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Aberrant Conversions:Team Tomorrow


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Am I reading Pax right? 75 STR + 75 STR (no figured char) for 150 total STR, then 90 points of Absorbtion added for a grand whopping 240 STR total?


We're getting close to pre-Crisis Superman levels there. Not that I'm criticizing, C-Pax IS supposed to be the "Superman" of the Aberrant Universe.


It just makes me wonder what Divis Mal is like. *shudder*

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Originally posted by SuperPheemy

Am I reading Pax right? 75 STR + 75 STR (no figured char) for 150 total STR, then 90 points of Absorbtion added for a grand whopping 240 STR total?


We're getting close to pre-Crisis Superman levels there. Not that I'm criticizing, C-Pax IS supposed to be the "Superman" of the Aberrant Universe.


It just makes me wonder what Divis Mal is like. *shudder*


Some of that is just the fact that Aberrant uses low lifting weights for the damage-associated strength scores, and an enhancement for huge weights. However, yeah, Caestus Pax is that powerful ( though *still* not Pre-Crisis Superman level, not even close ).


As for Divis Mal, here's a nice benchmark: He has a big enough VPP to land a nuclear+ level attack on half the surface area of the planet for 0 END cost. Without using his maximum capability.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Metaphysician

Some of that is just the fact that Aberrant uses low lifting weights for the damage-associated strength scores, and an enhancement for huge weights. However, yeah, Caestus Pax is that powerful ( though *still* not Pre-Crisis Superman level, not even close ).


As for Divis Mal, here's a nice benchmark: He has a big enough VPP to land a nuclear+ level attack on half the surface area of the planet for 0 END cost. Without using his maximum capability.


Yeah. PCSM is about STR 365, right?


And as for DM (good choice of initials there):


20d6 RKA, AE: Radius, Selective, 0 Endurance Cost, Megascale...




1200 AP? MORE?

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RE: Elemental Control for Mentalists. Actually, because of the restriction that you can't use 2 slots from an EC in a multiple-power-attack it might make sense to keep them seperate.


And while I'll tone them down a notch for my campaign, there are definitely a few of these I appreciate you writing up :D

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Andrew "Skew" Parker

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 HTH damage

15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

25 CON 30 14-

12 BODY 4 11-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

20 COM 5 13-

2 PD 0 Total: 14 PD (14 rPD)

5 ED 0 Total: 17 ED (17 rED)

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12

7 REC 0

50 END 0

30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 84

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

Quantum Powers

95 Magnetic Flight: Multipower, 95-point reserve

95 Magnetic Field Riding: Flight 38", Usable Underwater (+1/4) (95 Active Points) 9

2u 1) Hyperfast Magnetic Field Riding: Flight 5", Usable Underwater (+1/4), Megascale (1" = 100 km; +3/4) (20 Active Points) 2


30 Magnetic Force Field: Force Field (12 PD / 12 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (30 Active Points) (added to Primary Value) 3

150 Magnetic Field Manipulation: VPP, 75 base + 75 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (169 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available:Magnetic Powers only (Slightly Limited; -1/4)

0 1) Magnetokinsis: Telekinesis (30 STR) (Fine Manipulation) (55 Active Points); Limited Power:Ferrious Objects only (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) Real Cost: 37 5

0 2) Emp Blast: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 1/2d6 (vs. ED), Does BODY (+1), No Normal Defense (Standard; +1) (75 Active Points); Limited Power:Only vs Electronics (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), No Knockback (-1/4) Real Cost: 33 7

0 3) Magnetic Storm: Energy Blast 5d6 (vs. PD), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (50 Active Points); Requires loose metal objects to manipulate (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) Real Cost: 33 5

Quantum Enhancements

5 1) Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 1

4 2) Durability: Damage Resistance (2 PD / 5 ED)

10 3) Electromagnetic Vision: N-Ray Perception, Sense Affected As Another Sense (+0)


Martial Arts:Brawling

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

3 1) Punch +1 +0 STR +2d6 Strike

4 2) Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort



10 Money (Wealthy)

6 Reputation:Wildly popular musician (A large group, 11-) +3/+3d6

15 Follower:Fanatic Fans (x4, 25 Base, 25 Disad)



3 Acrobatics 12-

3 Breakfall 12-

5 Combat Driving 13-

5 Deduction 13-

3 SS: Electrical Engineering (INT-based) 12-

5 Computer Programming 13-

5 PS: Skew Metal musician (PRE-based) 14-

2 Language: French (English is native): Fluent Conversation

2 Language: German: Fluent Conversation

3 Language: Spanish: Completely Fluent, w/Accent

5 SS: Magnetic Field physics (INT-based) 14-

5 Interrogation 13-

7 Streetwise 14-

4 AK: Miami (INT-based) 13-

4 CuK: "Skew" Metal scene (INT-based) 13-

6 Survival (Urban) 14-

5 High Society 13-

12 +4 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

9 +3 with handguns

10 +2 with HTH Combat


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 532

Total Cost: 616


400+ Disadvantages

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

25 Hunted: Project Utopia, More Powerful, 14- (Very Frequently), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

10 Psychological Limitation: Reluctant to use lethal force, Common, Moderate

15 Psychological Limitation: Thrill Seeker, Common, Strong

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident and brash, Common, Strong

5 Social Limitation: Famous musical performer, Occasionally (8-), Minor

136 Team Tomorrow Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 616




Skew's eruption went largely unwitnessed. But certainly not unnoticed. Project Utopia and the local authorities searched the Miami area for months, looking for the source of the Electromagnetic Pulse that shut down most of the city in February 2007. It wasn't until April that the source found them when Skew dropped an armored car into the parking lot of Maimi's Mashin Roude clinic. The car contained several repeat offenders from the infamous Spangler Poesse. Ceastus Pax himself delivered Utopia's job offer to the young Nova.


