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Everything posted by lunaticlord

  1. Re: Is it Flash or is it me? With that logic, you would have thought Batman would have long ago spared a few bucks to incorporate a gas mask in his costume over the years!!
  2. Re: Simulating Drowning with Images It sounds like the guy is going for an actual drowning (since life support is required as the counter) rather than the perception of such. And the Does BODY seems like he's going for a rather harsh effect that shouldn't be there for such an automatic power. I mean how many people that he's going up against are going to have the life support to counter it? It's also very clumsy and likely WAY over the AP limit of the campaign (I haven't run the points, but it sounds expensive). I like a simple 3d6 or at most 4d6 [EB, NND (life support/holds breath), AOE] without the Does BODY for the effect if it's physical in nature. Or if he mostly wants the mental effect of drowning, then I like a low d6 [Mental Illusions, AOE, Cumulative, Set Effect] to build up to the effect over a few phases. Images would be tricky since everyone would have to see the water, feel the choking, etc. Frankly, it sounds like he's looking for an instant kill and playing with a lot of caution/stop powers that a GM should feel free to refuse if he thinks it's unbalancing.
  3. Re: Killer Shrike's Increased Leathality System So, what did you do to increase the BODY damage? Just add a flat 2d6 to all EB's and a 1/2d6 to KA or did you add it directly to the powers/weapons themselves?
  4. I'm trying to build a drug that will numb someone's pain to allow them to fight on unhindered, but I'm having trouble what that effect might be on the game. As far as I know, there's no power to model it with that makes you immune to stun (other than automaton), and there's not much in the way of negative effects from pain other than the long term injury rules. Any suggestions on how to fit this in? I was leaning toward a 25% damage reduction from shrugging off injuries, but was hoping for something better. Thanks.
  5. Re: pushing and shoving Wouldn't this be covered under the rules for knockback?
  6. Re: Alcohol touch I agree that it should be roleplayed, but we are talking about the game mechanics to go along with it. I used the transform to addict as a way of applying the Dependence disadvantage through a slow process that can be avoided by curtailing the behavior to let the trasnform damage heal over time (I believe it's their REC every month), and the level of the addiction can be increased for more addictive substances. After that, the disadvantage would be bought off like any other, along with the roleplaying to support it (12 step program, time at a methadone clinic, detox, etc.) as no disadv should be removable without appropriate roleplaying.
  7. Re: Alcohol touch I built alcoholic beverages as [Aid 1d6 PRE; only to overcome PRE attacks] with a small bonus to the maximum (so the more you drink, the braver you become), with a side effect of 'drunkenness' which I defined as [Drain 1d6 DEX and INT]. I also defined the possibility for addiction as a [minor Transform 1/2d6 "to addict"]. This gives me a nice base mechanic for these effects which I can easily modify as needed for stronger drinks/drugs. For an alcohol touch that inflicted this effect on people, I'd simply do the reverse, building it as a [Drain 1d6 DEX and INT] with the Aid as a side effect.
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