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The Shadow Stats+Powers


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I am trying to build a character based on pulp hero The Shadow.He should have some telepathic abilities which are bit harder to use,maybe Inc.End. and Conc.,blazing Pistols and some typical Shadow Abilities(Teleport in Shadow Areas,Invisibilty,etc.).This is all rather easy to build,though I would nonetheless glad of some input.A bit trickier is following:I want to underline a bit schizophrenic character,one who can really assume The Shadow as a form.But though he gets some powers,his Shadow form should make him somewhat untrutsable to other characters by being somewhat....well,not that good.Thought of Multiform or OIHID,any ideas?

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There's also the magazine version:




Don't forget The Spider, the original web swinger:




And the duo who protects Our America from criminals even the G-Men cannot catch:





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My favorite writeup is:





20STR1013-400kg; 4d6

18DEX2413-OCV: 6 / DCV: 6



18INT813-PER Roll 13-

25EGO3014-ECV: 8

25PRE1514-PRE Attack: 5d6


8PD4Total: 8 PD

8ED4Total: 8 ED

5SPD22Phases: 3, 8, 8, 10, 12




Total Characteristics Cost: 176


Movement:Running: 10" / 20"

Teleport: 8" / 16"

Swimming: 5" / 10"


CostPowers & Skills

Combat Training:

16Combat Skill Levels +2 w/all combat

Martial Arts: Generic Hand-to-Hand Skill


4Block+2+2Block, Abort

4Disarm-1+130 STR Disarm

4Dodge+0+5Dodge vs All; Abort

4Escape+0+035 STR vs Grabs

3Grab-1-1STR 30 Grab

5Off. Strike-2+18d6 Strike

4Strike+0+26d6 Strike


"Mystic Powers":

23Hypnosis: Mind Control 8d6; Invisible Power Effects: Full (+1/2),

0 END (+1/2), Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1), Incantations (-1/4), No Range (-1/2),

Requires Eye Contact (-1/2), Visible effects (subject is clearly hypnotised) (-1/4)

29Deduce Location: Mind Scan 8d6: Cumulative Effects (+1/2), Invisible Power

Effects: Full (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Cannot use other mental powers with Mind

Scan (-1/4), Cumulative Effects requires telephone or legwork (-1/2), Extra

Time: 1 Turn (-1), Requires Skill roll of GM's Choice (-1)

20Superior Psychology: Telepathy 6d6, Invisible Power Effects: Full (+1/2),

0 END (+1/2), Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1), Must observe subject closely (-1/4),

Reveals only broad details (-1/4), Requires a SC: Psychology roll (-1/2)

17Superior Stealth: Invisibility to Normal Sight & Hearing,

Variable Limitation (-1/2)

VL#1: Requires a Stealth Roll (-1/2), Only in shadows/dim light (-1/4),

Wearing dark clothing (-1/4)

VL#2 & #3: Requires a Shadowing or High Society roll (-1/2), Only in crowds or parties (-1/2)

8Sudden Departure: Teleport: 10", Only when no one is looking (-1/2), Only to

areas accessible normally (-1/2), Requires a Stealth Roll (-1/2)

17Disguse and Acting Expertise: Shape Shift - Group Humanoids; 0 End (+1/2),

Variable Limitation (-3/4)

VL#1: Extra Time: Full Phase (-1/2), Requires an Acting Roll (-1/2), Fails if examined (-1/2)

VL#2: Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1), IIF, Fragile: Disguise (-1/2)


Crimefighting and Background Skills:

5Iron Will: Mental Defense 10 DEF

28Network of Agents: Summon 50pt Agent, Limited Group (Competent

Normals) (+1/4), 0 END (+1/2), Gradual Effect: 1 Hour (-1), Requires

telephone or legwork (-1/2)

