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New Roll20 Character Sheet - Hero System 6e Heroic

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Hello everyone, here's the mid-July update.


I've worked my way through the Kazei 5 characters and NPCs and fixed the problems I've encountered. I am now pretty satisfied with the current state of the importer. I've also made a few small changes to the sheet over the last few weeks such as adding the options to identify a power as "unified" or "compound." Kazei 5 has a lot of characters with compound powers and this caused me a bit of trouble. Unified or compound powers that are part of a multipower may not work perfectly, but I think these are unusual cases.


These are my next steps:

  1. I want to re-check all of the characters in the test group just to make sure a fix on a later one didn't break an early one.
  2. I need to write instructions.
  3. I will create a repository and submit the script for approval by the Roll20 team.
  4. Assuming there are no problems, I will post news of the release. 🙂
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  • 1 month later...

HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter v1.0 released!


The importer API script was approved and is now available in the Roll20 API GitHub site. Hopefully it will appear in the Mod Library soon although these things can take some time. Please note that to use the API script you will need a Roll20 Pro-level subscription.


Please see the HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter GitHub site for documentation, API script, Hero Designer export file, and sample character files. I posted a companion message with the hde file in the Hero Designer export formats forum as well.


If you encounter bugs, you may post a reply here or contact me via Roll20.


I would also like to thank the authors of BeyondImporter, which this script is based on.




Villain In Glasses

HD Screenshot Small.png

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Jkeown,


Would you let me know which script was causing compatibility problems? If it is something that is likely to be used in parallel to mine, I might be able to sort out the problem.


The importer should make a new character sheet or overwrite one with the same name if that option is selected. If there is a particular character that is causing problems it would be great for me to try it out myself.


Thanks for posting, by the way. Feedback is always welcome.





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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone,


I've made an update to the sheet, which is now live on Roll20:

  1. The Power Tab now has seven more slots for powers (17 total). To make room I added an expand/collapse functionality so that only one power per column is fully visible.
  2. The Power Tab has a health status widget similar to the Characteristics and Gear Tabs, which will give players immediate feedback when they use a power's END or REC or heal themselves and so on. I sacrificed space for an 18th power to add this, but I think it is worth it for playability.
  3. I fixed an issue where the text in roll templates was hard to see when using Chrome and dark mode.
  4. Finally, I made a small update to the readme to reflect the changes.

The next planned effort will be to the HeroDesigner importer so that it will recognize the extra power slots.







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  • 6 months later...

A small update (2.2) this month:

The sheet uses the Hero System Compendium as the default compendium.


More importantly, I added Heath H. as a co-author, who made a lot of updates last May (to 2.1). These include:

1) significant behind the scenes code optimizations.

2) an option to show 'Hit DCV' in roll results

3) better shield blocks

4) an option to send rolls to the GM as whispers

5) There are also now eight martial maneuvers instead of six.


Apologies for not posting the news then. Real life has been in the way.


Lately I've been looking into getting Hero Roller fully compatible with the Heroic sheet. It mostly works, but there are problems with the CVs. The author, Timmaugh, is looking into a way to implement a configuration tool for Hero Roller. There isn't a default way for a mod to identify which sheet it is being used on. Maybe this will be offered in the future. For now we'll either have to have the GM select it or use a custom hidden variable that the mod would call.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, Version 2.3 of Hero System 6e Heroic is live. This update features improved maneuvers, color accessibility improvements, and bug fixes. The next update will be to the README, which I decided to do separately. A small update to HD Importer will follow that.

New or expanded features:
Expanded functionality of martial maneuvers: Roll Buttons for normal and killing attacks and blocks, END costs with buttons for non-martial or advanced maneuvers, and STUNx. Can be used for martial arts or custom maneuvers for weapons.
Removed the "Basic Attack" maneuver and added a ninth martial maneuver with the name "Strike." 
"Damage by STR" is a keyword phrase for maneuver effects. Any maneuver effect that includes this keyword will use and update normal damage and END values according to STR.
Maneuver rolls display updated DCV.
Added OCV range penalties can be chosen by radio buttons in the existing range penalty table.
Changed perception roll boxes to display success chances for each type (general, vision/sight, hearing, and smell).
Added the hidden variable "sheet_name," which might by used in the future for mod compatibility (e.g., Hero Roller).


