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Telekinesis and END use



One of the players in my campaign has a Hero Designer character that has Telekinesis (14 STR) in a multipower framework with the limitation "Costs END To Maintain (Half END Cost; -1/4)"

I am trying to figure out how this works and exactly what his END costs would be.  As I understand it Telekinesis being a Constant power costs 1 END per 5 points of STR used (this is a heroic fantasy hero game).  What happens if he keeps his multipower points allocated to his telekinesis but uses 0 STR for a phase.  Is the cost to maintain the power then half of zero?

Edited by Edsel
fixing grammar and spelling
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The Limitation "Costs END To Maintain" can't be applied to Telekinesis, as Telekinesis is a Constant Power that already costs END every Phase it is used.


Further, Telekinesis 0 STR has a lift capacity of 0.0 in 6th edition, and thus Telekinesis can't be "maintained" at 0 STR, nor bought with 0 STR. 


Edit:  On further consideration: there's nothing in the rules prohibiting applying Costs END To Maintain to Telekinesis as a Limitation.  Keep in mind that it's a Zero Phase Action to activate Telekinesis, and also that a Limitation that doesn't limit the Power isn't worth points.  The GM should apply common sense, and should also take into account, for instance, if there are any Limitations such as Extra Time involved in activating the power. 


It should also be noted that having points in a Multipower slot isn't the same thing as maintaining the Power(s) in the slot as active.

Edited by Chris Goodwin
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