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Posts posted by Psistrike

  1. Night Warrior


    Night Warrior

    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

    25 DEX 30 14- OCV: 10/DCV: 12

    23 CON 13 14-

    16 INT 6 12- PER Roll 12-

    23 EGO 13 14- ECV: 5 - 5

    20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

    10 OCV 35

    12 DCV 45

    5 OMCV 6

    5 DMCV 6

    6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

    8+4 PD 6 Total: 8/12 PD (0/4 rPD)

    8+4 ED 6 Total: 8/12 ED (0/4 rED)

    10 REC 6

    60 END 8

    14 BODY 4

    50 STUN 15 Total Characteristic Cost: 262

    Movement: Running: 24m/96m

    Leaping: 16m/64m

    Swimming: 8m/16m

    Cost Powers END

    6 Camo modified ninja garb: +5 with Stealth (10 Active Points); OIF Durable (-½), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only in shadows/urban environments; -¼)

    8 Kevlar weave in modified ninja garb: Resistant Protection (4 PD/4 ED) (12 Active Points); OIF Durable (-½) 0

    3 Nightvision lens in modified ninja garb: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF Durable (-½) 0

    14 Ki enhanced leaping: Leaping +8m (16m forward, 8m upward) (Accurate, x4 Noncombat) 1

    13 Ki enhanced speed: Running +8m (24m total), x4 Noncombat 1

    4 +1 HTH Damage Class(es)

    Ninjutus with karate and special forces elements

    Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

    4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 2 ½d6 NND

    4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2 ½d6 NND

    5 Defensive Strike +1 +3 4d6 Strike

    5 Joint Break -1 -2 Grab One Limb; HKA 2 ½d6 , Disable

    5 Kick/Super-charged ki strike -2 +1 8d6 Strike

    4 Knife hand -2 +0 HKA 2d6

    3 Legsweep +2 -1 5d6 Strike, Target Falls

    4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

    4 Martial Escape +0 +0 35 STR vs. Grabs

    3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on

    4 Punch +0 +2 6d6 Strike

    4 Shove +0 +0 35 STR to Shove

    5 Takeaway +0 +0 Grab Weapon, 30 STR to take weapon away

    4 Weapon Bind +1 +0 Bind, 30 STR


    40 Brownstone base and various vehicles: Vehicles & Bases

    30 Government operatives: Contact: Government allies (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (30 Active Points) 14-

    4 Night Warrior reputation: Positive Reputation: Determined Vigilante (A medium-sized group) 11-, +4/+4d6

    3 Steve Pern-Wealthy philanthropist: Positive Reputation: Wealthy philanthropist (A large group) 14-, +1/+1d6

    7 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Local Police Powers, Passport, Private Investigator License

    10 Money: Wealthy


    18 Defensive roll: Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)

    5 Extreme focus and discipline: Resistance (+5 to roll)

    5 Near-superhuman reflexes: Lightning Reflexes (+5 DEX to act first with All Actions)

    5 Trance state: Simulate Death (+2 to roll)

    1 Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)

    3 Bump Of Direction

    3 Lightsleep


    10 Constant awareness: Defense Maneuver I-IV

    20 Extensive combat experience and training: +2 with All Attacks

    24 Highly trained and adapt individual: +2 Overall

    10 Martial arts skill: +2 with a large group of attacks

    7 Acrobatics 16-

    3 Acting 13-

    7 Analyze: Combat 14-

    7 Breakfall 16-

    7 Bugging 14-

    5 Bureaucratics 14-

    3 Charm 13-

    3 Climbing 14-

    3 Combat Driving 14-

    7 Computer Programming 14-

    7 Concealment 14-

    3 Contortionist 14-

    5 Conversation 14-

    7 Criminology 14-

    3 Cryptography 12-

    3 Deduction 12-

    3 Electronics 12-

    3 High Society 13-

    3 Interrogation 13-

    3 Linguist

    3 1) Language: Arabic (Modern) (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)

    3 2) Language: French (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)