Skew is something of a loose cannon on Team Tomorrow. He is wildly creative with his powers, but just as erratic in his tactics. He's as likely to wrap a car about his opponents as use the studs on his clothes as improvised projectiles. He is the current "king of collateral damage" on the team, but is never reluctant to help clean up his messes.


Quote:"Core the strongest nova? Yeah right, If he came at me I'd wrap the superstructure of the nearest building around him and drill 'em to the center of the Earth. Then they'd really be able to call him "Core". Ha! "


Powers:Skew's powers are based his control of magnetic and related forces. He can manipulate most metals and other ferrous substances with ease, short out electronics with EMP or perform other feats of with electromagnetism with little effort. Skew is surprisingly intelligent and Utopia's educational efforts and his own innate creativity make him quite versatile and unpredictable in combat. He is constantly expanding his menu of tricks, such as working on more ways to directly effect living targets without killing them. Think of him as a young Magneto and you wouldn't be far off.


Appearance:Skew maintains a "grunge" look. Ragged jeans, t-shirts, leather jackets, etc. He's handsome in a rugged unkempt way and wears his black hair short and messy. Skew usually has a couple of days unshaven beard and sports goggles when flying. When "on" he trades skew metal band t-shirts for a white one with Team Tomorrow logo emblazoned on the front.

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Gvuthbjorg "Ragnarockette" Danielsdottir

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

65 STR 55 22- Lift 204.8tons; 13d6 HTH damage

31 DEX 63 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

40 CON 60 17-

14 BODY 8 12-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

20 COM 5 13-

12 PD -1 Total: 32 PD (20 rPD)

8 ED 0 Total: 28 ED (20 rED)

6 SPD 19 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

21 REC 0

80 END 0

67 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 245

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

75 Skin Tight Telekinetic Force Field: Armor (20 PD / 20 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (75 Active Points) (added to Primary Value)

15 Nearly Indestructible: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

30 Nearly Indestructible: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

37 Telekinesis: Elemental Control, 74-point Powers

38 1) Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (50 STR) (75 Active Points) 7

39 2) Psychokinetic Flight: Flight 28" (Improved Noncombat Movement (x4)), Usable Underwater (+1/4) (76 Active Points) 8

38 3) Wide Area Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (25 STR), Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (75 Active Points) 7

38 4) Psychokinetic Barrier: Force Wall (15 PD / 15 ED) (75 Active Points) 7

Quantum Enhancements

49 Irresistible Force: Naked Modifier:Double Knockback on Strength, Double Knockback (2x KB; +3/4) (49 Active Points) 5

65 Crushing Strength: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 4 d6 +1 (plus STR) (vs. PD) 6

46 Adaptability: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep)



10 Money (Wealthy)

18 Contact:Queer Nova Alliance (13-) (Contact has: useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (+2) (18 Active Points)



5 Acrobatics 16-

3 Breakfall 15-

5 Interrogation 14-

3 Language: English (Icelandic is native): Completely Fluent, w/Accent

2 Language: Dutch: Fluent Conversation

5 Streetwise 14-

3 Seduction 13-

1 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic) 8-

4 PS: Rock Singer (PRE-based) 14-

3 PS: Dancer (DEX-based) 15-

15 +3 with HTH Combat


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 547

Total Cost: 792


400+ Disadvantages

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

25 Hunted: Project Utopia, More Powerful, 14- (Very Frequently), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

5 Distinctive Features: Large blonde and "butch" woman, Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of friends, Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Outspoken and politically active, Common, Moderate

5 Social Limitation: Openly bisexual, Occasionally (8-), Minor


Total Disadvantage Points: 792


Gvuthbjorg Danielsdottir (Gug or Guggie to her friends) was one of the earliest and most promising recruits from Team Tomorrow. She has not been very forthcoming about the circumstances of her Eruption which is usually for the normally forthcoming Icelandic woman. She has been with the team practically since the beginning rising from a trainee to a valued front line combatant very quickly. With her combination of near invulnerability, strength and natural charisma, Ragnarockette is one of the more famous and iconic members of Team Tomorrow in 2008.


Guggie is very outspoken in her political beliefs and extremely open about her sexuality and personal life. This has put her at odds with certain members of both Project Utopia (namely the slightly homophobic Ceastus Pax) and the Church of the Archangel Michael. She's joined the notorious Queer Nova Alliance (a support/political action group for Gay/lesbian/bi/trangendered Novas) along with Ana Texeria (another member of Team Tomorrow and Gvuthbjorg's one time lover).


Ragnarockette participated, under orders, in the disastrous attack on the famous Nova nightclub "The Amp Room" in late 2010. The end result of the ill advised raid was near total destruction of Ibiza Spain and a collective blackening of Utopia's reputation and the relations between Novas and baselines world. Gug was kidnapped along with Count Raol Orzaiz by a psychotic Elite wanna be named "The Angel of Bones. He hoped to kill the two publicly as is introduction into the Elite world, but an unknown team of Novas saved interrupted his plans. The ordeal forged a surprising bond between the Utopia and the Terat, spawning rumors of a love affair, but Gvuthbjorg retains her Utopian localities for now.


