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Kal'El Wayne

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Posts posted by Kal'El Wayne

  1. Re: The Addams Family


    Thanks guys.

    I really want to find out how you guys would stat things like the fact that they seem to find death a minor inconvenience, according to various comments that they made. Combined with the game 'wake the dead' I thought that 1d6 healing with regeneration rules, resurrection adder and heals limbs adder would be good, stoppable by burial (unstopped by digging up the coffin). Maybe an extra 1d6 healing (with linked armour) that only works when being tortured. To explain the times that Fester cured his headache in the TV show by using a vice on his skull.


    Don´t worry, Wednesday may have been your childhood sweetheart but she was an unattainable treasure to me too since the first time saw the Addams Family Movie. I'm going to make her the Giles to my pc's scooby gang, but with added sinister evil parts. I might eventually let them realise the truth. That she only hires them to play the good part of her evil schemes, that the people they fight off are also her pawns.

  2. I want an Addams Family in my mega-crossover universe game. Especially Wednesday Addams:eg: (the rest will cameo, she is a major NPC). Anyone tried statting them yet? I would do it myself but I'm terrible at replicating characters.

  3. Re: Soon I Will Be Invincible


    Bought read and loved it a while ago then completely forgot to mention it. Great book. Little depressing for the genre, I thought.


    By the way Susano. I've used your writeups for my many crossovers in my Champions games, but can't find the Charmed ones. Do you a) have any plans for them, and B) know where I can find them?

  4. Re: Bearing Witness


    First of all, I don't have powers. But thank you for thinking that I must have to do so much good. Secondly, yes, powers would help me to do what I do, but otherwise they wouldn't much change my life. Third, no I don't regret not having them, even if I could have saved more lives with them. Yes, I think that humanity is ready for superpowers. Maybe there are more people who would use them for evil than I would like, but we won't find out till we try, now will we? Last thing to say? Well, if I've failed to dust the mirrors in the mansion before my employer wakes up, I shall be peeved. /The kids probably wet themselves round about now-huge presence attacks are great fun/.

  5. Re: Resurrection Man, any ideas?


    First, No it's not quite like timelord regeneration, more like Captain Jack, just getting back up. Except that this character as superpowers, and they change every time that he resurrects. Other than that, and the fact that he once woke up as a woman because he needed a higher pain tolerance, he's the same everytime, just more suited to his situation.


    First, buy resurrection only healing, and make the 'one true death' rely on something continuous, like having a weapon left in the heart or brain. That way, even if true death comes, the character can be resurrected if someone else pulls it out.


    Secondly, yeah, a variable power pool with the limitation that it only changes when you die is good.


    Alternately, a kind of summon, which summons the resurrected self with new powers and expends the old self as a one shot focus/charge.


    OR Develop a suite of powers that work together. This is best for high point games. Try an always on desolid (to represent the intangible 'character'-ness that remains even if the character's previous body is ash in the wind, with summon (to represent the character´s current body). Then give the character mind control, only against the follower, and give the character a 0point disad of vulnerability to mind control from the character. Use summon to summon a slightly different new form every time the current one dies.

  6. Re: WWYCD: framed


    Well, Sir Johnstone doesn't do much of the real superheroing. Think of him like JLA Batman, who stands back and tells the team what to do. So it would be one of the superheroes he 'advises' who gets arrested, if they do take the money off the bad guys. Then he would have them pardoned because the government would reveal that it was all just a test of the police's reaction to a superhero turned crook. It's not, but that doesn't matter. Then him and his contacts would work overtime on finding out how this frame-up was st up.

  7. Re: Let's Do Lunch


    Sir Johnstone, being a battle butler/hyper-skilled normal who arranges for people's lives to be saved, whether by him in secret, or by other people, would not think of himself as good summer blockbuster movie material. However, he might write a basic proposal of a movie script about his employer, (think Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark without the secret superheroing) and how he is secretly funding an undercover team of urban myth style superheroes, including his 'alternate' self, Dr Magister. The movie ends up being a massive hit and starts a new comic company devoted to the characters from the movie. Majority shares are owned by Sir Johnstone's employer, and the 'original concept writer' maintains editorial control over the plots.