    1 3) Language: German (basic conversation; literate) (2 Active Points)

    1 4) Language: Japanese (basic conversation; literate) (2 Active Points)

    3 Lipreading 12-

    3 Lockpicking 14-

    7 Mechanics 14-

    2 Navigation (Land) 12-

    5 Oratory 14-

    3 PS: Ex-black ops agent 14-

    7 Paramedics 14-

    5 Persuasion 14-

    3 Scholar

    4 1) KS: Business (5 Active Points) 14-

    4 2) KS: Current events (5 Active Points) 14-

    4 3) KS: Material science (5 Active Points) 14-

    4 4) KS: Ninjutus (5 Active Points) 14-

    4 5) KS: Superhumans (5 Active Points) 14-

    3 Security Systems 12-

    3 Shadowing 12-

    3 Sleight Of Hand 14-

    3 Stealth 14-

    5 Streetwise 14-

    8 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Desert, Mountain, Urban) 12-

    7 Systems Operation 14-

    3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, SCUBA, Skiing (snow)

    3 Tactics 12-

    3 Tracking 12-

    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 503

    Total Cost: 765

    400+ Matching Complications

    5 DNPC: Jamie Sonders aka Shadowstrike Infrequently (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

    5 Distinctive Features: Strong ki signature (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)

    10 Hunted: Former black ops employers Infrequently (As Pow; NCI; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Watching)

    15 Psychological Complication: Justice not Law (Common; Strong)

    10 Psychological Complication: Nightmares of last black ops mission (Uncommon; Strong)

    15 Psychological Complication: Protect the innocent no matter what (Common; Strong)

    15 Psychological Complication: Skill over gadgets (Common; Strong)

    365 Experience Points

    Total Complications Points: 765

    Background/History: Rough Start to New Life

    Steve was never what his parents wanted him to be. Interested in many subjects, but never their business, he took to training under teachers and masters all over the world, from Japan to Germany and beyond. But his restless spirit never settled, despite everything he experienced, unable to figure out his purpose in life. Recruited by the C.I.A. at 20, he became one of their best agents in the field and soon was recruited to one of the top secret black ops groups even the C.I.A. knew little about.


    Taking down terrorists, tyrants, enemy agents and superhuman threats, he proved himself time and again, a force which the underworld feared and terrorist attempted to avoid attention from. All for a public which would never know what he did, as all missions were beyond top secret. Sometimes his group never even knew the precise reason for their missions, both before and after they ended.


    After a disasterous mission against a hidden cell of SHADOW, one in which his whole team was wiped out, leaving Steve the only survivor, he was given an honorable discharge and his records sealed. To this day he relives what happened in nightmares, waking up in a cold sweat screaming, visions of the monsters they faced burned into his mind. One of these days he vows to find out who sent them on that mission and punish him for incomplete intel on the threat they faced.


    Surban Life, Big Changes and New Friends

    Settling down in the Lincoln area of Freedom City, it was a hard adjustment to civilain life, having no direction in life once more. But when Franklin Moore became mayor and passed the Moore Act to ban heroes from operating in Freedom City, he knew something had to be done. Outfiting himself with a modified version of his old ninja garb, he took to the streets as Night Warrior, taking down scum his own way. He would protect the innocent, no matter what cost to himself. He never killed unless given no other option to prevent the death of an innocent or stopping a monsterous act.


    Operating from the shadows, he slowly worked his way out from the Lincoln area and into the rest of Freedom city, putting the fear of the night into gangs and local criminals alike. Upon seeing the state of the Fens, he knew more must be done than simply fighting the symptom instead of the cause. Finally contacting his parents once more after years of silence between them, he began to learn the art of business and took the funds he could to improve the lot of the poor. Rebuilding and repairing rundown buildings, setting up shelters and funds to help the poor, he donated his own time as well as Steve Pern. Helping soup kitchens and YMCAs, he pushed himself to the point of exhaustion and beyond to help out.


