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Suppession Fire...

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Re: Suppession Fire...


This is something I'm a bit curious about myself.


To take a guess, you can define a line of hexes, drawn from the attacker and away, instead of a single hex some distance away (figuring the OCV penalty from the hex furthest away in the line).


Other than that I'm a bit confused (even after reading the FAQ) on exactly how Suppression Fire works. I seems that you fire 3 rounds into each hex/hex line every segment, rather than every phase, and must expend a charge or END for each round. This makes me wonder if Suppression Fire only works for Autofire attacks that can fire as many shots per Phase as required, or if any Autofire attack just fires that many shots as needed to perform the maneuver.

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Re: Suppession Fire...


I don't have the rules at work, but that's how I'd think it goes.

Choose a line of hexes that you are using suppression fire on. Then you spend the END for however many shots you shoot down that line. Anyone entering that line is attacked.


[C] ---- Character using suppression fire




o ------- hex line






[o] ------ target hex?


Anyone in, entering or exiting any of these hexes gets attacked.

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Re: Suppession Fire...


Well, it states in the FAQ that three shots are fired for each hex/hex line, but not how often those shots are fired. Seems kinda silly if you only have a SPD of 2 and are only firing 3 per Phase, but 5 people run through and get hit.


Now that I think of it, there aren't any rules for what does happen of more people run through than there are shots fired. It's perfectly possible for more than 3, or even more than a dozen, characters to move through a covered area in a single Segment.

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Re: Suppession Fire...


It says in FRED that you can only do Suppression fire with attacks that are autofire. It also says that you must fire the same number of shots every segment, but can only attack each character that passes through your hex line once.


You can fire as many shots per segment as your autofire (and charges) will allow. They were just assuming 3 for the example in the FAQ.


A 2 SPD character will be firing each segment, just like everyone else. In general, I'd assume you could attack the same number of characters as you have autofire shots per segment, but your right, the rules don't specify.

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Re: Suppession Fire...


I'm clarifying this with Steve. I has always assumed that Suppression Fire fired on the segments in between, but that you still couldn't fire more shots per Phase than your Autofire rate. Apparantly, it's your Autofire rate per Segment (which makes a kinds sense, as any gun with Autofire should be fired at the same rate by any character).

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