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Age Manipulation


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On 11/20/2017 at 7:43 AM, Christopher R Taylor said:

Its up to the person who built the power, mostly.  Although I think there are aging complications in some books that you can look at for what point value you'll need to transform to give them a complication, to achieve that particular level of decrepitude.


One of the characters I am building, and constantly re-adjusting, since I haven't played her yet lol, has a group of medical clinics, which includes plastic surgery services, which serves the rich and famous. She does this as a way to earn both favors, and as a way to generate resources so she can provide such services for more-deserving-but-can't-afford-it NPCs.


In these clinics, she can truly 'transform' someone's age, making them younger in every way. But I need her to be able to finely manipulate it so it is Believable as simple, yet the highest quality rejuvenation services (surgery plus healthy...medicine). (Nevermind that she slips in certain other...adjustments which make them 'nicer people, lol.)


On the other hand, while Transform cannot kill outright, it would be nice to know if it is legitimate to, and the mechanics for, turning a 30 year old nemesis into a 110 year old nemesis (albeit a very healthy for their age 110 year old (if they were healthy to begin with)), LOL.

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Transform can turn anything into anything else, if bought correctly.  I'd say that level of age manipulation would be a minor change.  The mechanic I'd use would be the usual 5 active points of effect granted with transform per 1 point rolled on the die in excess of what it takes to transform the target.


So if a target has 15 body, you have to afflict 30 points of effect (twice the target's listed body total) to transform them.  Now to get any extra effect beyond a change in appearance (added powers, etc), you have to roll an additional 1 on the die of effect past their applicable defenses for each 5 points of ability that the transform causes.  If you transform the above target to have wings and fly at 20m speed, then you have to roll high enough to pay for the 20 character points of effect (4 rolled in addition to the transform effect).


For aging, I'd decide what effect aging has (slower movement, lower running, leaping, DEX, CON, Body, STun, END, for instance, maybe reductions in perception) and add up how many points that is total.  It will be a negative, but its a negative applied to a target, so treat it as a positive.


So if I transform Joe 15 body above, and cause him to have -3m running, -1m leaping, -3 DEX, CON, and Body, and -5 STN and END, that's around 18 points of effect.  I'd need to roll a total of 34 points on the transform die to apply all the effect.

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