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Oh KA,after checking up un Meteor I noticed that if you wanted to have him use his Armor, Damage Resistance,and Density Increase simultaneously all at full power,you would need a 110 Multipower reserve,and Meteor only has a 100 point Multipower reserve.

My solution would be to reduce the Damage Resistance slot in the Multipower to only provide 15 points of Resistant Defense (saving a point) and have the costume provide 5 points of Damage Resistance (by using the three unspent points).

(Yes this means that Meteor's resistant defenses would not be increased when he uses his Density Increase ).

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Originally posted by Southern Cross

Oh KA,after checking up un Meteor I noticed that if you wanted to have him use his Armor, Damage Resistance,and Density Increase simultaneously all at full power,you would need a 110 Multipower reserve,and Meteor only has a 100 point Multipower reserve.

My solution would be to reduce the Damage Resistance slot in the Multipower to only provide 15 points of Resistant Defense (saving a point) and have the costume provide 5 points of Damage Resistance (by using the three unspent points).

(Yes this means that Meteor's resistant defenses would not be increased when he uses his Density Increase ).


You know, you are bringing something up that I keep coming back to.


When I was first thinking of this character, I wanted him to have somewhat "versatile" defenses, since I was thinking of him as a "Brick".


So, I was thinking that he would use the Damage Resistance as his "Default" Defense, just making his "normal" PD and ED Resistant, so he wouldn't live in constant fear of normal handguns (Not very Brick-like!)


And, having DR available for the extra PD/ED he gets from the DI seems reasonable. If you are wearing a costume of "living rock" and you get "more dense" (DI) then you should get more resistant to Damage from things like guns.


Since the DR was a variable slot, and didn't have to use up that many points of his MP Reserve, he could still use his other powers.


I saw the Armor as something else. A "Maximum Defense" type of power to only use when something really bad was trying to damage him, not necessarily to be used with the DR and the DI at the same time.


But, if he is going to have a "Maximum Defense" option, it makes some sense to be able to use all his Defenses at the same time.


One obvious choice to simplify things, would be to take the Defenses out of the Multipower and just buy them through the Costume, but I am attached to the idea of having to choose:

Does he want to be able to do a "strong attack"?

Does he want to be "safe"?

Does he want a lesser amount of both?


While I want people to post, so that I am aware of all of the character's shortcomings, I may deliberately leave a few things like this in place.


Why can't he have the Armor, and the DI, and the DR, all at maximum at the same time?


He doesn't know how yet!


This is supposed to be a powerful, but inexperienced character.

Over the course of several adventures, he could just add a 10 points to the Base.

Then he could do all the Defences at once.

Which is pretty much classic comic book "experience" to me.

The Human Torch started out with a low END Reserve, or "Increased END" on his powers. Over time, he got much better at "maintaining", but in the beginning he could not keep his "Flame On" for more that a minute or two.


So, I may leave this as it is, knowing that I will correct it over time with XP.



That does not mean I intend to "handwave" every flaw with "I'll fix it later." So, if you see anything else, please let me know.


Thanks for the continued help,



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Here is a somewhat major rewrite.

I am just "trying this on" but I wanted to get some opinions.


The changes are (if I remember them all):


1) Took 2 points of SPD out of Base Characteristics and put them into the "Costume Characteristics". This was an oversite, not just a desperate grab for points. Larry is supposed to have been "healed" by the Meteor Entity to a sort of "Peak Normal" status. A SPD of 6 is a trifle high for this, in view of his other Characteristics, since they would all need to be in the high 20's low 30's to fit in. So, I have given him the SPD that he gets from his "Base" DEX. When he is wearing the Costume, he is supposed to be enhanced, so a SPD of 6 is not out of line.

(By the way, none of this has anything to do with NCM, so please don't get started on that. This is only what a sentient Meteor from outer space considers "Peak Normal" and "Enhanced", not anybody else.:D

Any views expressed by the Alien Meteor are not necessarily those of . . .)


2) Pulled the Armor and the DR out of the Multipower, and just bought straight Armor through the Costume.


One of the main things that defines this character is that the Meteor is very interested in keeping him alive.

So, why have such a quirky set of Defenses?

Sure, they were strong enough, if he wasn't doing something else, like using his EB, but why would he ever have a configuration that winds up with nearly no Resistant Defense?

It doesn't really make sense.

A smaller amount of Defense, that is always there, seems to make more sense.


Please take a look and see what you think.




Meteor: Revised Not Yet Official




Val Char Cost
50/75 STR 10
30 DEX 30
25 CON 10
25 BODY 10
18 INT 8
14 EGO 8
22 PRE 2
16 COM -1
12/33 PD 2
12/33 ED 7
6 SPD 0
25 REC 0
50 END 0
50 STUN -13
7" RUN22" SWIM010"/15" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 75