Changed the color palette of buttons and matching roll messages to the Okaba and Ito palette for better color vision accessibility.
Sheet styling changed to be a majority of tints and shades of the Okabe and Ito palette.


Fixed super heroic campaign endurance, which had the opposite of the intended effect.
Fixed double precision math error causing END calculations to be sometimes rounded incorrectly.
Fixed tab index order issue in the Powers tab.
Fixed issue where Safari offered to autofill some text fields.
Fixed focus outline clipping due to adjacent equipment items.

Added sheet version update for maneuvers, perception rolls, and sheet_name.
Increased text limit for martial maneuver names (24 to 34).
Added floating text labels for power variables.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest update (Version 2.4)

New or expanded features:
Added ability to change order of weapons and armor entries.
Added ability to change order of combat skills and languages.
A weapon's RMod is now applied to an attack's range penalty as selected from the Range Table.
Added movement ability modifiers (to account for movement powers and items) and display of net movement that includes encumbrance.


Fixed range penalty incorrectly showing "-10" for range of 65-125m.
Fixed movement penalty incorrectly showing "-2" for 10-24% carried weight.
Fixed possibility of showing negative DCV values in maneuver roll dialogs.


Behind the scenes:
Updated styling method for combat, language, and enhancer skills as well as attributes and abilities. Will make future updates easier.

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Appreciate all the work you put into this...   I am going to run my first fantasy game in Roll20 – and your importer and character sheets have been extremely helpful.   


It is a low-level fantasy game and to keep it simple for me – initially the characters will only have the standard combat maneuvers available.   I see them listed on the gear page – but there is no way for the player to select or roll for the maneuver?   Am I missing something or do the standard maneuvers need to be manually entered in on the Martial & Combat Maneuver page?


Again – amazing work and thank you for making getting ready for my first game so much easier.  

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Hi Notorious, At the moment I would suggest using the maneuvers section to create some custom maneuvers. “Block” probably being the most obvious. Linking the maneuvers list to the weapon attacks section with a radio button-type function is on my list of things to do. The custom maneuvers section was a step on that path.


Thanks for the support and feedback. It is very helpful for prioritizing next steps. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,


A new version is now live on Roll20. This update brings Standard Maneuvers to the sheet. Note that if your weapons do unusual damage dice combinations, you'll need to standardize them or move them to the Martial and Custom Maneuvers section. This change is necessary because Standard Maneuvers rely on using DC, which this update now uses.


Due to the nature of the update, I had to do it in one go, which involved changes to about 25% of the code. If you encounter anything weird, please send me a note and I will fix it ASAP.


I would like to implement in-chat damage buttons in the next release. Please comment if you have suggestions too. The way maneuvers are now displayed may work well for powers as well. Something to think about anyway.






Version 2.51 Changes:

• Adds complete functional suite of Hero Standard Maneuvers. Each maneuver has a 'playing card' that displays stats and summary rules and a page reference to the big blue Hero System Sixth Edition rulebook. Players may use the general action button provided or, for weapon maneuvers, select one of their weapons or shield to use. Maneuvers that don't need weapons include their own Roll buttons and invoke new Chat messages.
• Weapon Roll buttons change their action status and color depending on the selected maneuver.
• Adds Damage Class (DC) system for weapons as needed for proper function of Standard Maneuvers. In a new worksheet accessed by clicking a weapon's damage button, DC can be modified by strength, skill levels, and total power advantage. DC algorithm reproduces damage tables in rule book. Added minimum STR to weapons.
• Sheet version update function attempts to retain weapon damage, but players may wish to manually update minimum STR values and applied STR for accuracy.
• The shield is now treated as a weapon that adds the shield's DCV as OCV for blocks or subtracts it for other maneuvers as per HERO rules.
• Combat Roll chat messages always show a character's DCV.
• Re-configured Martial Maneuvers so that they follow the new Standard Maneuver format.
• Added a 10th Martial Maneuver.
• Improved the reliability of the Martial Maneuver keyword-function "Damage by STR" for automatically setting damage.
• Improved item, skill, power, etc. movers so that default blank spaces are no longer needed in text fields.
• Changed Standard Maneuver/Martial Maneuver/Hit Locations/Text selection to independent buttons.
• Removed the strictly informational Standard Maneuvers Table.
• A health reset also changes selected standard maneuver to Strike and resets the Brace and Set maneuvers.
• Option to limit weapon damages to a maximum of twice their starting values.
• Option to favor d6-1 or d3 for weapon damage dice where ambiguous.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A new update is live.


