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Posts posted by Rachel

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I need to stop replying to any threads that seem the least bit political, even if they didn't start that way.


    I'm tired of having my words twisted.


    I'm tired of having words attributed to me that I never said.


    I'm tired of being told how I felt about something, when I never said I felt that way.


    I'm tired of attacks on my character.


    I'm tired of dealing with the immature people who use the above tactics.


    I know better than to argue with children. Why do I keep doing it?


    Maybe I'm more optimistic than I thought I was and hope for an honest to God debate on a subject.


    Stupid of me, I know, and I'm smarter than that.


    I really need someone to give me a swift kick when they see me posting to those threads.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    If it occurs next time, can I suggest: It's a Small World(1), Madonna's Material Girl, Yellow Submarine(2) and We Built This City. ;)


    (1) Suggested by Rage

    (2) Suggested by L Marcus.


    We're done with apartment living. We have a house in the suburbs. It's nice to have the yard with active children. :)

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    That's cruel and unusual punishment, Kara.


    Who needs a pickaxe when you've got that?


    Well, I probably would, just to poke my own brains out... but... ;)


    She has her moments. lol She's used her "handicap" to her advantage on more than one occasion. She also took her hearing aids out when the twins were on a pan banging binge when they were about a year old.

  4. Re: The cranky thread


    Don't use a grenade.


    A pick axe provides much more catharsis.


    True. Why risk some shrapnel punching holes in your floor?


    We had a similar problem several years ago. Someone playing heavy metal loudly in the apartment below us. In the middle of the night.


    Kara determined when they slept, went out, bought Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life" and started cranking that sucker up loud. It didn't bother her much. She took her hearing aids out. And I was at school.


    Three days of that and she never had to play that God awful song again. :)

  5. Re: PBEM FAQ Help


    Having recently joined GGU, I can tell you I had to ask a bunch of dumb questions, which I am sure that Jack must repeat to nearly every newbie that wants to play in GGU. It helped that there was a thread here on the Champions board about GGU at the time, and one of the other GGU people answered a lot of questions for me, as well.


    I suggest handling the "How do I join?" & "How do I get started?" questions first. Sometimes, its the simplest things that are taken for granted by people who are familiar with the site.


    Perhaps a "Walk-through" of the general process of creating a PC for a specific game because that's what is required, along with a statement that not every submited PC is accepted into each game. Add an overview of what to expect when submitting a PC for audit, so that the auditors can be anticipated.


    I may have a few more suggestions, but I'm too tired to think straight right now. :) Night!




    Any suggestions on what you think the answers should be? You definitely have a fresher perspective on it than I have. :)

  6. I've been asked to rebuild the FAQ list for the Global Guardians Universe PBEM. I thought it would make sense to get ideas from various sources as to what would make good questions for the list, along with any answers to those questions.


    And this seemed to be a good source for people knowledgable about the genre. So, if you're interested in helping, please click on the link above, nose around the site, then come back here with what you think would make a good question or questions to be answered on the site's FAQ page. Or, if you feel self-conscious about posting it/them in a public forum, feel free to PM, ICQ or e-mail me.


    I don't really have a deadline, but I'd like to have the list completed in a couple of weeks, if at all possible.


    Thanks in advance for your help. :)

  7. Re: Nemesis


    The intro to the first post in the Solo game:


    Newport City. A blister that was in a forgotten corner of the

    world's greatest country. A little town that grew into a big city, that

    blackened and darkened until it was as corrupt and vile as any city that

    had ever been, before finally falling to entropy and becoming a black

    seed in the sun. That seed moved through it fast, as if circulating

    through a bloostream. Before too long, the infection had spread to the

    city's streets, to the highest reaches of the sky scrapers and the

    lowest drops of the ghettos. Before too long, the infection seemed

    incurable, and those that chose to regard it either had to accept their

    fate or run. Few chose to run.


    Few ever did.


    That was the nature of the people of Newport City. They knew

    what was better for them, but they were ignorant of what was best. While

    their city died, it's lungs asphyxiated and it's heart pumping black

    bile into their backyards, they sat by and watched. They did so with

    full awareness that Newport City, by all logic and reasoning, was the

    type of place only found in dark stories, in the tales where the city

    was a living, evil being. It was a place where even the lowest form of

    life could not only succeed, but rise in power and respect. It wasn't a

    place to raise your family, or to live at all. It was a lawless body, a



    And it was corrupted not from without, but within. Gangs like

    the Devil's Boys had taken over most of the inner city, making no

    attempt to hide their lineage or their line. Their leader, the infamous

    Blue Devil, was all but a public figure, known and feared and yet

    respected because he owned half of the police force. Before him, the

    Fantino family had owned the force, but Blue Devil's aggression and

    power had put him in ownership of their assets now. What didn't fall

    into the Devil's Boys' hands instead filtered through to one of the many

    lower echelons, where lesser gangs and mafias scrambled for the table

    scraps of those above them. The result was constant turf wars, thugs and

    ruffians in each corner scrapping and scrambling for a piece of the

    proverbial pie. In their wake, the innocent citizens, who just watched

    and waited. Their shops were robbed, their homes invaded, their peace

    shattered. They waited.


    For a hero perhaps? The Global Guardians, The 4Men, The Denver

    Defenders ... They all protected people, saved the day, championed good

    causes. You always saw one of them on television with a little inner

    city kid on one shoulder, and the optimistic thumbs up from the other

    hand. Cameras would flash, reporters would cheer, and millions would be

    spent on the paper the next day. But in Newport City, while women rushed

    home from work on crowded subways and children feared the playground as

    they would a minefield, there were no heroes to champion. No one to

    applaud. No one to even respect or like. There was nothing good about

    Newport City. No backstreet heroes, willing to stand up for everyone

    else. No heroes at all.




    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the environment Nemesis has to deal with. lol

  8. Re: Nemesis


    Looks awesome guys!

    If I might say one thing though...*waits for the debris to be thrown*...in her background, Nemesis is an olympic level gymnast who has been training much of her life for it, correct?

    Now perhaps as a result of the wounds she took when her family was gunned down she might be a bit rusty but I think a few levels with Acrobatics and/or Breakfall are warrented. Ofcourse its just my 2cents and she's already clocked in at 400pts so I'll hush now.


    Good call. I can't believe we missed that one. lol


    Thanks, Chad. I've sent Jack an e-mail as to what to change.

  9. Re: Nemesis


    If anyone would like to watch this character in action' date=' send a blank email to [email']solo-subscribe@globalguardians.com[/email]


    I'm sure Rachel would love the audience. :yes:



    The campaign has not yet started, but it should be starting shortly.


    lol I just posted a short intro, as a matter of fact.

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