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Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


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Guest Major Tom

Re: Monk's Garb?




100,000 years in the future, when humankind has colonized much of space, what do you think monks and priests would wear?




It probably wouldn't change much from what currently exists today. If you've

ever had the opportunity to see the B5 episodes where Brother Theo and his

order are part of the story to one extent or another, you've probably seen

that they wore the more-or-less traditional cassock and hood such as their

medieval forerunners did. The only real difference would most likely be color-

based (remember the monks' conclave in The Name of the Rose, where

the representatives of each of the monastic orders in attendance wore their

orders' colors?).


Major Tom :angel:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Landsknechts - Re: "The New Abbey"


What about groups like the Landsknechts 100,000 years in the future? In our history, they rescued a pope in the Middle Ages and are still the Vatican's police/military force. They are the only army in the world that trains with pike and submachinegun.


I wonder what kind of package one would use to design a member of such a group? Probably a few weapon skills, maybe some kind of power armor...




When you say "Landsknechts", are you talking about the Swiss Guards?


Major Tom :confused:

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Re: Monk's Garb?


I wouldn't go so far as to call using tchnology a heresy for this order of monks you create. Remember, the strictures under which most monastic orders live under are self imposed. They choose to deny themselves these things, not deny others these luxuries. They make a holy vow to forgoe whatever they're order has stictures for (vows of silence, poverty, chastity, etc...) One order may choose to give up technology. I'd say that they would be permitted to use space transport so that they may travel to the monastery. But also to use modern medicine. For to do otherwise would be tantamount to suicide (at least in some venues, if the order was based on Christian Scientists instead of the Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Church it would be another story).


Just keep these things in mind before you start making religious orders of zealots. They may exist but I doubt they would receive sanction from the Holy See or the Ecumenical Patriarch.


Which brings up an interesting question, will this Church which is 100,000 years in the future be monolithic or will it be a smattering of differing sects?


Would over the intervening millenia the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches reconciled their differences and again would there be another age of a united Holy Catholic Church?


I like your ideas, keep at it. Just try to add some depth to the world view and you'll have a real campaign to sink your teeth into.


TB -- I killed Doc Holiday

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Re: Monk's Garb?


Which brings up an interesting question, will this Church which is 100,000 years in the future be monolithic or will it be a smattering of differing sects?


Would over the intervening millenia the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches reconciled their differences and again would there be another age of a united Holy Catholic Church?


I like your ideas, keep at it. Just try to add some depth to the world view and you'll have a real campaign to sink your teeth into.


TB -- I killed Doc Holiday


Thanks Billy,


I think for the culture of "The New Abbey" the church will be monolithic and attempt to remain that way. But with a culture that spans a galaxy and more, sects will spring up and provide a source of background and conflict for the story.


As for the various churches of today, I figure that they will be long gone. The church in TNA will resemble the modern churches (largely so the players have something to relate to) but I want the religion to be far enough removed from modern concerns to avoid stepping on anyone's real-world beliefs. For instance, many FRPGs have religions and clerics but no one really gets bent out of shape in a religious argument because the fantasy religions are so different from real ones that they are seen as just part of the story


Thanks for the input!


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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


You are also going to have to give some serious consideration to the nature of "God". He exists, okay. But what is he? Is a male pronoun even appropriate. Does God have any relation to JudeoChristiamMuslim revelation? Is Man truly created in the image of God? Is he a mere abstraction whic caused the big bang? Does he actively intervene in the universe? Was he proven by theoretical means or did he miraculously reveal himself? If so, why? If he is actually the author of the Bible, why is so much information from the Old Testament at odds with scientific fact? (e.g. dinosaurs) Perhaps it would be best to say that he exists, but all previous religions had got the lowdown wrong. As to the nature of God, you're really not going to be able to take anything for granted.

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Hi Cyst,


Thanks for your input. I have given a lot of thought to the nature of the god in this game. I didn't post any of the ideas I already had in order to invite some (very good) brainstorming. Maybe it's time I did.


In many ways for this campaign setting the nature of god (should I be capitalizing that? The characters in the campaign would.) isn't important. What I wanted to explore is taking early medieval beliefs, setting them so far in the future we probably wouldn't recognize them.


Now for your questions:


You are also going to have to give some serious consideration to the nature of "God". He exists' date=' okay. But what is he? Is a male pronoun even appropriate. [/quote']


There won't be any use of the male pronoun--the god for this campaign will be gender neutral. This is in contrast to traditional fantasy settings where every deity has a gender, race, etc..


Does God have any relation to JudeoChristiamMuslim revelation?


None. I want to avoid mixing the campaign up with modern controversy (much like traditional fantasy campaigns don't have any flavor of real-word religions). I figure 100,000 years in the future this won't be a problem.