Version 2.6 Changes:
• Expanded damage class range from DC 20 to DC 40 (beyond 40 possible but not checked for accuracy). 
• Weapon advantage selection options increased from (0 to 1) to (0 to 2).
• Added option of "Range Based on Strength" to weapons. Sheet calculates standing throw range based on weapon mass and applied strength.


Next up:

I'm currently adding damage buttons to chat, which will appear in 2.7.

An update to the HD importer is nearly done. It has many code optimizations and brings the importer up to the 2.7 sheet standard.

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Just an FYI - played a quick round over the weekend and the players have been testing the manuevers and it went well.   One thing that did come up is it looks like there is no option to modify endurnace for weapons with reduced or zero endurance.   I might be missing a modifier somewhere - but we werent able to figure it out...


Next session - we plan on looking at hit locations and sectional armor - so I will give you feedback whenever we get a chance to play.   


Also - if you PM your Roll20 email address - I would like to send you a thank you gift for all the work you have been doing.   

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14 hours ago, Notorious-5150 said:

Just an FYI - played a quick round over the weekend and the players have been testing the manuevers and it went well.   One thing that did come up is it looks like there is no option to modify endurnace for weapons with reduced or zero endurance.   I might be missing a modifier somewhere - but we werent able to figure it out...


Next session - we plan on looking at hit locations and sectional armor - so I will give you feedback whenever we get a chance to play.   


Also - if you PM your Roll20 email address - I would like to send you a thank you gift for all the work you have been doing.   

Hi, Sounds great. Thanks for the feedback. It wouldn't take much work to add an END override for unusual (without the Real Weapon limitation) weapons or powers listed as weapons. I can add that to the next update.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Version 2.82 highlights include in-chat damage buttons and an overhaul to the powers tab.


Using powers in combat should be much easier, but I would still recommend making a weapon slot for powers that could use a lot of maneuvers.


The next update (2.83) adds STUN modifiers to powers, but is mostly bug fixes.

The next update to the importer (1.2) is in testing.


Full list of changes in 2.82:


• Added damage buttons to Chat, splitting attack and damage messages.
• Major overhaul of the Powers section, simplifying its appearance for improved usability but also adding variables needed for attacks and in-Chat damage/effect rolls.
• Added range table to the Powers Tab and support for the maneuvers Set, Brace, and Multiple-Attack.
• Added support for range modifiers and target hit locations to powers.
• Attacks show DCV prominently in upper right of Chat messages. 
• Increased power entries from 17 to 20.
• Added option to choose the dingbat character used for Name-Title separation in Chat.
• Added option to show power descriptions when using attacks in Chat.
• Set weapon STUNx limits to 0 and 2.
• The reset button also changes maneuver velocities to the character's running attribute value.
• Added END modifier to weapons so default results can be adjusted as needed.

Bug fixes:
• Fixed issue where STUNx was not added to location STUN modifiers.
• Fixed issue where characters with unmodified DCV showing DCV 0 in attack rolls.
• (2.81->2.82) removed errant debug code that could cause data loss.


Images of before and after below:



Chat Changed in 2.82.png

Powers Changed in 2.82.png

Edited by Villain In Glasses
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Version 2.83 is live.  This one adds some features that I added during my HD testing. The next update will add adjustments to characteristics, which a lot of HD monsters and Kazei 5 characters have.



• Added stun modifiers to powers.
• Added everyman skill selection option.


Bug Fixes:
• Fixed tab indexing on Powers Tab.
• Fixed variable typos in Power 09 ("Attack?") and 11 ("Roll?").
• Fixed issue where some power costs were not adding to the total correctly. 
• Fixed issue where "Costs Half END" limitation was not recognized properly and led to incorrect cost.
• Fixed problem where the last complication's CP were not tallied.
• Fixed under cost of Endurance and STUN when purchased in fractional steps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 2.9 is live.


This update completes the stylistic and functional upgrades I've had on my to-do list. I've nearly finished the latest version of the HeroDesigner importer as well. Just a few little things to clean up. I'm hoping to post it very soon.


