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Posts posted by TheEmerged

  1. 9/11 didn't happen in the NeoChampions Universe (my current campaign, in which the PC's are villains and there are heavy Aberrant & Brave New World aspects) -- as such. I moved the date of the destruction of Detroit to September 11, 1992 to compensate, since the date should still matter.


    As for the upcoming war -- in the NeoChampions Universe, the job was done right the first time, so there is no "next Gulf War" coming. I would be a distraction given the PC's motivations anyway.

  2. I have a special variant myself, what I jokingly call the "Stuff" option. If you have the appropriate Skill Enhancer and 5 attached skills bought to INT level, you can buy a 6th slot called "Stuff" up to INT level -- but you can never buy a "Stuff" skill beyond the base INT level.

  3. We've been messing around with using HERO Clix the last couple of sessions instead of our traditional battlemat (it was getting ratty anyway).


    1> To say it's faster is only half true: because you're using the ruler instead of counting. I'd wager that if you used a ruler on a hex map that was appropriate in size, it'd be faster too.


    2> Some of the disadvantages associated with things like Turn Mode don't translate well to pure-miniature -- or I'm missing something obvious. Might be better if the miniatures had a hex base instead of a circular one...


    3> Since none of us are especially talented with this sort of thing, accounting for environmental items isn't working as well yet. I have some stuff I want to try in relation to this in the near future, though (not in time for our next session, maybe the one after that).

  4. Michtendorf


    I've planned a "sublet" of this for the NeoChampion Universe. The hometown of the first Nova (Hyperion -- yes, the founder of Sanctuary) has since become a hotbed of low-end superpowers (I'm talking 200 point supers in a campaign where the PC's started with 400). Given that around 1 in 100,000 people in the US erupted into novas cf Champions Universe pg 31), on Michtendorf Island there are around 30 in a population of abou 50,000.


    It's a hotbed of weirdness, especially because a high percentage of those have chosen to keep their nova-ness secret due to the harshness of the Nova Registration Act in my campaign.

  5. Woot! After a couple of hiccups, I can officially say I'm back!


    For the curious, my own HERO Page is slowly growing. The main attraction is still my editorial about the differences between 4th & 5th Edition, located HERE. Post any suggestions/comments here, or send 'em via the email link at the bottom of the page I finally relented and added (and have gotten 3 pieces of junk mail at... :rolleyes: )


    Hopefully everyone else starts coming back soon :)

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