  8. Writing these up as Champions NPCs. How would you do it?

    Agent Dana Scully. (X-files.) Acquired

    Agent Fox Mulder. (X-files.) Acquired

    Christina Ricci. (The actress herself, not one of her characters.)

    Doctor Niles Crane. (Frasier.)

    Daphne Moon. (Frasier.)

    Please & Thank You!

  9. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character?


    Ah, see, Sir Johnstone wouldn't commit a crime on British soil. So if he's arrested in Britain, he's been framed. He definitely, definitely wouldn't harm British royalty.:hail: If his Queen wants him to stay in jail then he'll stay. Even if the security is literally just someone telling him not to leave through the unlocked door.

  10. (Straight/gay guy/woman) is hanging out at the Avenger's Mansion with a cup of coffee, waiting for a meeting with the team. You're early, so there's half an hour to kill. Then, the second person to show up arrives. It's (Shulkie for a male homosexual or female heterosexual/Tony Stark for a male heterosexual or female homosexual) and the first words out of her/his mouth are a pick up line, and not a bad one at that!


    This was based on an actual game encounter, but I don't think the GM realised that my character, a male blaster called Guardian, was gay. Being as this was Shulkie, he just outed himself to her. If you can't trust Shulkie to keep a secret, who can you trust?


    How would your character handle it?

  11. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character?


    (Bugger, they're on to us.)


    Nothing to see here, move it along!


    On a more serious note, the reason he would 'have' to be extradited is because he has diplomatic immunity as issued by British authority. So, yes, if he was in some way sentenced to be locked up in Stronghold, then that is where he would be locked up. But he wouldn't be sentenced to time in Stronghold in the first place.


    Also, if the whole prison of Stronghold was British and he was sentenced to time in it, his high reaching (ie 60% of government) contacts would likely pardon him. If not, then he would have at least one superhero/supervillain contact breaking him out everyday. However, if his high reaching contacts said that, for their sake, they would like him to stay for the duration of his sentence, then he would, no matter who tried to free him. Of course, thanks to his lower contacts (prison guards and crooks) he would probably end up living at least as well in prison as he did outside. Maybe better than he did outside, since outside he spent a lot of time being a typical butler.


    I did not know that a diplomat could be barred from reentry. If he is barred, then he probably doesn't care that much, since he was only in America because his employer lived there. He's much happier to be a butler (and sometime superhero) in Britain, the land he calls civilisation. He'd still get a pardon, though.

  12. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character?


    He's a British citizen so is Stronghold an American prison? He'd just get deported to Britain, where he'd be given a full pardon.


    If Stronghold is a Punisher style badguy with an imprisonment theme instead of killing, then putting him in a cell that is tough to escape should be enough. Heck, if you get his employer, or a British noble to tell him that they would prefer him to stay imprisoned for now, telling him where to stay would be enough to make him stay there. Of course, the hard part is that if you imprison him without the permission of the British nobility/government then you'll also have to fight off a horde of supervillains, superheroes and possibly also the British armed forces.

  13. Re: WWYCD "super" registration


    "First, unless your world is different, the president cannot negate laws."


    Firstly, sorry for the misunderstanding. Being British, I have no idea how a registration law in America would work. I intended for a threat to the president to be enough of a threat to illustrate the need for whoever created the law of registration to repeal it, so as not to get anyone killed. The president wouldn't be the only target, just the only one who gets a warning.


    Secondly, yes, deportation of the supers to Britain was a part of the plan. Sir Johnstone has no actual powers, but to compensate, I have made him very influential among the British government. The idea was that, with his guidance, the British government would declare war on the USA using it's own supers against it. Anyone who doesn't want to fight, doesn't have to, but then they still get to patrol Britain.