What could be added to the sheet? Off the top of my head, I'd say Token Actions are the last big thing missing. I haven't looked into it, but I imagine it will be something I won't have time to do right now. As always, I welcome comments, bug reports, and feature requests. 🙂


Version 2.9
• Added characteristic modifiers to ease application of adjustment powers (very common for characters imported from Hero Designer).
• Overhaul of talents and complications. Style and organization upgraded to current maneuver and powers standard. Added activation rolls and damage/effect rolls.
• Increased talents to 10.
• Increased complications to 10.
• Added weapon element as a skill category for a little more flexibility.
• Added city and culture knowledge skill choices.
• Added area knowledge based on intelligence skill choice.
• Added Untiring (zero END for STR) option.

Bug Fixes:
• Added intellect skill levels to intelligence-based knowledge skills.
• Fixed issue where the Strike Maneuver used a weapon's base damage.

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Hi all,


The newest importer is now live. Note that there is also an updated export file format (HeroSystem6eHeroic.hde  Version 2.0), which is needed for all features to work. Characters exported with the format should continue to work, but won't get all of the new features.


Please see the updated README for more information on the import mod.


HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter (Version 2.0):


Updated martial maneuvers to allow for 10 maneuver slots with 10 additional to text.
Updated to import 20 direct powers directly and 10 additional to text.
Updated support for 10 perks and talents and 10 additional to text.
Updated support for 10 complications and 10 additional to text.
More robust parsing of description text for purging double quotes.
More robust error checking for imported data.
Added function to make an armor entry (#4) for resistant protection powers.
Imports all HD description text fields.
Added import of height and Weight.
Added everyman skills.
Enhancement powers apply characteristic mods where appropriate.
Recognizes talents purchased as powers.
Better interpretation of variable power pool control/pool costs.
Added Untiring (zero END for STR) option check.
Added check for armor X END/Turn if entered in notes.
Backwards compatibility/notification for the older version export format (HeroSystem6eHeroic.hde 1.0).
Simplification of repetitive code (~60% reduction overall).


Bug Fixes:
Fixed missing comma typo in Equipment10 of version 1.0 of HDE.
Fixed verbose import reporting inaccuracies.


HeroSystem6eHeroic.hde (Version 2.0):
Updated HDE file export format version to 2.0 to increase number of powers (30), complications(20), and retention of all character descriptions.
Added equipment notes (for armor locations in particular, but also for armoro END/turn).

Minor bug fixes.


Updated README.MD.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Villain In Glasses


Again, appreciate all the work supporting the import tool and character sheet for roll20.  I just re-imported all the player characters using 2.0 and started working on the bestiary.   So far so good.

The last couple games I have enabled hit location system and we started tracking encumbrance and endurance using the character sheet.   After each session – I ask my players for feed back and this is what we have so far…

  • Additional Weapon Slots (more important) and Armor Slots (Less important).  
    • This is a recent development since originally the players were limited in the armor and weapons - they had access to.   A few people have now hit or exceeded the current threshold for weapon slots – so they wanted me to see if more slots can be added.   
  • The ability to select (Check) the items that are currently being carried for Mass calculation. 
    • The current workaround is reducing the mass to zero when a piece of equipment, armor or weapon is not being carried and re-adding when it is. 
  • The ability to roll weapon damage when using Martial Maneuvers.
    • For standard maneuvers you can select the maneuver and then roll from the weapon slot.  When you select a martial maneuver and roll from the weapon slot – it reverts to whatever standard maneuver is selected.  
    • Our current workaround is to manually roll for any MA using a weapon
  • The ability to add Combat Skill Levels (OCV, DCV, Damage) to the maneuver
    • There is a pop up to add a modifier – which I believe is OCV.
    • One player suggested having a pop up for OCV, DCV and Damage Class.
    • Another pointed to Velocity field on the Move By/Through – but have one for OCV, DCV and Damage Classes.

There might be workarounds for these already – and we are just using the character sheet incorrectly.   Either way – I wanted to give you some feedback since we have been using the character sheets regularly. 

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On 6/22/2024 at 7:28 PM, Notorious-5150 said:

Hello Villain In Glasses


Again, appreciate all the work supporting the import tool and character sheet for roll20.  I just re-imported all the player characters using 2.0 and started working on the bestiary.   So far so good.

