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Posts posted by OSAT

  1. Re: My Craziest Idea Ever?


    I know someone on the boards was doing the Ben 10 ailens. theres one thats big enough to stand on the ground and knock down ships in flight. this might be a realy cheap way to do that growth 1 megascale one always on big honken form only i'll have to check the costs (will post them when i'm done)


    growth 27 levels 1,024m tall 135 active points

    growth 1 level w/ mega scale 6 active points

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    For the record, I don't understand half of what you guys are talking about, other than that you're making fun of my character's name.


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary thinks it's all pretty ironic, given what the original motivation was for playing a Felucian.


    Mok is the villain in the movie Rock & Rule, he's an evil musician looking to find the one voice so he can summon up a daemon. He has a set of henchmen who are identical they never mention if their actually triplets they do say they are brothers. Its a good flick i have it on DVD. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086203/

  3. Re: Twisted Cross, Silver Bullets


    the knights of the blood books (there's 2 of them forget the author) with vampire knights hold up in a castle for a few centuries who skirmish one night against a Nazi field hospital set up on their door step and acidently make vampire Nazis also the helsing anime and manga back in the days when Walter was young and hip

  4. Re: Odd News - Plot Seed?





    It almost sounds like a writer's challenge - "Write a story leading up to this incident where it actually makes sense for two armed men to enter a stranger's house at three in the morning to demand an eggbeater!"


    Maybe the eggbeater constitutes evidence of another crime? Would there be incriminating DNA on it?


    Or a hidden microchip with valuable information?




    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary isn't an egg, but confesses that making sense of this story has it beat


    how else does one get past the paladins who say elbow?

  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    OK, for those who cared...

    Steel Knight: How am I supposed to top that?





    1. Cheese
    2. my parents told me i can do anything i put my mind to
    3. can we hurry this up, i've got a date i don't want to be late for
    4. I know that, you know I know that, I know you know that I know that, but do I know that I know that?
    5. yea I do feel lucky, punk

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