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Intelligence of 0?


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The rules don't cover brain dead in the slightest.  There's only dead-dead (-Bod).  


The closest they come is GM discretion as to recovery time when their stun is below -10.


If the GM says 'He never recovers from being at -30 stun after that fight' then he could be considered brain dead.


It could always be added into the effects of damage rules... and it could already be considered a discretion result of a Disabling hit to the head with Impaired rolled.


As for drains and everything else that might do it... nothing has been said as far as I can tell.

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I think if all three "mental stats"--INT, EGO, and PRE--are reduced to 0, a GM could rule that the character is in a catatonic or vegetative state.  Combine it with "GM option" level unconsciousness, and you can call it a comatose state.  

​But "brain death", I'd say, normally should involve body damage specific to the head(locations 3-5).  If a head injury is impairing &/or disabling, and it reduces INT to 0 as a result, maybe that's "brain death".  

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Here's what the book says happens at zeros for the mental characteristics:



At INT 0, a character must succeed with an INT Roll to make any decision or else continue doing what he was doing. Performing any sort of Action at all requires a successful INT Roll.




At EGO 0, a character must succeed with an EGO Roll to act each Phase. The character follows all orders given to him from any source unless he succeeds with an EGO Roll. A character who fails the EGO Roll may initiate no Actions of his own. But if he makes his EGO Roll, not only can he reject an order given to him, he’s free to do something of his own choice that Phase without making a second EGO Roll. In the absence of instructions, characters with EGO 0 tend to follow the dictates of any applicable Psychological Complications they have. Treat such Psychological Complications as if they were an order from someone. In the event the character receives multiple orders in the same Phase, if he fails an EGO Roll he attempts to carry out all orders. If the orders contradict in some fashion, he does nothing.




A character with PRE 0 must succeed with a PRE Roll each Phase to act offensively or remain in the face of anything even remotely
threatening. If he fails the roll, he flees.


And remember that that's a 9 or less roll (so you'll only succeed 37.5% of the time).  Drain EGO can be a pretty good poor man's mind control.




Drain END, REC, INT, and EGO all tend to be a fight winning moves.  I'd recommend that all stats (not just the defensive ones) be drained at 1/2 value, and that END be draint at 1/5 (so 2 points of drain for most stat points, and 1 points of drain per point of END).

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