Quote: "So it turns out the guy wasn't even a Nova. Just some guy who liked dressing up in costumes and getting beat up by strong Nova women..."


Powers:Ragnarockette's powers are fairly straight forward. She has vastly powerful telekinesis and can channel it to increase her physical power and natural resilience to superhuman levels. She is nearly invulnerable to harm, being constantly incased in a skin tight invisible telekinetic shield. She can use this power to fly, and manipulate tons of material at a distance, but lacks fine manipulation as of yet. Some Utopia trainers have taken to calling her "Pax Lite" due to the similarity in their abilities. Some also suspect that this similarity is some of the reason Ragnarockette is on Pax's list. He doesn't care for anyone that comes close to him in power.


Rumor has it that Ragnarockette was one of the designers favorite characters and he kept her character sheet on his office wall next to Divis Mal's. Perhaps more was planned for her that hasn't been revealed as of yet.


Appearance:Ragnarockette is slightly over six feet all and has an athletic well muscled dancer's physique. She kept herself in good shape before her Eruption and her Nova metabolism honed those looks to perfects. She could easily be a fitness model or dancer, in fact was a performer before she chose to join Utopia. Guggie wears her hair very short, originally in almost military brushcut but later a slightly more relaxed cut. On duty she wears a long sleeved leotard with metal shoulder guards, thigh high highheeled black boots and fish net stockings with garter belt. Her leotard is in the traditional white, blue and gold with the Team Tomorrow logo over left breast instead of the shoulder.

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Jennifer "Slider" Landers

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 HTH damage

31 DEX 63 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

35 CON 50 16-

13 BODY 6 12-

25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14-

25 EGO 30 14- ECV: 8

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

25 COM 8 14-

3 PD 0 Total: 23 PD (23 rPD)

7 ED 0 Total: 27 ED (27 rED)

5 SPD 9 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

10 REC 0

70 END 0

39 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 201

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

Quantum Powers

30 1) Spatial Warp Viewing 1: Clairsentience (Sight Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group) 3

37 2) Long Distance Spatial Warp Viewing: Clairsentience (Sight Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group), Megascale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (37 Active Points) 4

45 3) Bend Space: Flight 15", Usable Underwater (+1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Hearing Group; +1/4) (45 Active Points) 4

150 Spatial Manipulation: VPP, 75 base + 75 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (169 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available (Slightly Limited; -1/4)

0 1) Twist Space: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack; Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target), Ranged (Adjacent Hex; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) Real Cost: 60 7

0 2) Spatial Distortion Field: Force Field (15 PD / 15 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Hardened (+1/4) (50 Active Points) (added to Primary Value) Real Cost: 50 5

0 3) Spatial Manipulation: Stretching 6", Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (45 Active Points) Real Cost: 45 4

0 4) Translocation: Teleportation 20" (x16 Increased Mass), Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 5) Warp Space: Teleportation 9" (x8 Increased Mass), Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Megascale (1" = 1000 km; +1) (74 Active Points) Real Cost: 74 7

Quantum Enhancments

12 1) Cat Footed: +3 with stealth based skills (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 1

16 2) Accuracy: +3 with All Combat (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Costs END Every Phase; -1/2) 2

5 3) Perfect Balance: Gliding 6" (6 Active Points); Ground Gliding (-1/4)

5 4) Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 1

6 5) Hardbody: Damage Resistance (3 PD / 7 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (6 Active Points)

18 6) Blind Fighting: Combat Sense 17-

18 7) Multitasking: +4 Overall (40 Active Points); Only to offset penalties for Multi Tasking (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), Cost Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 4

4 8) Speed Reading: Speed Reading: x10

5 9) Ultra Peripheral Vision: Increased Arc Of Perception (240-Degree) (Sight Group)

11 10) First Impression: +5 with Pre skills (25 Active Points); Only to make a first impression (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 2

36 11) Soothe: Mind Control 8d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (80 Active Points); Only to soothe and calm (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 8

48 12) Almost Live: Naked Modifier:Mega Scale on Soothe power, Megascale (1" = 100000 km; +1 1/2) (60 Active Points); Targets must be able to perceive her in some fashion (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4)


4 1) Eufiber Endurance Reserve: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

9 2) Eufiber Costume: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) (15 Active Points); Only while it holds endurance (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

4 3) Malleable Costume: Transform 2d6: Costume into any other suit of clothes (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target (Very Limited; -1), IIF (-1/4) 1


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

5 Flying Dodge -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 STR +v/5, Target Falls

4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll



10 Money (Wealthy)

27 Contact:Utopia (13-) (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (+2) (27 Active Points)

12 Reputation:Extremely well loved member of Team Tomorrow "The world's sweetheart" (A large group, 14-) +4/+4d6

4 Contact:Andy "Iron Skin" Vance (12-) (Good relationship with Contact)

3 Contact:Andre "Bender" Corbin (12-)



3 Bump Of Direction:Internal Compass



1 Combat Driving 8-

7 Stealth 17-

5 Sleight Of Hand 16-

5 Deduction 15-

5 PS: Opnet Programmer (INT-based) 16-

3 PS: Visual Computer Artist (INT-based) 14-

3 Trading 14-

5 Bureaucratics 15-

9 Computer Programming 17-

7 Security Systems 16-

5 Lockpicking 16-

3 Language: French (English is native): Completely Fluent, w/Accent

3 Language: Hindustani: Completely Fluent, w/Accent

3 Language: Spanish: Completely Fluent, w/Accent

3 Paramedics 14-

3 SS: Spatial Physics (INT-based) 14-

4 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Temperate/Subtropical Forests, Temperate/Subtropical Plains) 15-