Is Man truly created in the image of God? Is he a mere abstraction whic caused the big bang?


None of the first; a good portion of the second. I guess I need to answer, "How sentient is this god?"


Does he actively intervene in the universe?


Only through his servants which are people who understand the nature of the universe well enough to have "miraculous" powers (extreme high tech, divine spells...the distinction now blurs together). Otherwise, miracles could occur but be explained by anyone with enough understanding of "The Proof" of god that (to us) their belief would seem more scientific than faith based.


Was he proven by theoretical means or did he miraculously reveal himself? If so' date=' why? [/quote']


"The Proof" as it's called, is a mathematical/logic/physical proof. It exists and is real. Here's the kicker though: not everyone has the education to understand it (like several modern theories) so religion does fall back to a matter of faith again (hence preserving a bit of the medieval/fantasy feel to the game).


If he is actually the author of the Bible' date=' why is so much information from the Old Testament at odds with scientific fact? (e.g. dinosaurs) Perhaps it would be best to say that he exists, but all previous religions had got the lowdown wrong. As to the nature of God, you're really not going to be able to take anything for granted.[/quote']


That's so far in the past that no one can remember it. Since (I'm considering that) Earth as we know it is also lost in antiquity, this won't be an issue.


Thanks again,


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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Sounds like you've got quite an interesting campaign ahead of you. I've got a number of other suggestions/considerations for you, but I don't wish to backseat your imagination. One final suggestion, though: You should develop, at least in a general sense, what this proof consists of. It seems to me that this will become a crucial point in the campaign, especially since there is going to be room for people (the uneducated) to disbelieve the proof. E.g. evolutionary theory is still considered by many Americans to be controversial or even outright wrong, while most biologists consider it to be established fact. If you were to set a game around the Scopes trial, your players would have every right to expect you to be fluent with the basics of evolution theory. Likewise, I'm confident that the players in your Cathedral Hero campaign will sooner or later demand that you explain to them precisely what this proof of God actually is. Good luck! Nobody else has come up with a foolproof one yet. And players love to argue with GMs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Holy Guards" Pikes?


Hi All,


I'm gradually making up unique items for this campaign (power armor, "holy" symbols, etc.--and I'll post some of them soon) but I'm stuck for ideas on what might be an interesting item.


This universe has an equivalent of the Vatican's "Swiss Guards." Even though the setting is 100,000 years in the future I'd like the future equivalent of the Swiss Guards to have a ceremonial, but useful, sci-fi pike. I'm thinking of and "energy pike" like:

2d6+1 HKA,

Armor Piercing;


No STR bonus (maybe?)



STR Min 13 (?)


but I'd like it to have some other special abilities. I figure any kind of teleportation and communication would be build into their armor. But I don't know...what do you all think would be cool for holy guards to carry?




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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


First thing I thought of is a analyze devotion device. Working as a kind of mind scan. Maybe have an activation roll for readings with a default reading of being an enemy to the Vatican. Makes for a good inquisition tool (if the device is working or not.)



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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


You might want to consider putting a second function on the Guards' energy

pikes to give them a non-lethal crowd control function (an NND of equal point

value to the HKA setting, perhaps); after all, you don't want them mowing

down the Faithful by the score simply for trying to get a better view of His

(or Her) Holiness, do you?


Major Tom :angel:

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Thanks Drakkenkin and Major Tom,


MT had a great point about making the halberds nonlethal for crowd control. So I thought I'd make them purely ceremonial. The Swiss Guards carry the halberds but have modern weapons "close at hand." So these pikes could be for small disturbances and show only.


Drakkenkin: nice idea about the ability to detect enemies. I decided to use Enhanced Senses as Mind Scan has planetary range


Thanks for the ideas--it's always neat to get other people's view.


Anyway, here's the current Cohors Helvetica Ceremonial Energy Halberd. Let me know what you think.


PS: More coming soon. (Imagine brightly colored power armor!)


Cost.....Cohors Helvetica Ceremonial Energy Halberd

..8.......Energy Stun Blade: HA +2d6, Long (12 Points),

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2),

NND (force field; +1) (30 Active Points);

Hand-To-Hand (-1/2), OAF (-1), 2-Handed (-1/2),

Real Weapon (-1/4), 13 STR Minimum (-1/2)


..3.......Detect Infidel: Enhanced Senses (detect Hostile Mind, 5 Points),

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points);

OAF (-1), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2)

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Holy See As Base: Ideas for Designing?


Hi All,


I'm wondering about designing the futuristic seat of religious power as a base. I'd like to make it a ring world and have the whole world as the base (it's a large universe after all and there are billions of worlds to oversee).