    Yet it was never enough, with few other heroes operating in Freedom City due to the Moore Act, it seemed at times like he was fighting a flood with a bucket. He kept mostly to himself, only ever having worked with Force OPS once to break up a gang war in the Fens before it could spread. Many thanked him over the years, yet none ever truely knew the man beyond the mask. Steve prefered it that way, able to lead a normal life as Steve Pern, yet able to fight crime as Night Warrior. Only one fateful day in 1990 came which would help to shape his life later on.


    Destiny Set by One Selfless Act

    A man by the name of Richard Sonders, a brilliant young businessman who pushed for non-lethal weapons for police forces, was held at gunpoint as he headed to his car, an apparent robbery attempt. Nearby, Steve rushed to his aid, knocking the robber away and taking a bullet to his right shoulders as he shielded Mr. Sonders from gunfire. Helped to the hospital by the man he saved, a lifelong friendship was formed that day. After being treated, they went out to eat and got to talking. Mr. Sonders talked about working security or as a bodyguard due to his skills, til he found out Steve was heir to Pern Enterprises. They vowed to keep in touch, despite Mr. Sonders living 100 miles away.


    He kept up the good fight, both as Steve Pern and Night Warrior, til one fateful day in 1991. He faced a powerful metahuman criminal, one beyond his skills to deal with. Barely surviving the fight before Force OPS showed up, he realized things were out of control beyond his ability to deal with. With the election of Mayor Michael O'Conner and the repeel of the Moore Act, Night Warrior faded out as Steve retired and took on a job as the bodyguard for the baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Sonders.


    Helping to raise the young girl, he became "Uncle" Steve and was named her godfather. Caring for the young girl as if she was his own, he would die to protect her from harm. Taking her on trips to Freedom City, mainly to the park and petting zoo, she took a keen interest in the Supers Museum, admiring all the heroes and their exploits. When she was old enough for elementary school, Steve used some connections and got her placed into a private school known for confidentiality and security. Every day she would come home, talking to Steve and her parents about her day, especially the fun she had in art class.


    But she never seemed to talk about her friends, which lead to a talk with her teachers. Shy and keeping to herself, they tried enrolling her in gymnastics class never the school to get her out of her shell. Steve watched over her every day, seeing her rebel at first, yet soon showed natural talent and agility for a girl her age. Soon she made friends with some of the other girls in her class, the crisis had passed.


    Steve found he was needed less and less as Jamie sent more and more time with her friends. Til the day Jamie came home with a black eye. Steve listened to her pour out her heat, telling the tale of the bullies and how she had avoided them til they cornered her today. Already 5 years old and in 2nd grade, her natural intelligence was bound to draw bullies sooner or later. Thus he took her under his wing, training her in the martial arts for self defense. Steve was shocked how quickly she took to the training, learning techniques in weeks which had taken him months. Her confidence grew and he once more saw a smile on her face, the bullies having learned to leave her alone. But sometimes the light shines brighest before the darkness closes in.


    Darkness Falls on a Little Girl

    Just one month before Jamie's 6th birthday, her parents bid her goodbye as they were taken an extended business trip to Europe. It wasn't long before the tragic news came, as Steve heard about their plane having been shot down over a small town on the edge of U.S. soil. An experimental weapon, stolen by a militant group, was being tested and ended up striking the plane as they flew overhead. Exploding in mid-air, all that was left were scraps of metal and no human remains.


    Delivering the news as gently as he could to Jamie, she held onto him and cried into his chest for over an hour before falling asleep, exhausted. Thanks to his government contacts, history with Jamie and being her godfather, it was only two days before Steve was given custody of Jamie. Given control of Jamie's inheritance, including their business, til she was old enough to handle them herself, Steve never expected what came next.


    Jamie asked Steve to sell her shares of the company to the stokeholders, as she didn't wish to have anything to do with them. Honoring her wishes, they sold the mansion she had lived her first 6 years of life within. Moving to Freedom City, Steve bought a large brownstone in the Lincoln area, setting everything up for their new home as Jamie was still in shock over her loss. Steve took on the large basement as private project, creating his own private gym and training area while taking care of Jamie and home schooling her.