10 +2 with HTH Combat

5 Oratory 15-

7 High Society 16-

4 KS: Intrusion Countermeasures (INT-based) 15-


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 635

Total Cost: 835


400+ Disadvantages

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

30 Hunted: Project Proteus, More Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

15 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to the Utopian ideal, Common, Strong

15 Psychological Limitation: Free Spirit and outspoken, Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Reluctant to use lethal force, Common, Moderate

10 Psychological Limitation: Hatred of corruption, Common, Moderate

345 Team Tomorrow Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 835



Jennifer never really lived an "ordinary" life, though to hear her tell it, she was just another face in the crowd. Straight-A student, Homecoming Queen, civil and environmental activist — Jennifer was working to make the world a better place well before her eruption.


Of course, like every other nova, her life changed forever the day she erupted. For Jennifer, the crisis was an attempt by a digi-terrorist to destroy the website she'd done for a local branch of Greenpeace. (Local to her, of course.) As a site designer trying to out-think a prepared hacker in real time, Jennifer herself says she was outclassed. She tried to imagine herself in several places at once, throwing up firewalls in an attempt to block access. Space is an illusion in the OpNet, Jennifer once told me, and that proved to be her triumph. Though she couldn't out-program the hacker, she just popped into his room, then popped him to the nearest police station, before either of them knew what happened.


Given her history of activism and devotion to the greater good, Jen was almost destined to become a member of Team Tomorrow. The young American was an immediate media sensation. Her charming persona, girl next door beauty and forthright, caring attitude immediately won the hearts of the world. :Slider (named because of her ability to "slide" object with her spatial manipulation) was a favored member of Team Tomorrow and Utopia's greatest spokeswoman.


Unfortunately, Jennifer intelligence and inquisitive nature brought about her downfall. After looking into several inconsistencies and rumours, she began to stumble across the rot at the heart of Utopia, the secretive Project Proteus. As was her nature, she spoke out, calling in friends (such as Andre Corbrin) and other Novas that have begun to suspect the truth. Clearly she had to be silenced. In 2008, Slider was found murdered in her Calcutta apartment, the victim of a brutal assault. No murderers was ever caught suspects were many, from the Teragen to her Corbin himself. The truth would not be revealed for many years, but a great deal of suspicion fell on Utopia itself, furthering blackening its reputation and perhaps adding more fuel to the growing fires of discontent against the organization. Its also Jennifer warning that leads Andre into his unlikely position as leader of the Aberrants (Former Utopian Nova that suspect the truth).


Quote: "No, you look, Andre. Novas are one in a million, may six or eight thousand world wide. They're systematically killing us off and they're getting us to do it so it doesn't look like they're anything up. All for N! or for publicity or whatever screen they want to throw up against us!"


Powers:Jennifer's power are based on spatial manipulation. She can bend space as she sees fit allowing to perform many amazing feats. She can shift her and other positions, manipulation objects by "sliding" them about, or deflect attacks. She open portals to view distant locations and transport large amounts of material instantly. This made her invaluable in disaster relief and combat scenarios alike. Jennifer's personal enhancements include a increase to her natural charisma. Her dexterity and stamina are superhuman as well and unlike many social novas her supernatural abilities work just as well over the media.


Appearance:Jennifer Landers is a fresh faced, attractive young woman. She's naturally redheaded and has a light dusting of freckles. Overall she looks younger than she really is, perhaps in her mid teens, despite being very beautiful. She dresses casually in t-shirts and jeans for the most part when off duty and wears the standard Team Tomorrow bodysuit when working with the team though the logo is on her chest rather than shoulder.


Thanks to the people at T2M.com for the background information.

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Pratima "Splash" Bashem

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 HTH damage

37 DEX 81 16- OCV: 12/DCV: 12

20 CON 20 13-

10 BODY 0 11-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

20 COM 5 13-

4 PD 0 Total: 9 PD (5 rPD)

4 ED 0 Total: 9 ED (5 rED)

4 SPD 0 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

8 REC 0

40 END 0

29 STUN -1 Total Characteristics Cost: 155

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

Quantum Enhancments

20 1) Physical Prodigy: +3 Overall (30 Active Points); Only active, Physical Skills and actions (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2)

13 2) Rapid Attack: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 2

36 3) Soothe: Mind Control 8d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (80 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power:Only to quell violence (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 8

Quantum Powers

30 Water Form: Elemental Control:Water Form powers, 60-point Powers

38 Flow threw as water: Tunneling 6" through 18 DEF material (Fill In Hole) (76 Active Points); Limited Medium:Porous Materials only (Very Limited; -1) 8

24 2) Bodymorph to Water: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 6

24 3) Bodymorph to Water: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 6

150 Mastery of Weather and Water: VPP, 75 base + 75 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (169 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available:Manipulation of water and weather (Slightly Limited; -1/4)


4 1) Malleable Uniform: Transform 2d6: Uniform to any other outfit (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target (Very Limited; -1), IIF (-1/4) 1

9 2) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) (15 Active Points); Limited Power:Only while holding Endurance (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

4 3) Eufiber Energy storage: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)


Martial Arts: Kalapryit

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

5 Block +1 +3 Block, Abort

4 Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Punch/Elbow Strike +0 +2 STR +2d6 Strike