    Even without the war on America, if we've offered amnesty to all unregistered supers, that means that a) we have hundreds more superheroes, and B) that (hopefully) any supervillains we have offered amnesty to will be willing to target people in other countries, looting American banks, then spending the wealth of another nation in Britain, making us wealthier. Although they would first need to launder the money into pounds sterling, not American dollars.


    America loses about half of it's superhero defenses, Britain gets a superhero population boom and a bunch of patriotic supervillains, willing to spare the country that let them go free.


    The supervillain recruitment might sound somewhat evil, since we let them keep commiting crimes/fighting a war against the US, but Sir Johnstone always did fight dirty.:eg: Once you repeal the registration act, of course we'll stop the assaults etc. But not till then.


    The supervillains might turn on us instead, but by now, we'll have hundreds of superheroes too.

  14. Re: WWYCD: The Nightmare on Hero Street


    Sir Johnstone might be in big, big trouble. He has no powers that a normal human doesn't have, unless you count minor occult knowledge. He'll know what the dream represented, if that helped. And he's not actually afraid of anything.


    Geddy Luger: Geddy'sss Baaack!:sneaky:

    Sir Johnstone: (Smiling) Ah, you appear to be wearing a hat so you probably represent my father's absence during childhood. And the grenades on your belt are an ideal show of my distrust of the military. May I ask how you were planning to kill me?:king:

    Geddy Luger: (Just stands there, annoyed that I stole his thunder.:nonp:


    He might be able to defeat Geddy if it's a case of pure willpower.


    More likely than all of this is the idea that he would offer his mind as sanctuary for Freddy. In this way, Sir Johnstone could attempt to get Geddy legal rights as a living being, whether he has a body or not. Of course, he'd have to agree not to kill anyone else. Then he'd have to turn himself in for the murders he'd already done, have a trial, and plead insanity. Then he'd go to an institution. But since he's currently residing in the mind of Sir Johnstone, he would have to be released to Sir Johnstone's custody. Then from then on, anytime that a bad guy knocked out Sir Johnstone:king: (a non-powered super-hero with a code against killing), all that they would achieve is waking up Geddy!:eg: (a powerful demon with an addiction to killing, maiming and torturing, and the power to make your nightmares become real and kill you)


    I hope Geddy would see the irony in this and agree but if the GM is the sort of GM who brings Geddy Luger in to a super-hero campaign, might not let Geddy say yes.

  15. Re: Wwycd Oops!


    The first thing Sir Johnstone does is get his new apprentice British citizenship. If he's going to be an apprentice to Sir Johnstone, he's d**n well going to be British!


    Then he'd make the new apprentice train and train hard. As in Batman training the first Robin hard. But he'd be training him in butlering, crimefighting and how to be a gentleman, English butler style. If nothing else, the hard work should distract him from the emotional pain and guilt.


    He'd follow that off with giving him the duty of founding the second generation of his dead team, preferably with any survivors, in honour of 'those who came before'. The apprentice will be expected not only to lead the team, but also to train the team should they need it, and to clean and maintain the team's headquarters and or vehicles.


    At this point, Sir Johnstone would back off. He'd still visit the team headquarters once a month for a year, then once a year. When he visited, he would expect a perfectly clean base and a perfectly well-behaved team leader. If that was what he found, he would fight the team leader. If the team leader fought well enough, he would leave his congratulations and then go.


    If any aspect of the visit went badly, he would just disapprove. By now that should be all it would take for the team leader to redouble his efforts.


    Throughout the training he would remind the apprentice that he can, at any time, choose to stop the training and the visits. He also reminds the apprentice that he has a choice. He can be a super-hero or he can be a super-villain. Sir Johnstone doesn't mind which he chooses, but he reminds the apprentice that if he becomes a super-villain, they may end up fighting on opposite sides of a conflict. The fear of that should keep the apprentice on the side of 'God and Her Majesty'.

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