    As Jamie began to recover and open up once more, Steve noted she was drawing again and set up a private studio. Only a few months later, near Jamie's 7th birthday, she was finally ready to start up in public school. Enrolled in the nearest elementary school, Steve also took to training her in private in the martial arts once more, along with some of the more exotic skills he had learned over the years. Focusing her anger and frustration over her parents' deaths into her training, she proved once more to be a natural in this as well.


    New Start for Everyone

    Jamie was advancing far too fast for the amount of training Steve was placing on her. It took some time but he finally found out the truth. Jamie had been waking up early to do some private training of her own. Smiling, he left her to her training, knowing it helped her to forget what happened to her parents. Not taking a direct hand in stopping her extra training, she even improved in her classes at school. This never seemed like a problem, til she was skipped 2 grades and placed in Joseph Clark High School.


    The arguements began to start when Jamie asked to stay out later and go to parties, despite being younger than her classmates. Things escalated to a boil when Jamie as 15 and a Junior in high school. Wanting to use her training to help others and be a superhero like her idols, Steve would have none of it. He knew the dangers out there and didn't want his little girl to get hurt. The fighting went back and forth, with Jamie saying she could take care of herself and Steve stating it was more dangerous than she believed. When she came home with cuts on her arms and legs, gotten when she rescued a girl from a metahuman rapist, Steve put a tighter lease on her activities.


    Setting down the law, she was to go to school and come straight home each day, only sending time with her friends or going to mall when Steve was around. But Steve had no experience in controlling a rebelious teen and this didn't last long. Reports of a shadowy figure fighting crime made Steve suspicious, believing Jamie was sneaking out at night to fight crime. With no proof it was Jamie, he knew he couldn't confront her without it blowing up in his face.


    Woke up early one day by the doorbell, Steve found himself face to face with the Raven, who had Jamie in a night garb standing beside her, a crestfallen look on her face. Obviously injured as she clutched her side, Steve was about to yell out of fear and concern when the Raven interveined. She went on to explain how she had found Jamie fighting some gang members, holding her own til a metahuman began to overwhelm Jamie. She saved the young girl, which Steve thanked her for and went over to Jamie.


    "Now, young lady. Do you see why I was so against you going out and fighting crime? If the Raven hadn't been there...I don't even want to think of what might have happened to you." he said in a somber tone. But right when he got to the part about cutting off her training and resistricting her activities even more, the Raven once more spoke up on Jamie's behalf. She told of how Jamie showed great skill and talent, especially in a fight against bad odds. She just needed more training to one day become a true hero, to hone her skills.


    Steve began to protest she didn't have the power, only to be told about how Jamie activated a mutant power during the fight which saved her life, the ability to cancel out sounds around her. Bringing up the Claremont Academy and placing Jamie there, Steve finally broke and agreed she could go there, as long as she kept her grades up and didn't go out fighting crime on her own again. Agreeing to all the conditions placed before her, Jamie was packed and ready to leave the next day.


    As he bid her goodbye, Steve could only watch as the little girl he had helped raised went out, realizing he would have to learn to let her go. Hugging her goodbye, he could only wonder what she would face at the Claremont Academy. Steve began to think of Duncan Summers offer to teach at the Claremont Academy, realizing it was time to accept the offer, if for no other reason than to remain close to Jamie.


    Personality/Motivation: A man of many faces, Steve is a personable and generous man who tries his best to be on everyone's good side. He feels it is his responsibility to give back to the community and will do whatever he can to help out. Although personable, he is no pushover and will stand up to a bully, no matter who they are. He believes in justice over following the letter of the law, going out of his way to make sure it is served.


    As Night Warrior, he is a stern and brutal warrior who scares criminals into surrendering or at least hesitating. Fear is a weapon to use against those who would harm the innocent, despite being out of operations for many years now he is still well known to the underworld. He is determined to clean up Freedom City and give his god daughter a peaceful place to live. He relies very little on equipment, prefering to use his skills over weapons.