The last couple games I have enabled hit location system and we started tracking encumbrance and endurance using the character sheet.   After each session – I ask my players for feed back and this is what we have so far…

  • Additional Weapon Slots (more important) and Armor Slots (Less important).  
    • This is a recent development since originally the players were limited in the armor and weapons - they had access to.   A few people have now hit or exceeded the current threshold for weapon slots – so they wanted me to see if more slots can be added.   
  • The ability to select (Check) the items that are currently being carried for Mass calculation. 
    • The current workaround is reducing the mass to zero when a piece of equipment, armor or weapon is not being carried and re-adding when it is. 
  • The ability to roll weapon damage when using Martial Maneuvers.
    • For standard maneuvers you can select the maneuver and then roll from the weapon slot.  When you select a martial maneuver and roll from the weapon slot – it reverts to whatever standard maneuver is selected.  
    • Our current workaround is to manually roll for any MA using a weapon
  • The ability to add Combat Skill Levels (OCV, DCV, Damage) to the maneuver
    • There is a pop up to add a modifier – which I believe is OCV.
    • One player suggested having a pop up for OCV, DCV and Damage Class.
    • Another pointed to Velocity field on the Move By/Through – but have one for OCV, DCV and Damage Classes.

There might be workarounds for these already – and we are just using the character sheet incorrectly.   Either way – I wanted to give you some feedback since we have been using the character sheets regularly. 


Hi Notorious,


Thank you very much for this detailed feedback. Here are my initial thoughts:


1) Additional weapon slots would be pretty easy to do by duplicating the current weapon list. You would then have A/B selection buttons. Another method would be a kind of scrolling list. This would also be fairly easy to do, but might be slower to use.


2) On the backend an "is carried" check would not be difficult, but it would add complexity to the sheet. I would have to think on the most elegant way of doing this. A mockup of equipment with "in pack" check boxes might be helpful. I would think that using a hidden/visible mouseover method would look best.


3) The next update adds a martial maneuver type selector with attack, block, and dodge options. I could add "weapon attack" and "weapon block" options as well, which would then bypass the included damage field and add the weapon's OCV. That's probably the most straightforward method of implementation.


4) I would guess that adding a third column to marital maneuvers for CSLs would work pretty well. At present only weapon damage is governed by the DC damage system. This would mean I would have to change the damage fields to adhere to the DC system. My feeling has been that I should do this anyway. I'm planning on implementing DCs for powers so that one can easily use the Haymaker maneuver. For players this probably isn't such a big deal, but GMs would probably like to easily use maneuvers for NPC/monster powers. It will be a barebones pulldown selector, but I think it will be sufficient.


As a indicated above, I have an update nearly ready to go. There's still a bug in the maneuver damage roll chat button that I need to fix. It might be a good opportunity to add weapon damage too (Suggestion 3). Let me think on the others as they will need a bit more work.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm doing some final debugging on the coming update. Martial maneuvers with weapons will be included. This took quite a bit more work than I had originally expected, but that seems to be the way these things go. 😉


I have family visiting for a few days, but if all goes well, I will submit this one to Roll20 reviewers next week.

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Posted (edited)



Version 3.05 is live on Roll20. I had time to add a carried equipment feature in addition to martial maneuver support for weapons. In the example screenshot below the character has heavy climbing gear, which she doesn't want to carry on a particular adventure. Above the item movers is a checkbox, which when checked, will show the item carried checkboxes. By unchecking the adjacent checkbox, the climbing gear's mass won't be counted as part of her carried load. She also has Swordfighting martial arts skills. CSLs for martial arts is planned for a future release.


Added features:

  • Weapons can now be used with martial maneuvers if the maneuver is designated as a weapon attack, weapon block, or weapon contest. Called shot choices apply to the standard or martial maneuver last selected.
  • Expanded martial maneuver type selections to attack, block, dodge, and contest (as well as weapon equivalents).
  • Added ability to mark individual equipment items as carried or not.
  • Added power the attack type selections HTH and HKA. Their current function is to add strength endurance to the power's endurance.
  • Added an everyman professional skill type to skills (zero cost PS with roll 11-).
  • Added mental combat skill levels (MCSLs) to combat skill types.


Interface improvements:

  • Added option to hide the Tally Bar.
  • Added option to change the tally method from total (net) to spent points.
  • Added placeholder values to character, maneuver, power, talent, and complication names for improved clarity.
  • Added more polish, including new thematic graphics and an increase to the size of the characteristics section for improved readability.
  • The welcome message will now be permanently dismissed.
  • Added a few more characters to power name size limits.



  • Fixed issue where net STUN wasn't zero for characters with the Takes No STUN ability.


Feedback welcome. 🙂






Version 3.05 screenshot.png

Edited by Villain In Glasses
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