5 Straight kick/Roundhouse -2 +1 STR +4d6 Strike



10 Money (Wealthy)

27 Contact:Project Utopia (14-) (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (+2) (27 Active Points)

6 Reputation:National Hero of India/Member of Team Tomorrow (A large group, 11-) +3/+3d6



3 Acrobatics 16-

3 Breakfall 16-

3 Bureaucratics 15-

3 Combat Driving 16-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

2 PS: Singing 11-

3 Stealth 16-

3 Conversation 15-

2 SS: Meteorology 11-

2 SS: Civil Engineering 11-

3 Trading 15-

3 Persuasion 15-

3 Language: English (Hindustani is native): Completely Fluent, w/Accent

10 +2 with HTH Combat


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 462

Total Cost: 617


400+ Disadvantages

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

20 Hunted: Project Utopia, More Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

15 Psychological Limitation: Highly Honorable, Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Beginning to grew suspect of Utopia's motives, Common, Moderate

15 Psychological Limitation: Code against killing, Common, Strong

147 Team Tomorrow Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 617



Pratima erupted on her wedding day when the boat carrying her husband and entourage ran into a rock, spilling them into the Mari river. Pratima was the only survivor awaking days later to find she could control water in all forms. If not for her father, a retired doctor, the powerful Nova might never have left her native villager, but her contacted old friends and put his daughter in touch with Project Utopia.


Pratima's innate sense of responsibility moved her to join the organization and put her new abilities to good use. She was soon installed on Team Tomorrow as "Splash" using her power to aid in such endeavors as rescue and flood control as well combating organized crime and criminal novas worldwide. Overall, Pratima enjoys her position and chance to help people. It suits her own sense of personal honor, but she has grown troubled. Rumors of Utopia's ethically challenged activities have not escape her and wonders of her powers are truly being put to good use. There is also the matter of her strong personal dislike for Ceastus Pax, but that has been somewhat alleviated since she was placed in command of Team Tomorrow Asia/Pacific and thus out of his jurisdiction.


Powers:Pratima has complete control of water and water related phenomena such as the weather. She can summon storms, fogs, lightening or created seemingly infinite amounts of water at well, using it offensively in powerful jets, to propel herself threw the air or form barriers and containment. Her powers are practically unlimited regarding her elements limited only by her imagination and endurance. . Pratima is also extremely fast and trained in the art of Kalapryit, a martial art developed in Southern India but prefers to fight at range if at all possible. Pratima fights to subdue rather than kill and has thus never developed any lethal uses for her powers.


Appearance:A very attractive woman of Indian descent, Pratima favors traditional clothing when off duty and keeps her long black hair in a simply ponytail or worn down. On duty she wears the Team Tomorrow uniform modified with a black jacket, dark top and an armband with the logo. Pratima's has a lovely, slightly husky voice particularly suited for singing. She has a fledgling film career, having appeared in a few Bollywood musicals since joining Team Tomorrow but is too dedicated to her duties to devote much time to it.

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Peter "Thorn" Knorr

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

50 STR 40 19- Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 HTH damage

15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

45 CON 70 18-

14 BODY 8 12-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6

25 COM 8 14-

16 PD 6 Total: 21 PD (21 rPD)

16 ED 7 Total: 21 ED (21 rED)

5 SPD 25 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

19 REC 0

90 END 0

59 STUN -3 Total Characteristics Cost: 211

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

Quantum Powers

25 Plant Mastery: Elemental Control, 50-point Powers

65 1) Summon Vines: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF, Backlash (+1/2) (90 Active Points) 9

17 2) Animate Plants: Telekinesis (33 STR) (50 Active Points); Only Works On Limited Types Of Objects:Plants (Limited Group of Objects; -1/2) 5

Quantum Enhancements

25 1) Crushing Strength: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD) 2

16 2) Durability: Damage Resistance (16 PD / 16 ED)

5 3) Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 1

8 4) Commanding Presence: +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Limited PowerOnly for issuing commands (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (not added to totals)

43 5) Synergy: +3 Overall, Ranged (+1/2), Usable By Other (x8 Number of Targets +1) (75 Active Points); Requires A Skill:Teamwork Roll (-1/2), Limited Power:Only to coordinate group actions (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4)


4 1) Endurance Charge: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

9 2) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) (15 Active Points); Limited Power:Only while holding endurance (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

4 3) Malleable uniform: Transform 2d6: Instant Change (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target (Very Limited; -1), IIF (-1/4) 1


Martial Arts: Commando Training

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

3 1) Akido Throw +0 +1 STR +v/5, Target Falls

4 2) Boxing Cross +0 +2 STR +2d6 Strike

4 3) Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

4 4) Escape +0 +0 +15 STR vs. Grabs

3 5) Hold -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on

4 6) Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll

4 7) Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort



10 Money (Wealthy)

6 Reputation:Member of Team Tomorrow (A large group, 11-) +3/+3d6

21 Contact:Project Utopia (13-) (Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (+2) (21 Active Points)



7 Acrobatics 14-

7 Breakfall 14-

7 Climbing 14-

7 Combat Driving 14-

7 Combat Piloting 14-

5 Paramedics 14-

5 Stealth 13-

13 Teamwork 17-

7 Tactics 15-

15 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Desert, Marine Surface, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 16-

5 High Society 17-

5 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Helicopters, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, Small Planes, Tracked Military Vehicles

