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Posts posted by Rachel

  1. Re: Another topic to discuss: The First NGD thread


    I'm not a big fan of spin-offs. Off hand, I can only think of one that worked (Frasier), and that was completely different from the original series. There may be another, but I can't think of it.


    Specific to Joey, though, I think this is a bad idea. A large part of his appeal is the relationship and banter with the other characters, especially Chandler. I wouldn't mind if they proved me wrong, though. If they concentrate on his acting career, I might actually be interested. His funniest bit ever was in one of his terrible productions. "...That's why I'm getting on this spaceship." Ahh, bad theatre. Thank god I've never been in a bad play... :whistle:


    Several that lasted more than one season:


    "The Jeffersons" and "Maude" both spun off from "All in the Family". "Good Times" spun off of "Maude".


    As Dr. Anomaly mentioned, "The Bionic Woman" spun off of "Six Million Dollar Man" and of course did well. The premise was aimed at young men, primarily, and who would young men rather look at, Lee Majors or Lindsay Wagner? :)


    "Lou Grant" spun off from "Mary Tyler Moore". This, too, was mentioned.


    "Petticoat Junction" and "Green Acres" basically spun off from "The Beverly Hillbillies".


    "Mayberry RFD" spun off from "The Andy Griffith Show".


    And let's not forget the Law and Order and CSI spin offs. :)


    I know there's more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

  2. Re: Nemesis


    She was the Batman of the Guardians Universe for a long time' date=' and hopefully will be again.[/quote']


    That's why I'm trying to write the best background I possibly can. :)

  3. Re: Nemesis


    Rachel' date=' you can (and perhaps should) ask Ben to move this to Champions. Just a suggestion. Anyway, cool writeup, I like it.[/quote']


    Okay. I'll PM him. Thanks. :)


    Sorry about the clutter, guys.

  4. Re: Nemesis


    Liked the Batman ref.


    This thread should really be in Champions, I think.


    I posted here without thinking. :o Sorry, when I think of the boards, I think of NGD.

  5. Re: Nemesis


    VERY cool. I like her.



    Thanks. :) She's still a work in progress. I'm working on some vignettes of her time with various experts before getting her into a costume.

  6. Here's what I have so far on my character, Nemesis. Constructive criticism is welcome. If I'm on the wrong thread, sorry about that. lol


    Background Story: The Cartiers were an American success story. Thomas was a successful businessman, heading a mutlinational conglomerate. His wife, Martha, was a renowned surgeon. They had three children, all very bright, ambitious children. Their oldest child, Emily, was a gymnast considered by many to be a front runner to make the US Olympic team. Thomas, Jr. showed a great scientific potential at a young age. Bruce was a talented artist, despite being only ten years old. They were the social elite of Newport City, until their world was destroyed.


    The Cartiers were celebrating Emily’s 15th birthday with a small dinner at an exclusive Italian restaurant. All the Cartiers were in attendance, as was their butler, Pierre, at Emily’s request. It was a pleasant dinner that turned frighteningly wrong. The cake had just been brought out when several men walked in, calmly lifted automatic weapons and started firing. If that wasn’t bad enough, several men appeared from a back room and returned the fire. Screams filled the restaurant as patrons were caught in the crossfire, including the Cartiers. Emily felt a flash of pain in her lower back as she dove under the table, taking her youngest brother Bruce with her. She was horrified to see his surprised expression, wide open vacant eyes and the blood covering his shirt. She gritted her teeth as the gunfire continued, laying perfectly still and weeping over her brother’s body as she saw her family fall to the ground, dead. She was still laying with Bruce, crying, when the police arrived to clean up the carnage.


    While Emily was laying in the hospital, in traction, Pierre’s brother Andres visited her, giving her someone to share her grief with. Someone who understood the pain she was going through. Emily had no family left, neither did Andres. It was in the hospital that she looked Andres in the eye and swore she wouldn’t rest until her family was avenged and Newport City was safe for other families.


    Emily wasn’t able to attend her parents’ funeral due to her injuries, which was yet another reason in her mind to avenge them. She was released in a wheelchair for the reading of her parents’ will. At the reading, it was discovered that in the event of the Cartier parents’ death, Pierre would become the children’s legal guardian, Andres being named if Pierre wasn’t able to do so. Thus formed a relationship that has endured to the present day.


    She was another month in the hospital with daily therapy before being released. The Olympic hopeful walked out of the hospital on crutches, with both legs in braces. What the public didn’t know, and would never find out, is that her doctor sympathized with her dilemma and had lost someone to mob violence when he was younger, so he’d made sure her records showed that she didn’t respond to the physical therapy as had been hoped. The fact of the matter was that she’d shown remarkable progress, exhibiting a determination that wouldn’t be denied.


    With Andres shielding her from outside interference, Emily retired to her family’s penthouse to begin preparing herself for her mission. She’d been taking martial arts since a young age as a means of defending herself and helping with her conditioning and she continued her training in the martial arts and gymnastics on her own, working steadily for six hours a day. The rest of her time, she spent studying many subjects that would help her. Forensics, criminology, security systems, chemistry and many other subjects, bringing to bear a keen intelligence and an ability to focus that most had overlooked in her due to her athletic ability.


    Finally, she decided that she’d learned all she could on her own, so she set out to find the finest teachers in the world to gain the benefit of their expertise. She disguised herself, using false names, as she sought the tutelage of the best the world had to offer.

  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    How many times do I have to ask people to drop the whole bat fu thing before they actually drop it? :(


    And when can I justifiably get angry when they don't? Because, frankly, I'm getting tired of having to ask and not being able to use an avatar I love for fear of it starting in earnest again.

  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Ever been so scared by something that you laughed really hard?


    Are you sure? ;)


    Can't say that I have, and I hope I can say that on my death bed. ;)


    And considering your past history of tolerance for some pretty horrid behavior, I figured you were going more for amusement than anything else. :)

  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Kara, there are many who are masters of hyperbole, but very few who strive to be "masters of understatement" actually achieve that lofty goal...


    ...and I think you just blew them all away!


    (goes off muttering to himself) Kara is 'perky'?!? Sure...the same way the Titanic was 'big', the moon landing was 'an accomplishment', the X-15 was 'fast'...


    Kara has many talents. :) And a pretty damned good sense of timing. lol

  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    My niece is teething too, her 1st birthday in a couple of days. She can walk and loves her grandparents.


    One is 2 and as always at that age cute, fun, and a handful. He is very definately got his own mind and states so frequently.


    The eldest is nearly five, one month approx to go. I'm sure he is counting the sleeps. He went from Pre-school straight to Transition (he skipped Pre-Transition) and is just starting playing sport.


    Excellent. :) The twins are five, Faith's four, and Erin will be one toward the end of May, so I'm very familiar with the ages you're talking about. :)

  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    It is fine by me' date=' as long as I get credit, and a link to my website. I never mind more exposure. However, since it is Death Tribble's character portrait, I think it would be nice to ask him.[/quote']


    Thanks, Storn. I'll pass it on to Kara. :)

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