8Running: +4" (10" total), END 2

3Swimming: +2" (5" total), END 1

25Followers: Burbank, Burke, Hawkeye & Cliff, Vincent, Competent normals

10Money: Wealthy

2Perk: Deep Cover: Lamont Cranston

5Talent: Combat Sense 14-

10Talent: Cramming x2

17Talent: Danger Sense [out of combat] 12-

5Talent: Defense Maneuver

5Talent: Fast Draw 14-

3Talent: Resistance +3

5Acting 15-

5Breakfall 14-

5Bribery 15-

3Bureaucratics 14-

5Climbing 14-

3Combat Driving 13-

9Combat Piloting 16-

7Concealment 15-

5Coversation 15-

9Criminology 16-

9Deduction 16-

7Disguise 13-

3Forensic Medicine 13-

3High Society 14-

5Interrogation 14-

7Mimicry 13-

9Navigation 14-

3Oratory 14-

3Paramedic 13-

7Persuation 16-

3PS: Pilot 13-

4SC: Psychology 14-

5Seduction 15-

9Shadowing 14-

20SL: +2 Overall Levels

3Sleight of Hand 13-

9Stealth 16-

5Streetwise 15-

3Survival 11-

3Systems Operation 13-

5Tactics 14-

2TF: Gyrocopters, Large ground vehicles, Planes, Small ground vehicles

5Tracking 14-

3Trading 14-

5Ventriloquism 12-

2WF: Small Arms


0English (native)

4Mandarin -Idiomatic


3KS: Law Enforcement 14-

4KS: Underworld 15-

5KS: Well Known Criminals 16-


2AK: New Jersey 13-

5AK: New York 16-

3Well Connected

1Contact: Lamont Cranston 11-

518Total Powers & Skills Cost

694Total Character Cost



Psychological Limitation:

25Dedicated to Justice

15Mysterious and Enigmatic

20Vigilante Mentality

15Secret ID: Kent Allard

469Who Knows What Evil Lurks Bonus

694Total Disadvantage Points


Designer's Notes:

Carries a pair of .45 M1911A1 automatic pistols:

+1 OCV, 1d6+1 RKA, +1 STUN, 7 Shots (ea), STR Min 8


The Shadow favors precise shots over a blaze of gunfire (unlike The Spider for example) so pulpish "gun" powers are unnecessary. This write-up is intended to reflect the early pulp Shadow, who used skill to create the impression of unnatural powers in onlookers.


The powers I have given The Shadow reflect those superior skills and his extensive (and seemingly limitless) network of agents.


The Shadow certainly has more skills than I've listed In AK, KS, and Languages. As well as a number of KS and PS skills used to impersonate certain people, like Fritz the police station's janitor.


The "Gradual Effect" limitation on his Summoning is to reflect the travel time and other preperations agents summoned by The Shadow must make before moving to his assigned duties.


The Shape Shift Limitation "Causal Examination Only" is intended to reflect The Shadow's ability to change his posture, gait, speech, and other movements to suggest he is someone else. With disguise (as with Shape Shift normally) he can impersonate other people, as long as the onlookers are distracted or inatentive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The Shadow Stats+Powers


I realise that the MOVIE version of "The Shadow" (the one with Alec Baldwin) might not be considered "cannon" in this regard but it seemed that he had either "invisibility" or some form of super speed useable in short bursts (when he beats up "duke's" gang) and the ability to cuase mental illusions (when he convinces one of the characters that the window of the "Monolith" hotel is really an exit and he leaps out of it, plunging several stories to his death !) Having learned his powers in "the mysterious East !" he might also have access to one of the eastern martial arts that was little known in the west at that time.

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Re: The Shadow Stats+Powers


The movie Shadow was a nice blend of elements from both the pulps and the radio plays -- and having said that I expect to be flamed to a crisp by "serious" fans :snicker: .


Personally I'd call the movie power Invisibility with a fringe effect, and maybe toss in -1/4 for the "fringe" (his shadow) being more easily noticed than a standard fringe effect. I'm not quite sure how to model the bit where he gets pinned to the wall by the crossbow bolts and becomes fully visible. Sure, he just turned off the Invisibility, but was he forced to by the attack or did he figure "why bother, they know where I am"?


(I got a DVD player for Christmas, anyone know if there's an extended release of the movie with more of that scene?)

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Re: The Shadow Stats+Powers


The shadow, film version


30 str 20

30 dex 60

30 con 40

15 bod 10

20 int 10

30 ego 40

30 pre 20

20 com 5

21 pd 15

16 ed 10

6 spd 20

12 rec 0

60 end 0

60 stun 15


Cha 250


30 Guns Rka 2d6 autofire 2 32 charges OAF



40 60 MP Psychic powers 1/2 dcv full phase

4 60 Telepathy 12d6

4 60 Mind controll 12d6

4 60 Telekinesis 40

4 60 Invisibility all 0 end


8 running 10"

6 mental defence 12pts


Powers 100


28 Martial arts

12 martial levels +4


40 Various skills


40 overall levels +4


skills 120


Total 470

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