8 WF: Common Melee Weapons, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons

20 +4 with Melee

15 +3 with HTH Combat


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 418

Total Cost: 628


400+ Disadvantages

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

20 Hunted: Project Utopia, More Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

15 Psychological Limitation: Post Traumatic Stress disorder, Common, Strong

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents, Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Aggressive in combat, Common, Moderate

158 Team Tomorrow Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 628

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Ricardo Montoya-Bernal

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

75 STR 65 24- Lift 819.2tons; 15d6 HTH damage

37 DEX 81 16- OCV: 12/DCV: 12

25 CON 30 14-

10 BODY 0 11-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

20 COM 5 13-

15 PD 0 Total: 20 PD (5 rPD)

5 ED 0 Total: 10 ED (5 rED)

6 SPD 13 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

20 REC 0

50 END 0

61 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 229

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

30 Kinetic Energy Redirection: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Always takes Full Knockback when this power is employed (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Costs END Every Phase; -1/2) 6

37 Kinetic Energy Manipulation: Flight 15", Usable Underwater (+1/4) (37 Active Points) 4

26 Premonition: Danger Sense (16-) (Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Any Danger)

16 Psychic Screen: Mental Defense (20 points total)

33 Incredibly Good Luck: VPP, 20 base + 13 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (50 Active Points); Character Has No Choice Regarding When Or How Powers Change (-1), Limited Class Of Powers Available:Simulates Incredible Luck (Slightly Limited; -1/4)

Quantum Enhancments

40 1) Crushing Strength: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2 1/2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD) 4

52 2) Shockwave Attack: Energy Blast 15d6 (vs. PD), Hole In The Middle (Fixed Size; +1/4), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2) (131 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Power:Only affects targets on the ground (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) 13

15 3) Physical Prodigy: +3 Overall (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Costs END Every Phase; -1/2), Limited Power:Only for Physical Skils (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) 3

16 4) Accuracy: +3 with All Combat (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Costs END Every Phase; -1/2) 2

4 5) Flexibility: Double Jointed

18 6) Synergy: +3 Overall, Custom Modifier:Usable At range (+0), Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Requires A Skill:Team Work Roll (-1/2), Limited Power:Only for coordinated group activities (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2)


4 1) Malleable Uniform: Transform 2d6: Uniform to any other outfit (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target (Very Limited; -1), IIF (-1/4) 1

4 2) Eufiber Quantum Reserve: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

9 3) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) (15 Active Points); Limited Power:Only while holding Endurance (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

3 1) Full Nelson/Bear Hug/etc -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on

5 2) Leg Grab/Flying Takedown -2 -1 Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on; FMove

3 3) Flying Tackle +0 -1 STR +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove

3 4) Takedown +1 +1 STR Strike; Target Falls



6 Reputation:Hero of Mexico (A large group, 11-) +3/+3d6

10 Money (Wealthy)

25 Follower:Rabid Fans (x5, 50 Base, 50 Disad)

15 Contact:Project Utopia (13-) (Contact has access to major institutions), Organization Contact (+2) (15 Active Points)



9 Acrobatics 19-

9 Breakfall 19-

3 Acting 13-

7 Combat Driving 18-

7 Combat Piloting 18-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Lockpicking 16-

7 Sleight Of Hand 18-

4 Survival (Urban) 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 High Society 13-

3 Language: English (Spanish is native): Completely Fluent, w/Accent

25 +5 with HTH Combat

9 +3 with handguns


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 469

Total Cost: 698


400+ Disadvantages

10 Distinctive Features: Green skin and spiny "fins" on his back, arms and calves, Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

15 Psychological Limitation: Feels Invulnerable in Combat, Common, Strong

15 Psychological Limitation: Flashy, likes to make his fights "entertaining", Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Honorable, follows gentleman's code, Common, Moderate

298 Team Tomorrow Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 698




Ricardo was born the oldest of five children. Growing up poor in Mexico City, he learned early that you had to work hard to earn your way in life. Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one in his family that learned that lesson. From a young age, it was up to Ricardo to provide for his family and though the he resented it he felt it was his duty.


That all changed one day. A bully challenged him at work and rather than risk his job, Ricardo declined. His attacker jumped the young man as he tried to walk away. In that instant, all his anger and resentment, at his life, at his country and his family boiled over. With a surge of new strength, Ricardo threw his attacker into the sea over 50 meters away. He lost his job, but it didn't matter. Nova powers meant wealth and fortune. Ricardo joined XWF (eXtreme Warfare Federation, Nova shootfighters and wrestlers) and began making a name for himself. But as his experience with organization grew he found most of the people working for it to be questionable at best or at worst beneath contempt. Ricardo's disgust with XWF grew until he couldn't take it any longer. When Utopia approached him looking for attractive new faces for its promotional "Team Tomorrow" he jumped at the chance.


Ricardo has made a name for himself as hero and role model for Mexico, somewhat unknowingly. He still adheres to the Luchador "code" including the mask tradition. This has inspired other South American Novas (and Elite in general) to keep to that code. Ricardo has practically cut all ties with his family though. They still pester him for money, but he feels it is time for them to earn their own way and stop riding on his back. Ricardo has developed some issues with Taint unfortunately, but his easy going and friendly manner keep anyone from bothering him too much about it.


