However, multiform, strictly speaking, implies a number of pre-set "forms" (the NPC but adapted to ) so is limited by nature.

    Of course, you can prepare a large number of pre-set "adapted configurations" (that would have to be done whatever the rule solution) and then go with it. Should the preparation complete enough, it can cover most of the cases.

    But I need to read more (and again) about multiform.

    Multiform VPP was mentioned. I admit I have trouble to see how the two can combine unless you want to fully, totally redo the character. I just need a redistribution of the Active Points in LS and Defenses so VPP looks enough (Multiform would be nice if the attributes were changing too, however. It's a good idea to remember)

  17. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    For example (lets assume the character can use one set of enviormental powers at a time for simplicity's sake) Adapto is in the in the arctic so he's using LS: Extreme Cold and +20 ED armor against the Cold based attacks. He's suddenly teleported into the desert and "adapts" to it so it's using LS: Extreme heat and his +20 ED Armor is now against heat based attack regardless of if he had a active Phase that segmented or not instantly. There is no period of vulnerability but if a cold (or radiation or whatever) type of attack was used aginst him in the desert he wouldn't be adapted to it so would take normal damage or would his powers switch resist that and he'd no longer be adapted to the desert enviorment?


    Ok, I get what you mean now.

    However, it works only for Defenses because they are not tied to a type of attack (ED works against cold or fire EB equally).

    But, going from the arctic to the desert has an impact on how LS protect the character or not.

    The NPC is going from immunity to frostburn to immunity to sunburn. However, if the LS change kicks in only at the NPC phase, it can leave the NPC still protected from frostburn while already in the desert.

    Against attacks, you are right and the moment of the change doesn't matter since the ED would apply against cold EB as well as against heat EB.


    It could, still, matter even for defenses if the NPC is able to balance PD and ED depending on the threats.

    Shoot a hail of bullets and PD is raised (while ED is lowered to compensate the Active Points now invested in PD).

    Then the character is shot with a heat EB.

    So with variable settings for PD/ED, there is also the question of "when does this happen ?".

  18. Re: Ultimate Adaptation


    Thanks for the link ! I'm reading the thoughts and options presented there.


    Yes, being adapted might require more than simply Life Support and Defenses, I agree ("so you can survive high pressure and don't need to breath. Great. How do you feel now down the Mariana Trench ? Not lonely I hope ?").

    But, I left aside the other potential "side features" to focus first on basics :)


    One could also wonder how to adapt to a long fall... bracing and strengthening while waiting for impact ? Or grow wings ? But it's more a concept discussion (even if the concept would determine the rules options).

    I actually started with a concept quite close to the one you presented and changed it to reduce it to a personal survival ability.

    But, yes, it comes with probably unexpected "flaws" as the power would only ensure the survival of the person, not helping to overcome difficulties which, indirectly, could cause problems or more dangers.

    So given a cycle of changing hostile conditions or an extreme situation, the power would make the body adapt and change as well as long as danger is there. But it wouldn't make the NPC get even a related ability allowing to break out of the cycle or escape (which could, curiously, even be seen as a way to torture the NPC...).

    Hence the Mariana Trench comment. Or you can also send the NPC drifting in space... surviving the cosmic rays, the radiations, the cold, the low pressure, the lack of air, of food and water... until he dies of old age (unless you also give some immunity to aging then it's a perpetual gaze to the stars).


    Still, interestingly, yesterday evening, I opened the Ultimate Metamorph... ;)

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