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Posts posted by watson

  1. Greetings, Champions fans!


    My name is Ross Watson--a game designer by trade, and I've written a number of HERO articles for Digital Hero, EZ Hero, Haymaker! and Rogues' Gallery. I'm discussing a new Enemies-type book with Blackwyrm, and I want to hear what you guys think...


    What would you like to see in a new Enemies book?

  2. Re: Character for Review: American Icon


    Thanks, Pizza Man! I did end up making a couple of minor tweaks. First, I am definitely overcoming a bias towards towards raw stats from 4e/5e, so I turned his Strength and PD/ED into powers and added a reputation Perk to more closely match his history.

  3. Greetings, fellow HERO-philes!


    It's been a long time since my last Champions game, and I'm looking forward to playing 6E for the first time with a new group.


    For this new campaign, I came up with a Superhero concept (the background is deliberately left a bit vague, since I do not know much about the campaign setting at this time) that I really like. I was looking for a character with a little bit of "Jenny Sparks" from the Authority, a character who could be part of the Gestalt setting, a character who is truly representative of his niche and concept.


    This is where I came up with American Icon (also, finding a really cool picture didn't hurt!). I welcome any and all comments. Thanks!


    American Icon

    Player: Ross Watson


    Val Char Cost

    70 STR 5

    24 DEX 28

    30 CON 20

    20 BODY 10

    20 INT 10

    20 EGO 10

    40 PRE 30


    30 PD 3

    30 ED 3

    5 SPD 30

    14 REC 10

    50 END 6

    60 STUN 20


    18m RUN 6

    4m SWIM 0

    11m LEAP 4

    Characteristics Cost: 245


    Cost Power END

    48 Spirit of America: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-1/4)

    4f 1) The Majesty of America: Change Environment (-1 to Normal Hearing PER Rolls, -2 Temperature Level Adjustment, -2 Wind Levels, Varying Combat Effects), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +1/4), Area Of Effect (16m Radius; +3/4) (56 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 6

    2f 2) A Rich History!: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups) (50 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Extremely Common Circumstances (Only for America or things related to America; -1 1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) 5

    5f 3) Witness 200 years of history!: Sight, Mental, Radio, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, Combat Sense and Spatial Awareness Flash 5d6 (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 6

    4f 4) Let Freedom Ring!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Double Knockback (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Unified Power (-1/4) 6

    5f 5) Voice of the people: Hearing Group Images, +/-8 to PER Rolls, Area Of Effect Accurate (16m Radius; +1) (58 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 6

    4f 6) Voice of the nation: Hearing Group Images, +/-4 to PER Rolls, Area Of Effect Accurate (16m Radius; +1), MegaScale (1m = 10 km; +1 1/4) (55 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 5

    5f 7) Anywhere in America: (Total: 55 Active Cost, 49 Real Cost) Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations) (5 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 9) plus Teleportation 25m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Safe Aquatic Teleport, x2 Increased Mass (50 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 40) 5

    5f 8) From Sea to Shining Sea: (Total: 55 Active Cost, 49 Real Cost) Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations) (5 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 9) plus Teleportation 15m, x2 Increased Mass, MegaScale (1m = 100 km; +1 1/2) (50 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 40) 5

    3f 9) Super-Strength Smash-Through: Tunneling 2m through 16 PD material (34 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 3

    5f 10) Inspiration: Aid 6 1/2d6 (standard effect: 19 points), Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) (58 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 6

    5 Postal Code: Detect A Single Thing 13- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (13 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Extremely Common Circumstances (Only for American Citizens; -1 1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) 0

    5 Sturdy Like Plymouth Rock: Knockback Resistance -6m (6 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 0

    7 Enduring Spirit: Life Support (Longevity: Immortal; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) (9 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 0

    9 One Nation, Indivisible: Regeneration (1 BODY per 6 Hours), Can Heal Limbs (11 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) 0

    3 Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 1d6, Improved Results Group (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +3/4) (6 Active Points); Limited Target ([Limited]; -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) 1

    41 The Strength of a Nation: +55 STR (55 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) 5

    74 The Constitution of America: (Total: 96 Active Cost, 74 Real Cost) +25 PD, Hardened (+1/4), Resistant (+1/2) (48 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) (Real Cost: 37) plus +25 ED, Hardened (+1/4), Resistant (+1/2) (48 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) (Real Cost: 37) 0

    Powers Cost: 234


    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

    4 Toughness: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

    3 Martial Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 80 STR for holding on

    4 Fist Grab: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Block, Grab One Limb

    4 Punch: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 16d6 Strike

    Martial Arts Cost: 15


    Cost Skill

    3 Charm 17-

    3 Teamwork 14-

    3 Tactics 13-

    3 Persuasion 17-

    3 Oratory 17-

    3 KS: Everything about America 13-

    Skills Cost: 18


    Cost Perk

    20 Vehicles & Bases

    1 Positive Reputation (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6

    Perks Cost: 21


    Cost Talent

    17 Danger Sense (any area, any danger, Function as a Sense) (42 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Extremely Common Circumstances (Only vs. Threats to America and the American Way; -1 1/2) 13-

