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Optimal D

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Everything posted by Optimal D

  1. Re: Hyper Agility Powers... I've got a lot of the stuff mentioned so far condensed down to 15" Flight, No Turn Mode (+1/4), No Noncombat Movement (-1/4), with a -0 special effect limitation (the effect being 'whatever combination of leaping, swinging, and wuxia-style wall running it takes to get there'.) Also, rather than the extra movement only for half moves, I've got a bunch of martial maneuvers with FMove; this, with the high base inches of movement but no noncombat multiple, represents a character able to dodge, weave and strike accurately while moving at a flat-out run. Some more favorites: Quicker Than the Eye: Invisibility to Sight, Instant (-1/2), Not vs Rapid Sight (-1/4) This gives you the effect of invisiblity for the duration of your action, letting you strike so quickly the target can't defend, or move from one hiding space to another in the instant a guard turns his head or blinks. Quick Wrap-Up: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF; No Range (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), OIF (appropriate materials of opportunity; -1/2) Swiftly tangle up an opponent in whatever happens to be available (their cape is a good choice....)
  2. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? The biggest hit against a villain in the game I'm running currently was when the team brick hit Dr. Destroyer with a pushed Move-Through that ended up at 21 1/2 d6 with Double Knockback. The player rolled well on top of it, resulting in 45" of Knockback, putting Destroyer through two DEF 14 BODY 6 walls, for two extra hits of 20d6 each. Since he had single-digit STUN left at the time, this left him thoroughly Knocked Out....
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "I'm telling you, Takofanes is the answer!"
  4. Re: What's my name? Some good ideas here... I like 'Warcraft' the best so far, though I might go with 'The Bug'. (I suspect the other members of the War Machine will end up using the latter regardless of his actual code name....) Thanks!
  5. So, if you were... A shapeshifting insectoid alien trained as a spy... Who also has considerable talent with advanced technology... Who has come to Earth to escape the wrath of people sufficiently tired of being spied upon by shapeshifting alien bugs to blow up your homeworld... And you've ended up working for the Warlord as the newest member of the War Machine... What would your code name be? Any ideas? I've got this villain written up but I can't just call him 'Warsomethingorother'.....
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The V'hanian super-hacker they'd been trying to track down was amused by this and decided to have a brief chat with her. She didn't get much useful information though.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Coming from a character who didn't have much useful to do in the investigation happening at the time: "I search Google for 'Istvatha V'han secret base.'"
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