Powers:Montoya is geared for combat. His is among the strongest of Novas, easily the equal of Geryon and extremely resistant to injury even without his Eufiber armor. Montoya's body reflexively shunts the kinetic energy from blows and impacts into momentum, allowing him to "bounce" away from attacks without harm. By similar manipulation of kinetic energy, he can fly at moderate speeds. Montoya-bernal also has a "Sixth Sense" that warns him of danger in and out of combat, usually threw fortunate hunches and lucky breaks. In fact, Ricardo is just extremely lucky over all. Fortune just seems to go his way constantly sometimes in truly amazing ways. These powers combined with his superhuman reflexes and combat experience make him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. This has given Ricardo a sense of invulnerability and he is flashy,taking chances in fights since he feels he can't be hurt. As part of his code of honor, Ricardo will not initiate lethal combat but will respond in kind. He is also reluctant to strike women, preferring to subdue and restrain them as non violently as possible.


Appearannce:Ricardo's has dark, intense eyes and roguish good looks. He's large and powerfully built without being bulky. He could easily be a romantic lead if he wished and never lacks of romantic companionship. In public, he is never seen without his trademark Luchedor mask, made to match his Team Tomorrow uniform. Even out of uniform, he wears it or some variation of it and looks impressive doing it. Otherwise, Ricardo has never been one to put on airs and dresses well, but simply, going for neat appearance and comfort. Growing so powerful so fast has had it cost though. Ricardo has a series of spiny "fins" on his back, forearms and calves along with green skin.

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Delany "Firefly" Croft-Martin

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 HTH damage

31 DEX 63 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

15 CON 10 12-

10 BODY 0 11-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

22 EGO 24 13- ECV: 7

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

25 COM 8 14-

4 PD 0 Total: 18 PD (14 rPD)

3 ED 0 Total: 17 ED (14 rED)

8 SPD 39 Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

7 REC 0

30 END 0

28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 179

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

Quantum Powers

27 1) Enhanced Durability: Armor (9 PD / 9 ED) (added to Primary Value)

45 2) Energy Powered Metabolism: Absorption 9d6 (max. Absorbed Points: 54): Energy/Dexterity

22 Light Manipulation Powers: Elemental Control, 44-point Powers

38 1) Light Beam Riding: Flight 30" (60 Active Points) 6

10 2) Glow: Sight Group Images (+/-9 to PER Roll), x2 Radius (+1/4) (46 Active Points); Only To Create Light (-1), No Range (-1/2) 5

23 3) Light Doppleganger: Clairsentience (Sight Group; Additional Sense: Normal Hearing, x16 Range) (45 Active Points) 4

Quantum Enhancments

15 1) Enhanced Initiative: Lightning Reflexes: +10 DEX to act first with All Actions

9 2) First Impression: +3 with Pre Skills (15 Active Points); Limited Power:Only to make a First Impression (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 1

13 3) +3 Overall (30 Active Points); Limited Power:Only to offset rushing penality (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 3


4 1) Malleable Uniform: Transform 2d6: Uniform into any other outfit (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target (Very Limited; -1), IIF (-1/4) 1

4 2) Eufiber Quantum Reserve: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

9 3) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) (15 Active Points); Limited Power:Only as long as it holds Enudurannce (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 1) Punch/Snap Kick +0 +2 STR +2d6 Strike

5 2) Roundhouse Kick -2 +1 STR +4d6 Strike

4 3) Block +2 +2 Block, Abort



10 Money (Wealthy)

4 Reputation:Member of Team Tomorrow (A large group, 11-) +2/+2d6

12 Contact:Utopia (12-) (Contact has access to major institutions), Organization Contact (+2) (12 Active Points)



5 Acrobatics 16-

5 Breakfall 16-

3 Trading 14-

3 Computer Programming 13-

5 Combat Driving 16-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Lockpicking 15-

7 Stealth 17-

1 Streetwise 8-

5 KS: Wardrobe and style 14-

2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests) 13-

3 Conversation 14-

3 High Society 14-

15 +3 with Firearms


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 322

Total Cost: 500


400+ Disadvantages

5 Distinctive Features: Extremely beautiful, Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

5 Reputation: Impulsive Thrillseeker, Sometimes (8-)

10 Psychological Limitation: Impulsive Thrillseeker, Uncommon, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Petty and jealous nature, Common, Moderate

60 Team Tomorrow Auxiliary Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 500




Delany Croft-Martin was born a society darling, the child of the one of the wealthiest, most influential families in New York. As such her life was one of privilege but not a little social obligation. Naturally rebellious, Delany chafed under the restrictions of high society life. But kept up with it, seeing no other way out.


Her Eruption was a godsend. It was freedom from the boring life of a debutante once and for all. Using her families contacts and influence, Delany got herself assigned to Team Tomorrow. She was placed in the axillary Team, but none the less got what she craved. Excitement and adventure. As "Firefly" Delany takes every chance to push the envelope. particularly in combat. She takes wild chances and does not work will with others as she is a glory hog. Delany likes being the center of attention and sometimes resents the fame of other more powerful members of Team Tomorrow. But its something she's willing to deal with for now.


Powers:For the most part, Delany's powers involve light. She can emit an extremely bright glow, which is the source of her code name. By "riding" beams of light, she can fly at extreme speeds and can create a "living light" immaterial doppleganger which she can see threw. Otherwise she is physically very tough and extremely fast. Her reaction time is many times faster than a human being.


Appearance:Firefly is a slender blonde woman with green eyes. Her face is triangular and pixyish which makes her look a bit younger and more innocent than she is. She keeps her hair short and up, on or off duty. Surprisingly, Delany favors that standard Team Tomorrow uniform with no embellishments. Off duty though, she is never dressed in anything other than the latest fashions.