    Concept: Highly skilled vigilante

    Occupation: Teacher, adventurer

    Base of Operations: Freedom City

    Real Name: Steve Pern

    Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record

    Identity: Secret

    Marital Status: Single

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 170 lbs.

    Eyes: Green

    Hair: Blond

    Age: 40 years old


    Quote: "Better learn to fear the night, because it is no longer yours!"


    Powers/Tactics: Night Warrior has training in virtually every area known, from extreme combat skills and black ops training, to knowledge in many subjects and a skilled businessman. Relying on knowledge and skill over tools, he has learned a lot in his life, both from reading and experience in unusual circumstances. He has training in true, ancient ninjutsu and knows how to focus his ki energy both to boost his speed, reflexes and the force of his blows.


    When in a fight, Night Warrior will try to get the drop on his foes and take them out fast with accurate and focused strikes. From choke holds and joint breaking blows, he can dish out pain in various forms and ways. When outnumbered greatly, he will try to divide and conquer, leading a small group away from the rest and subdueing them. Using his environment to his advantage, he will climb fire escapes, leap through windows, etc. to leave his foes off balance and strike from a better position.


    Campaign Use: Night Warrior is mainly a low-level vigilante with a ton of experience, retired for the most part until recently. He can act as a reason for Shadowstrike to get involved in anything from what appear to be simple crimes to world saving capers. His access to contacts and resources beyond the norm make him a great person to have as a personal contact. He can also bail out those in over their heads when needed.


    Appearance: Steve Pern in a ruggedly handsome man with minor scars on most of his body, only one long scar running from above his right eye and down to his nose mar his face. His blond hair is kept trim and short, while his green eyes can show both an intelligent and kind man or a truely fearsome man whose gaze can break some of the toughest of men.


    As Steve Pern, he wears outfits from simple tee-shirts and blue jeans all the way to business suits and fancy attire. As Night Warrior he wears a modified ninja nightsuit, black-blue shade with kevlar woven in and a pair of nightvision lens in the mask.

  2. Re: Psistrike's Characters and Creations



    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    13 STR 3 12- Lift 151.6kg; 2 ½d6 [1]

    18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 4/DCV: 5

    25 CON 15 14-

    23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-

    18 EGO 8 13- ECV: 3 - 3

    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

    4 OCV 5

    5 DCV 10

    3 OMCV 0

    3 DMCV 0

    3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12

    6+15 PD 4 Total: 6/21 PD (0/15 rPD)

    6+15 ED 4 Total: 6/21 ED (0/15 rED)

    14 REC 10

    80 END 12

    14 BODY 4

    50 STUN 15 Total Characteristic Cost: 134

    Movement: Running: 18m/144m

    Leaping: 4m/8m

    Swimming: 4m/8m

    Cost Powers END

    60 Radiation array: Multipower, 60-point reserve

    6f 1) Radiation Blast: Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) 6

    6f 2) Radiation Blast 2: Blast 8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points) 0

    6f 3) Radiation flash: Sight Group Flash 12d6 (60 Active Points) 6

    6f 4) Radiation sickness: Drain CON 6d6 (60 Active Points) 6

    6f 5) Variable radiation spectrum: Blast 6d6, Variable Advantage (+½ Advantages; +1) (60 Active Points) 6