Is it worth designing this as a base--at least in rough capabilities? If you would do this work, how would you go about it.




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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I wouldn't make a ringworld as I would a base. Because the ringworld would be SO massive and the abount of money the religious power would have to spend on it; you could keep building the 'base' wringworld till you ran out of paper. IMO, Makeing a ringworld like a base is like making a planit like a base. I don't think it would be worth your time.


Making a gineric building ( for local and or planit defence or the main leaders home) could be usefull on the other hand if you plan on them being needed at some point.



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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


If you're looking for something to use as an example for a base that would be

used by the leadership of this far-future religion, then the Battlefleet Gothic

game has just the thing for you: the Ramilies Star Fort. Not only does the

thing look like a humongous church building in space, it also has space travel

capability (warp-field movement assisted by a number of space tugs) and is

armed to the teeth as well (just the thing to show those annoyingly persist-

ent heretics the error of their ways).


Major Tom :thumbup:

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I wouldn't make a ringworld as I would a base. Because the ringworld would be SO massive ...


I was kind of thinking along those lines--with the "wouldn't it be cool to..." demon working in the back of my head.


Taking your suggestion, what I'll do is just say "there's a ring world that is the futurisitc 'Mecca.'" Then, individual clerics or holy orders would have their bases on this world. And those bases can be designed.




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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


If you're looking for something to use as an example for a base that would be

used by the leadership of this far-future religion, then the Battlefleet Gothic



Thanks MT!


I vaguely remember that. I'll look into it (I know several local BFG players.) I had something like the Ramilies Star Fort in mind as a cathedral but not the main HQ (it's a big universe and a BIG religious hierarchy).


K. :thumbup:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Travellerne, I tried posting some ideas for some high-tech holy hardware earlier

in the day, but the Accursed Mechanism exorcised me from the 'Net just as I was

about to submit the post, and when I got back on, everything I had typed in was

gone. I am therefore going to give it another shot and hope for the best.


What I had suggested in my earlier attempt was that you might be able to adapt

some of the stuff from the WH40K universe, such as the rosarius (an amulet that,

as long as it is in contact with its wearer, protects him or her from physical harm). I don't know how much PD/ED such an item would provide, but it would

probably look something like this:


-- PD/-- ED Force Field, OAF: Amulet (-1/2)


Now, as far as END for this item is concerned, there are two ways to handle it that

I can think of: the first would be to design the item with a single Continuing

Charge that would last for the duration of a fight. The second would be to give

it an END Reserve.


I suggested making it an OAF because the amulet can be taken from its wearer

in close-quarters combat; as far as the level of PD/ED is concerned, it should

have enough to withstand some of the weapons available to power-armor troops

(i.e., Space Marines).


The only other item I can think of to include would be something called a crozius.

As far as I can tell, though, the only thing that it seems to be used for is to

thwack the bejesus out of one's adversary (pretty much de rigeur for the

Space Marine Chaplains).


Hope this is of some help to you.


Major Tom :angel:

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I was kind of thinking along those lines--with the "wouldn't it be cool to..." demon working in the back of my head.


I get that demon a lot. I always endup spending days trying to do "realy cool" things... and then I only use a small part of what I made.


Anyway, I know the temptation. :)



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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Now, as far as END for this item is concerned, ...


Another way would be to use a Tesla idea, where energy to power a device can be broad casted and received much like a radio wave. You can also see this concept in the move 'Independence - Day.' The aliens fighters only have power when the mother ship is close. (at least thats how I saw it.)


The equipment could be made with Zero end but with a disadd that only allows it to be used w/ in a given range of a power emitter.



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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I just thought of something. We were once talking about another faction that thinks Tech. is evil. They my be able to get to other planets by way of organic life that can live in space. It could be done like Farscape's organic ship (intrusive,) or like riding the Worms in Dune (non intrusive.)

End Of Thought




Life is Stranger than Fiction.

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I get that demon a lot. I always endup spending days trying to do "realy cool" things... and then I only use a small part of what I made.


That's part of why the list is cool: you can get other people to help you cool things down and find ways to do them easier.



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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I just thought of something. We were once talking about another faction that thinks Tech. is evil. They my be able to get to other planets by way of organic life that can live in space. It could be done like Farscape's organic ship (intrusive' date=') or like riding the Worms in Dune (non intrusive.)[/quote']


Hmm. Nice idea.


I'd probably use the organic ship idea and wouldn't have to introduce this group right away. I could bring them in to spice up the campaign when it needed a boost.




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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Neo-Luddite religious fanatics... just what a campaign like this needs (besides,

there are still your basic garden-variety religious fanatics that you can always

go back to using when you feel the need for a change).


Major Tom :eg:

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