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BattleTech Hero Ability Question


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In Maximum Tech, there is Advanced Ability in the Miscellaneous Rules section called Manoeuvring Ace.

MechWarriors and crews with the Manoeuvring Ace ability are especially good at executing quick turns and manoeuvring in tight confines. Any unit with this ability can perform the lateral shift manoeuvre, which normally is available only to quad 'Mechs (pp. 75-77, BMR). Such units also receive a -1 target-number modifier on Piloting Skill Rolls made to avoid skidding. Vehicle crews receive this bonus on tests requires when a vehicle fails to fullfil the requirements for a turn mode (see Vehicles, p. 29).

I am very new to the Hero system, which we are using for out of 'Mech role-play as well as character cost, and would like to know how this would translate to the Hero system cost-wise and what category it would be in. If the Question Man reads this, he of course has the final say and can choose to not allow it if he likes. If he doesn't read this, I'll wait until I have a suggested cost, and see what he says. Thank you in advance.



Oh, and for anyone who's been keeping track of the Question Man's posts about our unit, we played our first true session on Wednesday. There was a BattleMech disturbance on planet; apparently a Baron had recruited some mercenaries for himself. I was preoccupied with copying some information for the Question Man and only got the gist of it, there was some jurisdictional questions and we were fired upon. Unfortunately our Trebuchet and Hunchback, neither Jump Jet-equipped, were effectively neutralised in the first few rounds by a Stalker, Phoenix Hawk, and Centurion. Meanwhile our Marauder, Griffin, and Enforcer, all Jump Jet equipped, walked around a mountain where we found a Commando. Ah, the joys of placing your 'Mech on the battlefield before you look at the map. The two non-jumpers were in an effective firing range, nestled between two mountains, and were severely hurt early on by some lucky dice roll on the part of the Game Master.


Once we the trio of Jumpers closed in on the Commando, he was toast. He survived longer than any Commando had any right against such a force, since we can't roll worth a... The pilot eventually ejected. But we still had Stalker, Centurion, and Phoenix Hawk to deal with. The Trebuchet and Hunchback, pinned down by the Stalker and company, sat behind some cliffs, trying to inch closer and just survive until the rest of our force showed up. Our five 'Mechs slowly formed a half circle around the mercenaries, with the Centurion and Stalker facing the Hunchback and Trebuchet, while a Griffin, Marauder, and Enforce took on a Phoenix Hawk. Again, we had a player who was suggesting tactics, but I still have severe reservations about them.


Our Enforcer was the first to break from our seemingly survivalist tactics, manoeuvring around so that he had the back of the Stalker, but the Phoenix Hawk and Centurion had yet to move. I choose to move towards the Trebuchet and Hunchback so that my Marauder could help them against the Stalker and Centurion. Throughout the battle, I tried to concentrate my fire wherever it was needed most. The Stalker represented the greatest threat, and we did half its available weaponry through our attacks, but we scored very few successful criticals.


As the battle progressed, it seemed to turn into a free for all. The Griffin was taken out by a headshot, which the pilot using a house rule luck chit, ejected from. Perhaps because of damage, perhaps because the GM wished to be nice, at some point the Phoenix Hawk withdrew, I forget exactly when. The Enforcer and the Centurion waged a personall battle, and the Trebuchet, Hunchback, and I fought the Stalker. The Trebuchet was also disabled in the fight, and the Hunchback, already severely wounded, got in some good shots at the centre torso, but all they seemed to hit was the centre torso. Alas, it was the Enforcer who got the kill by starting an ammo explosion within the Stalker.


In the aftermath of the fight, the Enforcer was armless, and with a damaged hip and leg, I'm not sure if both. The Hunchback and Trebuchet were out of commission. The Griffin was missing a head, and the Marauder was down to very little armour in both left and right torso, both legs, and one arm, but no penetration. The Centurion, already hurt, surrendered. With the captured Centurion, our Enforcer should be easy to repair. We should have both operational shortly. The Griffin only needs a head and some external armour. And my Marauder will be fine within a day or so, but the Trebuchet and Hunchback will be out for a while. Our captured Commando should be easy enough to repair, however.


By the time we fight again, we may have a Marauder, Commando, Enforcer, Centurion, Griffin, and Trebuchet to choose from for our five.

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Character Updated for you.


Please, please, please use the HERO and Battlemech Record Sheets I provided.


Battletech HERO


Name: Sergeant Thomas J. Logan


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage

18 DEX 12 13- OCV: 6 / DCV: 6

13 CON 6 12-

12 BODY 4 11-

18 INT 3 13- PER Roll 13-

18 EGO 8 13- ECV: 6

18 PRE 5 13- PRE Attack: 31/2d6

8 COM -1 11-

6 PD 3 Total: PD 6 / rPD

6 ED 3 Total: ED 6 / rED

4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12.

