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Hey all,


Looking for some feedback that has come up in my game:


1) Missle Reflection. I had a player ask if he could deflect an energy attack if he were in its path....even though he wasn't in the target hex or an adjacent hex. Basically, bad guy targeted good guy 8 hexes away and the Missle Reflector was right in between. For the record, the Reflector has the can reflect in adjacent hexes advantage, but not at range. I wasn't sure whether to allow this or not. Technically, he'd probaby need the At Range advantage to reflect from his position, but logically....it seemed odd that he couldn't. Should I have let him attempt the reflect?


2) How do you do the "taxi" thing? One character picks another up and carrys him. Does the first character have to use a half phase to grab the other....or is this a zero phase thing? I'd say half phase myself.


3) I have a character with Teleport. I allow him to abort to this as this is primarily a defensive action. Is this appropriate?


4) The Blind Teleport rules. Just to clarify, it IS 1d6 of d6 Killing Damage at the lethal level, right? So....I roll one dice and get a 5. The character takes 5d6 killing damage. Correct? (This is an ongoing debate in my player group.)


5) Dispel vs technological devices. I have a character with power armor. Villian uses said Dispel power. What exactly happens? It's vs. one power at a time....so I randomly choose the power that's disabled? And how long does this last. The rulebook says permanently. This can't be right, is it?



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1. that depends on the special effects of the power. if it travels in a straight line from sourec to target, then yes. But if it uses a ballistics-style arc (grenade launcher, long-range bow shots, etc.), he'd have to use his reflection at range.


2. I'd say grabbing a player is like drawing a weapon, and say a half phase is fair. However, if the "passenger" co-operates and uses his move to be picked up (basically jumping into the others grasp), then the runner should be able to use his full move.


3. since using a power is normally a zero-phase action (unless they have duration limitations), then they could abort to dodge using teleport.


4. don't know, but sounds fair


5. assuming you're useing the power armor as an focus for the characters other powers: he couldn't dispel the power armor itself since that isn't technically a power. And dispel does indeed dispel any instange/usage of a power permanently (i.e. enchanted items, ongoing spells, etc.). However, it does nothing to rpevent a character from using that power again. That would be suppress. for example, you could dispel the gas cloud caused by a gas grenade, but that won't stop you from throwing another one.


If you wanted to interfere with the function of technological devices to prevent characters from using them, you'd take suppress: technology, with the advantage uncontrolled (until repaired), you'd also need the aoe 1 hex advantage to affect all of a characters gadgets/tools. Since power armor is actually a collection of discrete technologies (albeit connected and working together), you'd have to use AoE to suppress all the power armor's systems at once.

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1. GM judgement call, I'd say. My inclination would generally be (assuming the attack wasn't Indirect) to allow it if the character could affect adjacent hexes, and not allow it if he didn't. So in the case you describe, I would generally allow it.


2. Another GM judgement call. You've got a few options. The taxied could make themselves a willing target for a Grab By by the taxier. The taxied could use their movement to sort of "grab on" to the taxier as dstarfire suggests. Since the taxied is not resisting, you could allow the taxier to pick them up as a 0-Phase action assuming the taxier is strong enough to do so with ease, etc. I'd say just use your common and dramatic sense based on the situation, the SFX, and the level of "realism" you want in the campaign.


3. You cannot Abort to movement per se (not even Teleport). However, he could Abort to a Combat Maneuver that involves movement, like Dive For Cover, using his Teleport as the movement. ("using teleport to Dodge" as dstarfire describes doesn't really mean anything... Dodge is its own Combat Maneuver, and has nothing to do with movement, Teleport or otherwise.) Generally speaking, if a character want to use his Teleport defensively, he's better off buying something like DCV Combat Skill Levels with the Costs Endurance Limitation, with a special effect of "Blink Teleport" or the like.


4. You are interpreting the Blind Teleport rules correctly. If you roll a 5, they take 5d6 of Killing Damage. (dstarfire, if you don't know, why did you answer? ;) )


5. It depends on what the Dispel targets and how the powered armor character is built. As a general answer, though, yes it does mean permanently if the power is bought through a Focus. (Though it can still be repaired like any other broken Focus.)

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