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Posts posted by RexMundi

  1. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


    The industry has demonstrated over the last couple of years, that ICONIC, sells more Core books, then Giant Jumbles of Grab you Art, while the reverse is true, for the follow up supplements. Aside from HERO from Fred forward, another really good example, is the Starwars SAGA edition. From a distance, the Iconic books really grab your attention in their stark simplicity. Sure, some of that attention is "What the hell, this thing looks like a Parts Catalog for Panhead engines!" But it GOT, your attention. It made you pick it up. Even if you hate it, you still noticed it.


    To go to the DnD examples, the 3.x books moved All the time, and used the same formula. When the 4e stuff hit, it was all, BUSY covers, Foil Enhanced ADHD attention grabbing Riot of everything art wise they could think of. Which is why you find Piles and Piles and Piles of them sitting everywhere not selling, because amid all that colorful noise, are strong bold Iconic books from other companies, that stand out even MORE, because of the uncontrolled riot around them in the store.


    It's a pretty strong proven marketing tactic.



  2. Re: Dragon-riders of Pern


    Ruth however, was blazingly smart. As for Canth, he didn't feel like showing off how smart he actually was. I'm not so sure though that it's much a factor of Lower or Higher IQ for the various colors, as it is, Better Short Term memory, and the ability to Articulate. It's not a Human Brain after all.



  3. Re: Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth?


    Had more then a few of those myself, heh. They can be interesting especially when the rest of the party turns on the guy for being to much of a potential threat, because if he DOES get into a fight with someone his "skill of power gaming", the radioactive wasteland that remains of the battlefield afterwards, doesn't mesh well with the thinking of the less PG'ed players.



  4. Re: Post-Apocalypse campaign with Pulp Hero feel


    Indeed. Day after Ragnarok is very Pulp meets Post Apocalypse (As well as being a very fun scenario). I've got a soft spot for Cadillacs and Dinosaurs though. I think I may have to put that together for a freebie game come Con time. Gonna drag the 6e stuff along with me, and already opened up some holes in my normally insane demo schedule for Mongoose so I can actually run and play some stuff for myself for once heh.



  5. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


    I have to disagree with everything Haven said. It's an exciting cover, and easily-distracted me had no problem reading the back cover text.


    In fact, I'd go so far as to say this may be the best cover in DOJ's history.


    The only way it could have been better was to have Nighthawk getting crunched. ;)


    I always thought, the best Cover in HERO(Could have been) history would have been a Follow up cover for the BBB, which shows the result of a Seeker vs Dr. Destroyer fight. Still. Nighthawks boot sticking out of one of Gronds back molars would have been another plus methinks. ;D



  6. Re: The Singularity?


    So where's all the infinite power come from to fuel all this infinite inertialess forward progression? There seems to me to be far to much "Rub the Genie Lamp" here to give it much credibility.



  7. Re: Nova?


    Oh, sweet baby Cylon Jesus, Rex. You should go into stand up.



    Unless you were being serious....

    And before anyone goes basing their futurology on Jerry Pournelle, I have a book you need to read, name of Fallen Angels. There's just a tiny gap between "what you want to happen," and "what will happen." As for mining asteroids, the question isn't what the material is worth, it is "when will it be worth less per ton than the same ore mined on Earth?"


    Aww....come on you don't get to be Gigantic forces of Industry whose mere minor actions effect the economies of countries and big chunks of the world because everyone that makes it work, all has to wear a sign handed to them by Bill Engvall right?



  8. Re: Nova?


    How about something simple then such as (this is assuming one has something good like workable Fusion for example), Helium 3 is the best fuel for said power process and it's readily available laying around like Dirt, out there Space ways? That's before all the things like Power production and manufacturing and things such as that. There IS profit up there.



  9. Re: Time Travel in Sci Fi and Games....The Good, The Bad, and the Oh so Ugly...


    Our New York.....heh well I suppose it could have been worse, it could have been Our Detroit. I'm going to have to go look for that book as I do not believe I have read it. The Idea of "older" culture doing the time travel thing (Past the point of let's say, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, League of Extraordinary Gentleman stuff and or some of the Super Science/Magic of some of the other genre arcs) is something I have not added to the mix yet. Thanks for the tip.



  10. Re: Nova?


    Some parts of it may be Reality challenged, but then, you can only argue so many fine points with something at the top of the food chain, before it eats you.



  11. Re: Nova?


    Yeah, but those guys are SMART, and have already hired all the people that are actually good at fighting, to work for THEM. Only in a James Cameron movie, are the corporate guys mentally deficient. Most likely have Richard Marcinko on retainer. :D



  12. Re: Nova?


    I still think, the "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" (And other death from above examples) (since being on the moon will make it easier to get the rocks in the belt in the first place), will Trump "Big Guv'ment Nationalization". Besides, those politicians had to get their "Elect me" money from some place right? That is if they are still really around in any sort of power at all (Mega Corp evolution), but most likely, I lean towards a world power like, China or India, or even Russian, that's going to look at that Outer Space Treaty and go...."Yeah....so what."



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