6 REC 0

30 END 2

30 STUN 5


Total Characteristics Points: 94


Movement: Running: 8" / 16"

Swimming: 4" / 8"

Jumping: 21/2â€H, 11/4â€V


Cost Powers & Skills

Martial Arts: AFFS Combat Training

Manuever OCV DCV Damage

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, abort

4 Martial Dodge - +5 Dodge, abort

4 Martial Strike +2 +0 5d6


3 Weapon Elements: Clubs, Knives, and Polearms/Spears (Bayonets).


4 +2†Running: 8†/ 16â€

2 +2†Swimming: 4†/ 8â€



5 Fringe Benefit: Computer Link: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns Database

2 Fringe Benefit: Mechwarrior

5 Fringe Benefit: Rank: Sergeant

2 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance-2

10 Talent: Eidetic Memory

3 Talent: Lightning Calculator

14 Vehicle: MAD-3D Marauder (Heavy, Modified, and Owns Mech)


Cost Powers & Skills

0 Acting, 8-

3 Analyze: Computer Systems and Software, 13-

2 Breakfall, 11-

2 Climbing, 13-

5 Combat Piloting: BattleMechs, 14-

10 Combat Skill Levels: +2 with all Vehicle BattleMech Weaponry

4 Computer Programming, 14-

0 Concealment, 8-

0 Conversation, 8-

2 Cryptography: Communications, 11-

2 Cryptography: Computers, 11-

2 Cryptography: Sensors, 11-

3 Deduction, 13-

5 Defence Manoeuvre: Type I "from behind" & Type IV "sense"

1 Electronics: BattleMechs, 8-

3 Electronics: Computers, 13-

3 High Society: AFFS, 13-

3 Knowledge: AFFS, 13-

2 Knowledge: Battletechnology, 8-

2 Knowledge: Capellan Confederated Armed Forces, 11-

2 Knowledge: Capellan March Politics, 11-

2 Knowledge: Computer Networks, 11-

3 Knowledge: Computer World, 13-

1 Knowledge: Inner Sphere, 8-

1 Knowledge: Military History, 8-

0 Knowledge: Saso, New Syrtis, 8-

0 Languages: English is Native, Literate

3 Languages: Mandarin, fluent conversation, Literate

1 Mechanics: BattleMechs, 8-

2 Navigation: Land, 11-

0 Paramedic, 8-

0 Persuasion, 8-

0 Professional Skill: Footballer, 11-

3 Professional Skill: MechWarrior, 13-

2 Science: Computer Sciences, 11-

1 Security Systems: BattleMechs, 8-

3 Security Systems: Computers, 13-

0 Shadowing, 8-

2 Stealth, 11-

2 Streetwise, 11-

3 Survival: Arctic, 13-

2 Systems Operation: Communications, 11-

2 Systems Operation: Computers, 11-

3 Systems Operations: BattleMechs, 13-

3 Tactics, 13-

1 Transport Familiarity: BattleMech Combat Drop

1 Transport Familiarity: BattleMechs: Anthropomorphic & Ostrich

2 Transport Familiarity: BattleMechs: Light & Heavy

1 Transport Familiarity: Jump Pack

1 Transport Familiarity: Parachuting, Basic

1 Transport Familiarity: Parachuting, Advanced

0 Transport Familiarity: Hover Vehicles

6 Weapon Familiarity: Common Military Weapons

1 Weapon Familiarity: Swords

1 Weapon Familiarity: Vehicle BattleMech Weapons


Total Skills, Perks, Talents, and Powers: 177


Cost Disadvantages

5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Concealed, Is Always Noticed/Recognised)

5 DNPC: Countess Jessica Logan (née Maxwell-Hasek), Wife & Politician (Normal, DNPC has useful noncombat position or skills, 8- )

25 Hunted: Death Commando (Mo Pow, NCI, 8-, Hunters desire to harshly punish the character)

10 Watched: AFFS (More Powerful, NCI, 8-)

5 Watched: NAIS (As Pow, NCI, 8-, Hunters are limited to a certain geographical area)

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to AFFS (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Curious (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Secrets Monger (Uncommon, Strong)

10 Reputation: Charitable (Frequently), 11-

5 Rivalry: Professional, other Military Services, Rival is aware of Rivalry

10 Social Limitations: Capellan March Politics and Society (Uncommon, Strong)

20 Social Limitations: Subject to Orders (Common, Total)

5 Quirks: 1)Always carries vibro-sword and gun;2) Always wears hat, gloves, and coat; 3) Always uses a shade of black and yellow in BattleMech camouflage pattern, which prompted an interesting design during arctic training manoeuvres; 4) Bland palate; 5) Hates dogs.


Total Disadvantage Points: 105(-55pt. Package Deal)


Total Character Cost: 205


Warrior Data:

Name: Sergeant Thomas J. Logan

Gunnery Skill: 4 (equals OCV 6 + 2 with all Vehicle BattleMech Weapons)

Piloting Skill: 4 (equals Combat Piloting [battleMech], 14- )



Thank you



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