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Some Weapon Design Questions

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Hi all! First post to the board here, so I don't know if similar questions have come up before... I'm trying to design something that is relatively stumping me.

The first is a gun that would fire a pellet or cannister that would quick-freeze a target (liquid nitrogen, or something like it), followed immediately by something that would heat the target up (magnesium, or something like it). Both charges would be considered 1 attack from the same weapon. There'd be the damage from the freeze & heat, but more importantly violent reaction you'd get by changing something's temperature so rapidly and extremely.

Obviously there are EBs, but I'm trying to also model the structural damage it would do to walls, someone's armor, ect... that's the tricky one for me. I'm still using 4th ed rules here... So most of 5th is unfamiliar to me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Oh yeah... and big hellos to all the Champs players of the world!


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Here's one possibility:


Use RKA or EB as you see fit, and fits the campaign - some are more lethal than others.


First Attack is a special effect Cold and does some damage, Second Attack is a special effect Heat and does some damage, Link them so they go off in the same attack, then add a third power into the link that is Hypothermia (damage from quick changes in temperature), linked to either (I don't believe you can link it to both) of the previous Attacks with the additional requirement that BOTH the Cold and Heat attacks needs to do Body damage to the target or it doesn't do anything.


Under fifth edition you would use the Compound Power structure.

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That sounds like the way to do it, but the problem is that splitting your points into 3 seperate attacks makes it suck against defenses and still cost a lot.


For instance, a 3d6 EB and 3 1d6 EB's cost the same amount. Fire them at a guy with at a guy with 5 ED and the 3 little EB's do nothing while the 3d6 EB does some damage.


It might be more point efficient to buy something like a 3 shot autofire, with each shot having a different special effect, if you want to split the attack up.

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The fact that it is shooting two pellets seems irrelevant to me. It is an attack designed to damage people and objects through the sudden stress of a temperature change.


At it's base, I'd say RKA, but maybe put in a Multipower with a Dispel vs. Armour, or a Transform (objects into brittle objects).



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I would say one attack. Probably have a Damage adding power to it, probably Penetrating, but maybe NND Does body, this represents the rapid change in temp.


That is how I WOULD do it.


I would also do it as a MP


1) An Ice based Entangle

2) A Heat based burn attack (Strait RKA?)

3 The Bad boy attack mentioned above...

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