Note:This character and the next are included mainly to show that Team Tomorrow doesn't always include the most powerful or heroic people. Recruits are sometimes picked for sheer publicity, because of politics or just plain expediency.

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Melissandra Estevez

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 HTH damage

34 DEX 72 16- OCV: 11/DCV: 11

35 CON 50 16-

17 BODY 14 12-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

28 EGO 36 15- ECV: 9

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

25 COM 8 14-

3 PD 0 Total: 8 PD (5 rPD)

7 ED 0 Total: 12 ED (5 rED)

5 SPD 6 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

10 REC 0

70 END 0

63 STUN 20 Total Characteristics Cost: 226

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

Quantum Powers

10 1) Body Modification:Adhesive Grip: Clinging (normal STR)

75 Teleportation Powers: Multipower, 75-point reserve

7u 1) Long Range Teleport: Teleportation 3" (No Relative Velocity, x4 Increased Mass), Custom Modifier:Scalable (+1/2), Megascale (1" = 10000 km; +1 1/4) (71 Active Points) 7

7u 2) Short Range Teleport: Teleportation 25" (Improved Noncombat Movement (x4), No Relative Velocity, x4 Increased Mass) (75 Active Points) 7

Quantum Enhancments

7 1) Catfooted: Stealth (11 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Costs END Every Phase; -1/2) 20- 1

46 2) Adaptability: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep)

5 3) Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 1

5 4) Detect Lies: Detect:Spoken Lies A Single Thing 15-, Sense Affected As Another Sense:Part of Hearing group (+0)

8 5) Enhanced Initiative: Lightning Reflexes: +5 DEX to act first with All Actions


4 1) Quantum Reserve: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

9 2) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) (15 Active Points); Limited Power:Only while holding Endurance (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), IIF (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)



5 Money (Well Off)

15 Contact:Project Utopia (12-) (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has: useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (+2) (15 Active Points)



9 Acrobatics 19-

9 Breakfall 19-

3 Streetwise 12-

5 Stealth 17-

4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms

3 Language: English (Portuguese is native): Completely Fluent, w/Accent

4 Language: Spanish: Idiomatic, native accent

10 +2 with HTH Combat

12 +4 with handguns

15 +3 with Melee


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 277

Total Cost: 502


400+ Disadvantages

5 Distinctive Features: Extremely beautiful, Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

15 Psychological Limitation: Strives to do the right thing, Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Hatred of Drug Cartels, Common, Moderate

10 Psychological Limitation: Will do anything to survive, Uncommon, Strong

15 Hunted: Project:Utopia, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

62 Team Tomorrow New Recruit Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 502



Growing up in Columbia left Melissandra few options. Her family had lived and died among the cocaine cartels for two generations. Her own father had died from coca poisoning and her brother had worked as s smugger until his own men killed him. Melissandra was first noticed by an enforcer at 16 when she killed a man in a street fight. Despite her dreams of being a World class gymnast, she could refuse the offer of training and well paying job.


Melissandra grew into the job quickly, becoming strong and fast. The cartel boss began paying more attention to her and this stirred up the jealousy of her peers. She made too much of a name for herself and eventually, they decided she had to be eliminated. In a particularly slimy move, one of her fellow had her sent on a suicide mission. Melissandra didn't realize the mission was a trap until too late. She found herself trapped in a Federale camp, surrounded by soldiers who would kill her as soon as they found her.


Melissandra's anger grew as she realized what had been done to her. Not all that, but a desire for revenge on the men that had done this to her. She Erupted just as the troops broke down the door. Her powers allowed her to escape easily and she went to Utopia, then Team Tomrrow South America in hopes of avenging herself on the cartels. After the death of Jennifer Landers, Melissandra took her place as the team teleporter. Surpsingly, and encouragingly, Melissandra had taken her chance to become one of the good guys. She's grateful for her rise out of poverty and has developed a strong sense of right and wrong. She endeavors to live up to the Team Tomorrow ideal as much as possible. Inside so, the desperate street child remains and there is little Melissandra will not do to survive.


Powers:Melissandra's primary power is teleportation. She can carry herself and up to 4 others thousand of KMs by means unknown. Her teleportation also eliminates all relative velocity, so she can jump safely into and out of moving vehicles, from fall and other dangerous situations. Her natural agility has been enhanced to superhuman levels as her stealth and flexibility. Her body is sustained by quantum energies now so she does not need to eat, breath or drink and is immune to most diseases. Melissandra heals at a superhuman rate as well. Somehow she can "stick" to objects she touches, allowing to move on any surface. Utopia's scientists aren't sure how she accomplishes this either.


Appearance:Melissandra is a strikingly attractive Columbian woman with a very fit, muscular physique. She has long black hair and dark brown eyes. Many people think she bears a strong resemblance to Salma Hyeck. She wears the standard Team Tomorrow jumpsuit and otherwise dresses for simply, in loose clothing designed to allow her to move easily. Melissandra's voice is surprisingly husky for a woman, though not unnaturally so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Aberrant Conversions:Team Tomorrow


For those interested in running a Team Tomorrow Hero campaign I would suggest starting at 600+100 Disdvantages. Disads shouldn't include any horrific non human Distinctive Features, dangerous psych lims (Casual Killer, Raging Bigot, etc) or Berserks (low frequency Enraged might be ok).


Skills should include at least one additional language and some knowledges and sciences (the training includes a fairly through education), particularly a sciene relating to your powers, or use of them in creative, helpful ways.

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