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Everything posted by FrankL

  1. Re: Back to Normal ? Garret's response would depend on some other factors. If his wife and son were back with him, he would fall on his knees, praising God with tears in his eyes. His son manifested super powers and committed suicide a few months later. Garret's wife left him after that. If they weren't, Garret would track down the supers he mentored and see how they were doing in their new normalacy. If they remembered him and each other. Bolt would be devastated. He was always trying to get respect as a normal. Manifesting gave him that. Now he's powerless, in high school, making good grades, and second string on the basketball team, but unrespected. However, if his ex-girlfriend's powers had also gone away, bringing back her old personality, he would breath a sigh of relief and let it all go. Null Space would attempt to recreate the experiments that brought them about.
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