    20 Fate is on her side: Luck 4d6 0

    32 Detect Radiation: Detect A Class Of Things 14- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Targeting 0

    13 Radiation Bastion: Power Defense (20 points) (20 Active Points); Only Works Against Radiation Common attack (-½) 0

    2 Radiation Resistance: LS (Safe in High Radiation) 0

    30 Radiation Shield: Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½) 4

    16 Speed burst: Running +6m (18m total), x8 Noncombat 2


    5 Fringe Benefit: License to practice a profession, Membership, Passport

    5 Money: Well Off


    3 Beautiful: +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

    5 Eidetic Memory

    3 Lightning Calculator

    4 Speed Reading (x10)


    8 Natural genius and quick learner: +2 with all Intellect Skills

    7 P.hd in physics: SS: Physics 18-

    3 Computer Programming 14-

    3 Electronics 14-

    3 Inventor 14-

    3 PS: Professional scientist 14-

    3 Persuasion 12-

    3 Power: Radiation Tricks 14-

    3 Systems Operation 14-

    2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles

    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 266

    Total Cost: 400

    400+ Matching Complications

    10 Distinctive Features: Strong radiation signature (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)

    15 Hunted: SHADOW Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Watching)

    15 Psychological Complication: Knowledge must be used to benefit everyone (Common; Strong)

    15 Psychological Complication: Protective of innocent (Common; Strong)

    10 Social Complication: Discredited scientist Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures

    10 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Drain END (Uncommon)

    Total Complications Points: 400

    Background/History: Intelligence is Nothing Without Purpose

    Lena, born the daughter of well-off parents, was always driven to read from an early age. Yet she bounced from one subject to another, never able to focus on one thing for long. This brought her trouble in school, as despite her intelligence her grades were slipping. Soon her parents took her a specialist in child psychology, only to find out their child had a common problem for natural geniuses. Getting bored too quickly. Thus a new teacher was brought in, one who helped her to learn how to focus her mind on a purpose.


    By the age of 13 she was already highly knowledgeable in physics, in particular nuclear physics. Finding a purpose in this, she was the first of her class to be admited to a college course on the subject at the age of 15. By the time she turned 18, she already had a degree and had plans to become a fully accredited P.hd as soon as possible in the field of nuclear physics. Her drive and ambition soon brought her to the attention of Astro Labs in Freedom City. A major break for someone so young, by the age of 20 was packing up to move, a full time job waiting at her new home.


    Radiation + Experimental Form= Trouble

    Within her 1st week on the job, she was assigned to a new project. Project Alchemy, researching a form of radiation which showed promising ability when focused both to alter matter on a molecular level and even to change one type of DNA to another. A means to repair disease tissue making it healthy once more, to repair damage on the cellular level and even alter inorganic matter from a common substance into a rare one. Yes, these are the details which Lena had been told. The truth was far worse.


    It did have the potential to change matter on a molecular level, but the plans were to find a way to use it to make superhumans. The project had been infiltrated by SHADOW, dreams of an army of superhumans at their command. But Fate stepped in and Lena's life would never be the same again from that day forward. Day 94 on the project and Lena was left alone with a running experiment, the SHADOW plant having sabotaged it to try and get rid of the pesky scientist who was asking too many questions.


    Only Lena was the one who got caught in the blast of energy when it overloaded, a burst of dark purple energy unleased from the containment field and wrecked the whole area. With the aid of the Freedom League and local fire department help, they were able to get her out of the rubble within minutes, only to find her unconscious but unharmed.


    Life Gives You Lemons, So Use Them As Best You Can

    Awakening a week later, Lena found out her superior had blamed the whole mess on her tampering with his experiment. Now, without a job or source of income, she didn't know what to do next. It was only on her way home that an answer seemed to come to her, at 70 mph! A bank robber fleeing from the police was heading straight for her as she crossed the street, only to suddenly find a beam of intense energy firing from her eyes and melting the front end of the blue porsche.


    Shocked and a little more than concerned, Lady Liberty who had witnessed the scene brought to her The Lighthouse to be checked out. All tested showed she was healthy, in fact far healthier than before, as she in perfect health for a human. Even the burns on her arms from past experiments were gone. Her DNA was undergoing radical changes, as her very appearance began to improve to supermodel looks within days as well. Daedalus found the unique form of radiation she had been exposed to had infused her body, altering her at the cellular level.


    With no job and no idea of what do next, it was decided she would be a Freedom League trainee while she learned about her new powers and abilities. Taking the term for sudden burns caused by radiation, Lena became Flashburn, although no announcement to the public just yet. Without further testing to discover the full extent of the changes she had undergone, there was no telling if she would be a threat to those around her or not.


