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Everything posted by TheDux

  1. So my character, who would fall somewhere between a "mentalist" and an "energy projector", is pretty clever and will use a bit of trickery rather than brute force. The power I want to make is to make an opponent think I will be striking them and force them to take a defensive action (thus sacrificing their next turn). In non game terms it would be like this: Solomon Grundy (my mentalist) creates an illusion (ONLY IN THE TARGETS MIND) that he is about to be struck by any attack (either an energy blast from me, a near by foe hitting him across the face, or a falling car about to crash land where he is standing). At this point the target can either see through the illusion and just ignore it, take some defensive action, or stand and take the "hit" but be puzzled when nothing happens to him. In slightly more game terms (Italics are optional): Solomon Grundy creates some sort of effect that requires a char roll to see through. If the target succeeds in the check then he see through trickery and simply ignores the effect. If the target fails the check, he then is required to either take a defensive action and abort his next turn, or take the attack and leave him puzzled and take some sort of -DCV. I am thinking that this can be done with something like 8d6 Mind Control, Telepathic +1/4 (50 Active Points), Set Effect [Defensive Action] (-1/2), Limited Power [Does not require Break Out Roll] (-1/2). Total Cost: 25 I think that the above might work with the right SFX (the mental illusion being the SFX). I will also mention that typically the Mind Control dice only need to beat the target's Ego since he should be inclined to dodge/etc anyway. If not Ego + 5 because it does "contradict reality" but not under direct observation. Ego + 10 might be best since it does "contradict reality" but not under direct observation AND the character might not be inclined to take defensive actions and just take a direct hit. Now will this work? How can i make it better/more accurate? What should the "typical" basis foe the dice goal be? (Ego? Ego + 10?) Keep in mind the over all goal is to force them to abort their next turn by taking a defensive action.
  2. Re: Character for comic and game. Copyright issue? Thor was going to be one of the examples for my case. I feel pretty confident about using the name now. Thanks alot to both.
  3. So I have been working on a superhero team for a comic I am working on. Only problem is that the name that I want to use (really HAVE to use) is already taken by DC, though the name is a common name in literature. NOTE THAT I AM AVOIDING USING THE NAME. I just need to know a couple opinions. One, about my concept, two if you think it infringes on any sort of copyright laws, finally using the same concept AND if the name might be a problem, any alternate names? So here is the concept (Italics are still in the works): Ages upon ages ago for some reason when a tribal elder/shaman died all of his wisdom and knowledge passed to a child who was born the next day. After endless series of this cycle (each life taking similar course and following similar trends). Among these was King Solomon (perhaps the first in the cycle, having various ideas about this). During each age the knowledge grew, the experiences strengthened, and those born in the cycle became more and more powerful. Finally in modern age a boy is born into this cycle. As with each person in the cycle before him, he is stronger than the last. He has more knowledge and wisdom, stronger telepathic and kenetic powers, and like several before him a strong degree of powers allowing him to imbue others with more strength and increasing thier powers (effect is multiplied in Metahumans). This is in additiona ot a certain degree of clairvoyance based on his previous incarnation's experiences. In one variation of my idea this is called the "Solomon Legacy". In another it is King Solomon who first identifies this trend and finds a way to hone it and "use" it more iffecently. Now ever person in this cycle has similar trends and paterns in thier life. These events occure on the same day of the week in order of the week. But not nessasarily on the same day of the year. The big events being Born on a Monday, Dying on a Saturday, and being buries on a Sunday. You might have guessed that the name in question is Solomon Grundy as in the nursery rhyme Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Grew worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. That was the end of Solomon Grundy. There lies the problem. Solomon Grundy is a DC villian. Though they share very little in common other than a name and source of the name, I am afraid of any kind of copyright infringement. I know I can use ANY name i want in a game, but I also want to use this character in some personal comic projects that i might be putting into print and/or online. I just want to have my bases covered. So ideas about copyright issue? about the concept? Cool game power ideas? Other? thanks in advance.
