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Burrito Boy

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Posts posted by Burrito Boy

  1. Re: Pulp names and basics


    Credit where credit is due' date=' please.[/quote']


    I'm sorry. :o I obviously wasn't paying attention. I retract my former statement and replace it with this one:


    NanDispute's method is the simplest and best for coming up with good pulp hero names.

  2. Re: Pulp names and basics


    ++++++ can also sometimes be a creature so The Azure Dragon' date=' The Ruby Scorpion so long as you avoid the silly The Ashen Flamingo, The Crimson Koala etc[/quote']


    Or, The Smiling Burrito, which is my other alias. Stay away from those and jtelson's method is the simplest and best for coming up with good pulp hero names. It also works well for the names of bars, gangs, etc.

  3. Re: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow


    Zeppelins will be back.

    Once we have this nanotech material worked out properly, they're be no reason to use a flammable gas for lighter than air transport.

    It'll be "the bubbles of nothing that make it something" to quote the old Aero bar ad :)

    Spheres of vacuum. Or several spheres in an aerodynamic shape.


    I found a site about zeppelins in GURPS that has several ideas about "vacuum lifting cells". http://dangermouse.net/gurps/zeppelin/vacuum.html

  4. Re: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow


    Would a series of novels based on sky captain work?


    I don't see why not. After all there's a lot of untapped potential. One of the things that irked me about the movie was the way Sky Captain's whole squadron was destroyed early on. I guess they did that so the film could concentrate on Sky Captain (name?) and Polly. But it still horrified me to see all the wasted possibilities. Setting a series before the movie or after the planes and zeppelins were replaced would open up a lot of storylines. New characters, bigger dogfights, more weird inventions, and living villains could all help make the series successful. Especially if the writer(s) take their cues from a great pulp series like G-8 And His Battle Aces.

  5. Re: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow


    Here's the website about a Zeppelin that is on active duty. I've seen it a couple of times on my way to work.


    Awesome site. Being obsessed with zeppelins, I can't thank you enough.


    If you haven't seen The Rocketeer' date='[/i'] stop mucking around on the Intarwebz and go watch it IMMEDIATELY. If you like Pulp stuff you won't regret it for one second. ;)


    Aye aye, Captain. :thumbup:




    Thanks a lot, man. I nearly died laughing. You'll be hearing from my attorney.

  6. Re: Pulp names and basics


    Check out old time radio shows for characters like The Shadow, The Whistler, The Green Hornet, Johnny Dollar, Blue Beetle, The Green Llama, and others. As well as some great plot ideas.


    By the way, Lady Liberty sounds cool to me. Reminds me of American Maid from The Tick cartoon.




    P.S. You can listen to old radio shows for free at http://radiolovers.com/

  7. Re: REH Archive Reminder!


    Thanks for the link. Maybe someone should start a thread to settle what is the greatest of all Bob Howard's stories?


    Are you crazy? Letting people fight it out to decide which of Howard's stories is his best would lead to Armageddon. Or, more appropriately, Ragnarok.

  8. Re: Western Hero Resources


    Thanks for the links, QuestionMan. :hail:


    By the way, if anybody is looking for plots to use in their western games, I'd suggest Robert E. Howard and D.B. Newton. The End of the Trail is an anthology of Howard's weird and straight western stories that's filled with good ideas. You can also find some of his westerns, including the humorous Breckenridge Elkins stories, at Wikisource. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Author:Robert_E._Howard The best of them is "The Vultures of Whapeton" but they're all good stories. As for D.B. Newton, his best book is Shotgun Guard. But he's written about fifty books so there's a lot of other material to draw from.

  9. Re: Character: Red Sonya of Rogatino


    So when are you going to do Gottfried von Kalmbach?


    I'd like to add my vote for Gottfried von Kalmbach. Although he only appears in a single story, he's one of my favorite Howard characters.


    I also can't wait to see what you do with Breck Elkins, Susano. I tried turning him into a Deadlands character once and failed so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  10. Re: Robot Love Stories


    I remember reading in high school a story; I think a short story of the I Robot series. A doctor meets a prototype female robot and they fall in love and marry (secretly of course). The robot then ages as the human does. The story ends when the main character a robotic expert is called by the female robot asking him to deactivate her. Her husband has died and she wants to be with him.


    The story is "Helen O'Loy" by Lester del Rey. One of the finest science fiction stories ever written and one of my all-time favorites.

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