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Posts posted by jye42

  1. Re: PI or Not?


    I wonder about a similar situation with change environment. My character has purchased a change environment to manipulate water/weather as part of it he can create a fog -2 perception, make it cold -2 temp chart and make the ground wet and slippery -1 dex rolls atm i have purchased.


    Life support: Cold

    Environmental Movment: Wet slippery ground

    and 2 perception penalty levels only to offset poor visibility due to fog.


    should i have purchased self immune instead or is change environment a different issue.

  2. Re: Mental Entangle


    To create a form of mental paralysis, you can build something like this:


    Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works against EGO not STR (+1/4), Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (55 Active Points)


    Say you Mentally Paralyse someone who has eyebeams EB: is there are reason they could not continue to use their attacks on you?


    i had somthing similar to create a mental trap kinda like the dnd spell maze except i had it block senses... all of them to represent not being able to interact with the world at all, backlash to represent perils in this mind maze, dosent take damage from outside attacks... or whatever thats called working off memory atm was an expensive power but effective and the only way any powers could be used is if they could target with somthing like clairvoyance or mind scan. but cause the power was already so expensive the gm ruled that only extradimensional powers could effect outside the entangle in any way. its a way of making extra-dimentional movment vs others in a way that costs what it should

  3. Re: International Distribution for 6th?


    Never mind i found the answer elsewhere


    At the show you preorder the books' date=' get the CD and get the books shipped to you when they come in. That'll be the only place they're available during the show- we do want to thank our fans for coming out and supporting us at Gencon. 1-2 days after the show, once we're back and settled in, we'll put the PDF up for sale and the hard copies up for preorder, including a hardcopy/pdf bundle as we usually do. I'm guessing that'll be the 19th, more or less. dw[/quote']
  4. I'm from Australia and a huge hero fan and im sure people from the UK and other various places that play hero games also would like to know. What plans are their for international distribution how much longer will we have to wait compared to you guys in the states.


    If i could id be there at gencon picking up my cd and pre-ordering with everyone else but i cant justify paying a thousand dollars just for a ticket... although nearly :P.


    Chances are ill have to pre-order direct from the herogames website or some other USA online shop but is there any option for me to get send the cd in the mail while i wait for the printers id be happy to pay an extra lot of postage for the trouble.


    Im hoping that steve will respond to this post personally but failing that if anyone can direct me to another post or knows the answer that would be apreciated.


    Thanks Jye

  5. Re: Stargate Refuge


    Hey there i play the part of Yakov Dubrovski taught you folks may be interested to see my character... here is a rundown.


    BTW we are using a hybrid of the yet to be released 6th ed rules and 5th revised for character creation.. we had to make some guesses for points and such but we think its pretty close.



    STR 10

    DEX 10

    CON 10

    INT 18

    EGO 10

    PRE 13

    PD 3

    ED 3

    SPD 3

    REC 4

    END 30

    STUN 30

    BODY 10

    OCV 4

    DCV 4

    EOCV 3

    EDCV 3

    Run 12m

    Swim 4m

    Jump 4m



    Linguist (all languages fluent with literacy)

    Languages; Russian (native), English, Ancient Egyptian, Goa'uld, Azguard, Norce, Ancient Greek

    Universal Translator, requires 6 hours of observation or study

    +2 to all INT skills




    Systems Operation

    Charm (8-)

    Oratoty (8-)

    Weapon Familularity: Small Arms & Grenades

    Science Skills; Anthropology, Linguistics, Archeology, Egyptology

    Knowledge Skills; Earth History, Goa'uld, Work of Daniel Jackson, Work of Karl Marx



    Secret ID: Communist

    Watched by Stargate Command and Russian Military Personal

    Subject to Orders

    Obeys Orders

  6. Re: Most common super hero jobs


    I doubt is common but one of my players in a very light hearted champions game was one of the guys that re-fills vending machines. and his super hero was "The Vendor" who essentialy had a multipower of soda can powers inc. flash of sight (soda stream in eyes), Energy Blast (Shaken up cans thrown at people) and so on.


    Another in the same game was a chinese ice cream stand owner who spoke out if sync and was hunted by "random people" 14- essentualy he may be selling ice cremes in the park then a random guy walking near there might pull out an uzi and shoot him, most likly also out of sync in a very dodgy martial arts movie kind of way.

  7. Ive been looking at crating a new villan for the vibora bay game i am running but at the moment ive got writers block and im out of any really interesting ideas. I have a few peramiters of what i want to make but i dont want somthing too cliche.


    I want a Summoner

    Mystic Origion

    Not a Necromancer or Demon Summoner

    Id like it to suit the "duality" theme of vibora bay


    Any sugestions?

  8. Re: What are "vitals"


    My group difines it like this.

    When purchasing locational armor it counts as being from thigh to navel or there abouts

    Players that want to stab somone in the heart or somthing similar take the -8 vitals loc shot in witch case whatever locational armor that makes sence applies e.g. heart would be loc 10 armor.

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