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Aid and Drain

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How do you handle (or rather speed up) aids and drains in mid-game situations?


I know this might be a no brainer, but I thought about beginning to writing down to the number of Active Points per dice (AP/D). This way I can directly see how many dices a player should add to, or remove from, future dice pools.


Have anyone tried something similar to this before?


Pros and cons?

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Re: Aid and Drain


If that's the case, I would recoment using the Standard Effect Rule (each die is automatically considered to have rolled a 3, instead of actually rolling). A die of Aid would balance against a die of Drain in this case, without possibility of random chance messing things up.


The only complication is that Aid has a max effect, and Drain does not. I'm not sure if having Aid's bonus Drained counts as fading or not.

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Re: Aid and Drain


I think he means when competing Aids and Drains are being used during the course of a combat. If you have more than 1 or 2 using these abilities, then the bookeeping may get quite complicated.





I understand that I might have been a bit too vague.


What I wanted to hear is how people handle "aids 'n drains" in mid-combat. I might do it wrong, but they tend to take too long time. One or two of them during a combat isn't such a big issue, the problem starts when there's more of them during the same fight.

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