  4. I have not fully decided on how I will be using this power. The basic idea is an Energy blast that can be fired like a normal energy blast (as a single action). Or charged for a more powerful, more END efficent attack. Following examples are to outline different applications I might be using this for. Note, I do not have anything finalized so specfic examples are a bit hard to come by. EXAMPLE: DragonBallZack (SPD 3) has a 3d6 Energy blast. He can use this (by screaming the incantation and performing the corect gesture) quickly in a single segment. Or on segment 4 he can begin charging the attack and begin the incantation. Segment 8 He would continue the incantation and charge the EB even more (taking it from say 3d6 to 6d6). On Segment 12 he is finally finished with the incantation, launches an 12d6 energy blast. EXAMPLE: The Popeye (SPD 3) just stunned his archnemisis The Blutor on Segment 4. On Segment 8 he choses to wind up his punch before knocking The Blutor across the room on Segment 12. Now, I can see both of these being done simply by taking the Extra Time limitation and just buying several different attacks. But what if DragonBallZack wanted to charge his for 1 extra segment once and 3 extra segments, or 100 extra segments? 100 being an extreme exageration to make a point. DragonBallZack's example is closest to my concept (that I am slowly adding to as I type this). But I have a possible use for The Popeye's example as well. Thanks in advance.
  5. Re: Endurance Reserves as a weapon. I was thinking of something along these lines, just wasn't able to put it into game terms (at work, brainstorming between jobs). Thanks alot!
  6. So I am creating a character loaded down with a nice aresenal of gadgets and tools that run off of four different batteries (energy redurance reserves) and finds way to use non lethal tools as weapons. Basicly a MacGyver with high tech toys. So I was thinking about giving the batteries a self destruct sequence so they can be used as bombs/gernades. I would like for the damage to be based on how much Endurance is left in the battery. How would i go about doing this? Ideas? Basicly this is a desperation move. I would also like ideas for just "blowing it up" to cause a big boom from a distant (setting it down and shooting it for an explosion or throwing it up into the air and shooting it). thanks in advance.
  7. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System I find it kind of funny. I am a long time D&D player (and some other "homebrew" systems on chat servers), and I have really been hitting HERO hard for about a month or less. And EVERY example (with exception to "automaticly hits") I made without even looking in the book. Immune to fire? I am pretty sure there are a few ways to pull this off. If not the simple: Desolification - End 0 - Always on - fire only. Maybe HERO wasnt for him, I honestly think that if you want to play HERO you have to really get a bit of outside advice from the HERO community. Requires more brain storming and collaberation than other RPGS to get the full value of the game. Not for everyone, but great for us.
  8. Re: Power cost calculator? Love the spreadsheet Lord Laiden. Havwe that in my "Hero System - General" Folder (with my character sheet template, and other free things). Thanks alot. Meant to have replied sooner, but work has gotten in the way of enjoyment.
  9. Re: No Damage Knock Back Wave What do you mean? I wrote Telekinesis -shifty eye-. First I was thinking about Energy Blast, Double Knockback, Does no Body*(-0), Does no Stun (-3/4), with a Cone AoE. But its that * that is making be avoid that approach. Though somewhere with that Limited Power to negate the "damage" but keep the body "damage" for knock back purpose. Who much of a limitation would I take if I did use Limited Power?
  10. I am wanting to make an energy wave that deals no damage but has a good knock back. I am debating on a what kind of Area of Effect I would like (really liking cone). So as a new player trying to get creation down, I am not sure how to make this power. Goal for the power is mostly to create a defensive power that gives me a little bit more room with some offensive potential (slamming them into walls and other effects). Even to move (forcibly) by standers and other objects. I am thinking telekinesis would be a good base for the power, but I want some input.
  11. Re: Power cost calculator? I would like to add...that is instantly quick...so...I guess the next part is...is there a calculator? I just looked at it again and I got it.
  12. So I am new to Hero System. Like all new RPGs I like to make some sample/test characters to get use to creation system. I am having an issue with power costs with modifiers. I am not bad at math, I am pretty decent with math, but I think I am missing something with power costs. So what I am looking for is an article/formula/calculator/explanation/math lesson. I would like to get this down without a calculator. But I would like to get a calculator for quick and accurate calculations once I start doing more powers/characters. Thanks in advance. NOTE: Like I said I think I am missing something. This happens from time to time with math for me. I miss one detail and I am lost.
  13. Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6? Not sure if this solution has come up. But For big dice rolls on different dice based games I use online dice rollers like http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm. It gives you the result of each die and the total and you can include +/- values. When I GM any game I always have at least 1 laptop sitting beside me, making this a good solution. For standard/smaller rolls I stick with physical dice. Side comment. Hi I am new! Reviewed Hero System Side Kick few months ago, just bought the book.
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