Cost Power END
67 Multipower (Costume): Multipower, 100-point reserve, all slots: (100 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
3m 1) Density Increase (3200 kg mass, +25 STR, +5 PD/ED, -5" KB) (25 Active Points) 2
6u 2) Energy Blast 18d6 (vs. PD), 16 Charges (+0) (90 Active Points)
3u 3) Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. ED), STUN Only (+0), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (87 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4), No Range (-1/2)
5m 4) Flight 20" (40 Active Points) 4
2u 5) Regeneration (No Control below 15 Body): Healing 2 BODY (Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), No Conscious Control (-1), Self Only (-1/2)
3m 6) Total Life Support: Life Support , Eating: Character only has to eat once per year, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per year (23 Active Points)
Costume Powers, all slots: OIF (-1/2)
32 1) Armor (16 PD/16 ED) (48 Active Points)
102 2) Costume Characteristics: (Total: 154 Active Cost, 102 Real Cost) +30 STR (Real Cost: 30) plus +10 DEX (Real Cost: 30) plus +10 CON (Real Cost: 20) plus +10 BODY (Real Cost: 20) plus +10 PRE (Real Cost: 10) plus +8 COM (Real Cost: 4) plus +10 REC (Real Cost: 20) plus +2 SPD (Real Cost: 20) 3
12 3) Space Senses: (Total: 22 Active Cost, 12 Real Cost) Infrared Perception (Real Cost: 5) plus Ultraviolet Perception (Real Cost: 5) plus Radio Perception/Transmission (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus Telescopic +1 to PER Rolls (only to offset the Range Modifier) (Sight Group) (Real Cost: 1) 1
5 Instant Change (same clothes only)
Powers Cost: 240


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
Meteor Fighting
4 1) Meteoric Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
5 2) Meteor Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike [Notes: 12d6 - 17d6]
4 3) Meteor Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike [Notes: 10d6 - 15d6]
3 4) Meteor Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls [Notes: 8d6 - 13d6 + v/5]
Martial Arts Cost: 16


Cost Skill
3 Astronomy (INT-based) 13-
3 Computer Programming 13-
1 Electronics 8-
3 Mechanics 13-
1 Paramedics 8-
1 Power (STR-based) 8-
3 Science (INT-based) 13-
1 Stealth 8-
Skills Cost: 16



Cost Talent
3 Bump Of Direction
Talents Cost: 3



Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages
15 Accidental Change: When BODY damage is taken (in "costume"). 14- (Uncommon)
15 Code Against Killing: Common, Strong
15 Dependent NPC (Girlfriend): 11- (Occasionally), Normal
5 Dependent NPC (Professor) : 8- (Normal; Useful noncombat position or skills)
15 Honorable: Common, Strong
15 Hunted by Green Dragon: 11- (Frequently), As Powerful, Harshly Punish
15 Hunted by Viper: 8- (Occasionally), As Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
15 Novice Hero: (Very Common; Moderate)
5 Rivalry (w/ Co-worker): Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
15 Secret Identity: Frequently (11-), Major
15 Susceptibility: Strong Magnetic Fields 2d6 damage, per Turn (Uncommon)
5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Magnetic (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Originally posted by ChocolateMousje

What do you Accidental Change to?




Please allow me to add a "Doh!" to my previous answer.

I don't think I made this very clear at all.

When The Meteor "merged" with Larry, a great deal of it was imbedded in the clothes he was wearing at the time.


Using it's ability to "rebuild" things, it was able to return the clothes to their normal state, and to make them into the "costume" form.


When they look like normal clothes, they don't grant Larry any powers. Part of the way they work is that the fragments have to be "visible" which gives whatever they are on a blue, shiny, speckled appearance.

Sort of like something dusted with blue glitter.

Since Larry could hardly go around wearing something that looks like this (he is not Liberace by any means), he wears the "costume" in its "Normal Clothes" mode nearly all of the time he is awake. (He takes it off to sleep, of course.)

But, if he were to be wounded in any way, even something like a blood test or a bad paper cut, while wearing it, in "normal" mode, it would turn him into Meteor.

Again, Larry can't really "control" the entity. It can respond to things he says, but it is an alien and it sees things its own way. The fact that Larry might get in trouble because he is known to be Meteor is beyond it, or it just doesn't care when his safety is involved. Hard to tell, you can't talk to it.;)



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There are a few things I couldn't help but notice that seemed wrong here.

8m 1) Armor (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points)

3m 2) Damage Resistance (25 PD/25 ED) (25 Active Points)

IIRC you can only put powers that initially cost endurance into a multipower. Now maybe your GM allows this but as far as I can recall you can only put Force Field into a framework.


Another thing that sort of makes me wonder is why didn't just get only in hero id as your limitation instead of OIF. It would have simulated things alot better IMO.

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Originally posted by starblaze

There are a few things I couldn't help but notice that seemed wrong here.

8m 1) Armor (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points)

3m 2) Damage Resistance (25 PD/25 ED) (25 Active Points)

IIRC you can only put powers that initially cost endurance into a multipower. Now maybe your GM allows this but as far as I can recall you can only put Force Field into a framework.


Another thing that sort of makes me wonder is why didn't just get only in hero id as your limitation instead of OIF. It would have simulated things alot better IMO.



I may be wrong, but I think you are thinking of Elemental Control.

You are not supposed to put Special powers into a Framework except in certain circumstances.

And you are not supposed to put powers that normally do not cost END into an Elemental Control.

But I don't think there is anything about that for Multipowers.


As far as the OIF vs. OIHID, that is somewhat of a tough call.

He does, sort of "change forms", but since he has Instant Change, I don't think it would meet the "takes more time" requirement from Hero 5th.

And, the costume itself can be taken away.

Just like Power Armor, if he is Knocked out, it comes right off.

And he doesn't sleep in it, so it can be stolen.


However, if you have any other suggestions, or other points on these, please feel to post again.:)



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Originally posted by Fireg0lem

Actually, it's only ECs in which 0 endurance powers are "discouraged," not all frameworks.


Thanks for the clarification Fireg0lem.

I barely caught up with 4th Ed. (Started back with the first Boxed set, dropped out for many years, joined the boards during the "dark ages" [Cybergames]) when Fred came out.

So I am good on concepts, but run into rule changes unless I check very carefully.



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