    Talents Cost: 17


    Total Character Cost: 550


    Val Disadvantages

    15 Social Complication: America's Legacy: Frequently, Major

    25 Psychological Complication: Driven to Uphold the Ideals of America (Very Common; Total)

    25 Hunted: Enemies of America Very Frequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

    10 Social Complication: Secret Identity Infrequently, Major


    Disadvantage Points: 75

    Base Points: 550

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0



    1944. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and America entered World War II. An idealistic young man named Matthew Morris lied about his age and joined the US Army at 16. Private Morris shipped out with his unit to fight in Europe, and he served with distinction in a number of skirmishes as his unit moved through Germany.


    Towards the end of the war, Morris and his unit was sent on a secret mission behind enemy lines. A Nazi Scientist (and member of the infamous and supernatural Thule Society) had been researching a method to imbue an individual soldier with the properties of an entire nation, a process he described as “harnessing the zeitgeist.”


    Morris and his unit were captured during their raid on the scientist’s lair. The only survivor, Morris was forced to watch as the scientist began the sequence to create a super-soldier for the Third Reich. However, Morris managed to get free from his restraints and knocked out the scientist before the the transfer was complete. However, the energy from the experiment settled into Morris, imprinting his body with bizarre energies and magic spells that bound within him the powers of America.

    (Much later, the scientist was able to re-create his experiment and empowered a Nazi SS officer with the power of the Third Reich, transforming him into the supervillain known as “Blitzkrieg.”)


    Matthew Morris joined other superhumans during World War II, taking the name “American Icon.” He fought against crime and injustice both during and after WWII, until he vanished from public sight during the early 1950’s. American Icon was thought dead until his eventual re-appearance in 2002, a fifty-year gap that remained unexplained for some time. Morris eventually revealed to the public that he had been visiting other dimensions, “Other worlds where America needed me more,” in his own words.


    Since 2002, American Icon has shown up in a number of superhuman-related incidents, but few superhumans that are currently active remember him.



    Matthew Morris is a deeply idealistic individual. He has gained a strong moral center from his experiences in World War II, and he feels a responsibility to live up to the American ideals of justice and freedom. Having been absent from our Earth for fifty years, Matthew has seen a wide variety of "Americas" and has gained a great deal of perspective on just what his unique role means. As American Icon, he does not feel particularly indebted to the American government (he no longer considers himself a soldier, and refuses all attempts to turn him into a spy, agent, or other such official role), although he does occasionally help American interests when he judges the situation warrants his intervention.



    "As long as I'm around, America never comes in second place."



    American Icon gained his powers from a bizarre experiment conducted by a Nazi scientist combining technology and occult techniques. American Icon is somehow mystically linked to the nation of America (although his experiences in other dimensions suggests that his powers are linked to the IDEA of America, rather than the physical boundaries of the nation itself). American Icon has great physical power, superhumanly strong and incredibly durable. He can instantly transport himself nearly anywhere in the nation of America (including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands), and he has advanced abilities to teleport over short distances as well. American Icon can sense dangers to America through his mystic link, and he can also "read" the history of an item or place, as long as it relates to American history. American Icon can also force another person to experience some of his own exploits over decades of being a superhero, and can somehow mystically sense a given citizen's address. When he concentrates, American Icon can cause his words to be heard over a large area, up to an entire city, and he can also cause local changes in the area around him to mimic the environment of American states such as Alaska or Nevada. He can also alter his clothing in an instant from any kind of clothing (such as a business suit or a trenchcoat) to his costume and back (over the decades, his costume has changed a number of times).



    As Matthew Morris, he is a tall caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes. His physique is understated, given his superhuman strength and stamina, and he is far more wiry than muscular. As American Icon, his current costume is a black bodysuit with a hood and cloak that is patterned after the American flag.


    Note: I did not draw this image, I did slightly modify it in photoshop to eliminate a gun from the character's hand.



  4. Re: Shadow Angelus


    Edsel and all players of SA 3:


    Wow. I just read the two mission logs on Susano's webpage, and I am speechless with how amazing and awesome it is to see another group of players and their GM going through the adventure of the Animus Mortis. You guys are really doing some great stuff with my setting and I truly wish I could join you in your journeys. :)


    Please post up more, as I am chomping at the bit to find out what happens next!


    I am humbled and honored to see you guys enjoying Shadows Angelus as much as the first group did.

  5. Re: Shadow Angelus


    In my original source material, Espers are not trusted ("After all, that chap can see what you're thinking!"), whilst Sorcerers are considered more of a celebrity status (due to the influence of stage magicians and pop culture).


    The existence of Entities is not known to the public at large, it is the "big secret" that only those who need to know ever truly understand.


