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Posts posted by Eldos

  1. Re: Can I post an adventure?


    Yes, I'm working from word but can readily convert it to a pdf (that makes it a smaller document).


    What about the map, say of Vibora Bay which I'm using as the setting? What about place names there? These are the things I was thinking of including mostly - I can steer away from stats but that does loose some of the adventure but I can refer to them from other books.

  2. Re: Can I post an adventure?


    Thanks for all the support.


    I suppose my question was really in two parts.


    1) Are there any legal problems with me quoting perhaps published Hero material on this board, ie. stats of villians, etc? Other games sometimes get funny about that.


    2) How could I post it? I was thinking of creating it as a pdf that people could download and I was wondering if this site supported that sort of thing?


    Anyway, I'll definately be putting something of it up here in the next month or so.

  3. Re: Traveller HERO: end is approaching


    I've got them and I can say that they are really good. Although I am biased in that Traveller is one of my favorite settings.


    The jury isn't in yet though in my opinon on Mongoose's Traveller which is why Hero is loosing the licence from what I've heard. Don't know if I'll get it or not.

  4. Re: What-If (WhIf) Setting Resources


    Well Turtledove is known as the father of Alternate History. One that I think could work very well is yet another retelling of WWII but using magic instead of technolgoy.


    One for the more cerebral is Days of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson where all western civilisation is destroyed by the Black Death and the Asian, African and Indian (both India and Native American) cultures develop. This would be a particularly good one to dump players in for, "you wake up one morning . . ."


    Another interesting one could be the John Birmingham series where a futuristic fleet goes (yet again!) back to WWII. Similar to the film, 'The Final Countdown' but history changes when the ships stay there.


    Also, points to OzBeastRabbin (who's name comes from Dune)! In the last clip, he uses footage from several films including Memphis Belle (I think), Band of Brothers, War of the Worlds, Independance Day, as well as stock footage of WWII with the music from Aliens. For reference though, the aliens that attack in those stories are actually 4' tall lizardoids, not giant death machines and their fighters used missiles not 'green energy' but full marks for what you did. It was awesome.

  5. Re: Vibora Bay


    Of the Champions settings, I can certainly recommend Vibora Bay - it is certainly my favority. For me at least, Millenium is too . . . well, cheesy. I like a little more realism than exists there. Hudson City is too dark and while I could go for it, my players really like super powers rather than just some flashy gadgets.


    Vibora Bay though has it all. Lots of magic and mayhem but without the silliness of Millenium or the rawness of Hudson.

  6. Hi everyone


    I'm still somewhat new to hero but I'm designing a game of three or four sessions with what at least I think is a good plot.


    I was wondering if I could post it for people to download here? One of the things I've found about Hero is that there aren't a lot of published adventures, at least compaired to another table based role playing game that perhaps may have just started it's 4th edition.


    Anyway, I was just wondering if I could post it when I finish writing it up.

  7. Re: Military Campaign


    Thanks for all the help everyone. I've got a much clearer idea of what I'll be doing now.


    The campaign won't start for a little while but this is pretty much what I'm planning.

    - Heroic campaign (75/75) starting points

    - Military, PCs are soldiers in an alternate world where extreme elements have taken over/subverting many South East Asian countries. Game sessions will be mission, goal based but definitely told from the PCs POV. The war will be going on around them but they will only see part of it.

    - I will assign some skills/abilities to reflect required training.

    - There will be an equipment pool which the PCs will choose from.


    Feel free to keep providing advice as it is greatly appreciated.

  8. Re: Military Campaign


    Okay, fair enough. I was thinking of a Heroic (as opposed to super heroic) campaign. The genre is basically military - the PCs are (modern day?) soldiers that will be engaged in fighting battles against enemies. It will probably be somewhat combat heavy but there will be a fair bit of story telling and role play (as opposed to roll play) involved.


    I was thinking of using the truly massive list of weapons from Dark Champions and providing the PCs with some fairly hefty package deals. While I'll be using Dark Champions, the mood should be different but that's probably the closest to genre that it would be.


    What I'm looking for is probably in terms of general advice. While I like the Hero System, I'm a little new to it and the players are pretty experienced with it - so if I get things wrong, they'll crucify me and the game will flounder.

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