    Personality/Motivation: Flashburn aka Lena is driven by a need, a shear drive to have a purpose in this world. Blocked for now from the field of science by her corrupt superior, she is taking to the hero's life fairly well. Highly intelligent but with a good sense of humor, she loves to play pranks as long as no one will get hurt. Volunteering at children's wards, she hopes what has happened to her won't prevent her from having children of her own one day.


    She is motivated and will face down even those she fears far outclass her, especially if it means saving an innocent life. Believing knowledge must be used to mean anything, she will always try to find a way of using even mostly trivial knowledge to her benefit. She hates to hurt others and will always target obvious non-living foes and machines first. But if push comes to shove, she can fight fairly well and hold her own.


    Concept: Exotic radiation imbued scientist

    Occupation: Research scientist, adventurer

    Base of Operations: Freedom City

    Real Name: Lena Donners

    Legal Status: American citizen with no criminal record


    Marital Status:Single


    Weight:130 lbs.

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Red

    Age: 20 years old


    Quote: "Guns are simple to deal with, now how about giving me a harder problem to solve."


    Powers/Tactics: Flashburn is a living radiation battery now, supercharging her energy levels and physical abilities. She is near immune to radiation and can withstand massive doses without harm. She can naturally sense radiation and the type as easily as most humans can see things. She can form a radiation shield around herself, which can block bullets and most small arms fire completely. By channeling the energy in her body, she can run at speeds up to 80 mph when needed.


    By channeling the radiation within her outward, she can focus it for different effects. From strong blast capable of destroying solid steel, flashes of energy to blind targets for a short while and even induce short term radiation sickness in living beings, to a wide spectrum of radiation energy which can have various effects from piercing defenses to harming anyone not at least resistant to radiation.


    Appearance: Lena is an attractive young woman with fair skin and athletic tone. Her straight and intense red hair is kept shoulder length, while her blue eyes show intelligence and compassion to all who gaze upon them. She has no scars to mar her appearance.


    While relaxing or out in public, she tends to wear simple blouses and slacks of various styles. While training or on a mission, she wears a dark blue full body uniform with a mask over the top half of her face.

  3. Re: HERO System Bestiary In Store


    Mwahaha! I made it. I held out on buying them til both bundle packs for Champions Universe and the Bestiary were out. Which was a good thing, as I just barely had enough disposable income left this month to buy both with the discounts on the bundles. :P

  4. Re: HERO System Martial Arts


    Yep. I sent a new' date=' smaller version to Jason over the weekend. I'm sure he'll be putting it up on the store in a couple days.[/quote']

    The new, smaller version of the PDF is up. From 47.9 MB to 16.6 MB. Great Job to both bunneh and Jason for fixing it so quickly.

  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares


    Well I did think one time of crossing Law & Order: SVU with Sailor Moon.


    Considering the age differences of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. That boy is gonna end up in a cell with Bubba. :eek: Though, it might be interesting to see someone for a change get taken down on the courthouse steps not by gun but by thrown tiara. :D

    Heh, too bad they have no jurisdiction in Japan. Plus in Japan a 14 year old can date an 18 year old legally. It is just looked down upon most of the time as being in bad taste.


    Besides, Serena would attack the judge for trying to keep her and Tuxedo Mask apart. :doi:

  6. Re: 6ed terminoligy


    so therse no such thing as a good reputation ?

    No, ghost-angel made a typo there. The not in that sentance should be replaced with now. To properly read as:

    Reputation is now Positive Rep (Perk) or Negative Rep (Complication)

  7. Re: Lifetime Subscription


    Based on reading how the 6 month deal works, it is going to be $15 a month for Champions Online. So the lifetime subscription is just $20 more than a years subscription would be.


    Have to see if my computer can handle what the game requires, if it does and the game is fun enough for me, they have another lifetime subscription being bought. :rolleyes:


    Edit: Well, that plan is dead in the water. Should have checked my system specs before downloading the game app. Would need a new graphics card and faster processor to handle this game. Guess I will just have to play it on the X-Box 360.

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