    Keeping all of the above in mind, Espers are considered just above clades in the main public mindset: useful, creepy, barely-human. I would say that the life of an Esper is slightly better than in K5, but only very slightly. Espers tend to congregate in Angelus for a number of reasons, some known and others merely guessed at. In the "Ten Years After" timeline they ended up forming the IOTA foundation and congregated into a sector later renamed to "Psi."


    In-game, there was definitely some prejudice and mistrust of espers, but it tended to be overshadowed by the larger concerns with the social class of clades, invasions by the Enochians and later the Entities, and other various things going on.


    Hope all that helps!

  6. Re: Shadow Angelus


    In my head, the reason that the city doesn't get slammed by super storms is twofold: The city has plenty of espers and mages who can either predict the storm ahead of time (not to mention meteorological technology advances) or can abate the worst of the storm's effects.


    I suppose moving out of the way of a storm is usually impossible, but given enough warning...

  7. Re: Shadow Angelus


    Again, you guys officially ROCK. A lot of these in-depth questions ended up being handwaved during my run, but I always wished I had time to really dig in and get some of these details nailed down like you guys are doing. Awesome looking maps too. Keep up the great work.


    On a side note, I always intended the Hydrolizers to be few in number and therefore relatively important, meaning that they could end up as a terrorist target, and the threat of one failing could have larger and dynamic consequences. I never had an absolute number in mind, though. :king:

  8. Re: Shadow Angelus


    I did not require a particular talent to represent the power armor-to-pilot connection, although you will notice that Tyger has a lot of skills and talents for his armor anyways. :thumbup:


    I think the TK rule he means is that for force fields and force walls generated by Espers or Mages, they gain the Hardened Advantage for free.

  9. Re: Shadow Angelus


    In-game, magic worked simply as a variable power pool with gestures and incantations.


    Jama's theory on how magic works fit very well into the campaign story I was telling, but there ARE other forms of manipulating magic in the world. For instance, there are mages who gain power through sacrifice and blood rituals, and the entities themselves manipulate magic through unknown means.


    In many ways I liken it to 3rd edition Shadowrun's magic overview, in that there's lots of different ways to make magic work, but they all share certain "rules" in that verbal and somatic components are required.


    The blue steel special was built as a vehicle, although the way power armor works in Shadows Angelus is a bit different. Most powered frames that are NOT for military or security use have simple analog control systems, meaning that they are powerful but slow and often clumsy.


    Security and military sets of powered armor clone a section of the pilot's spinal cord and extend it into the armor's control systems. The pilot essentially "plugs in" via this cloned nervous system and thus is controlling the armor like it is his own body, making those powered armor suits far more agile and quick to respond. The downside to this system is that the suits are more "sensitive" to damage, meaning that the pilot takes a portion of the STUN damage inflicted.

  10. Re: Shadow Angelus


    All of this stuff looks absolutely fantastic.


    I'll add to Michael's comments that yes, I was a bit "fuzzy" on the city's size and exact shape/map. I really like what you guys have come up with, and I think you should go full steam ahead with your interpretation of Angelus. I'm excited about all the possibilities!

  11. Re: Shadow Angelus


    Whoa, this is totally AWESOME. :thumbup:


    I can't wait to hear what you have got going in your game, Edsel!


    Thanks for taking a look at Shadows Angelus, and I am super-glad it has inspired you!

  12. Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


    Okay, looks like I have been drafted into running a Venture Brothers HERO game at HeroCon (mainly because I can do most of the voices quite well!).


    Right now I'm thinking the story goes like this: Phantom Limb gets together with Dr. Killinger and traps Brock and the Monarch in a steel-plated cell. Killinger, of course, is manipulating things to get Team Venture and Team Monarch to work together...


    Thus, we end up with the following playable PC characters:

    1. Dr. Girlfriend

    2. Dr. Orpheus (although with his VPP it might be difficult to challenge him)

    3. Hank & Dean (2 characters, one player)

    4. Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture

    5. 21 & 24 (2 characters, one player)

    6. Jefferson Twilight, blacula hunter


    Thoughts? Comments?

  13. Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


    Oddhat, you may want to include some kind of skill for Brock that covers crazy monsters.


    Or, I'm just looking for an excuse to use one of my favorite lines on the character sheet:

    "Chupacabra. They're all over Mexico."

  14. Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


    The Monarch's list of people qualified to be his peers: Flying Squid' date=' Tigerific, Truckules, Lord Mostly Magic, King Fantastic Outfit, Fee Waybill of The Tubes, SuicideGirl: Tiegen, Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, Happy-go-Chucky, Swiss Mystery, Shaka Igloo, his 8th grade Earth Science teacher, Mr. Tringe, and Bizarro Oscar Wilde as an alternate[/quote']


    I have an odd feeling that Lord Mostly-Magic might be the Venture-verse version of Dr. Fate.

    Happy-go-Chucky = evil doll, maybe?

    Tigerrific sounds like a bizarre supervillain version of Tigger.

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