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5E & Online store


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I am very new to the website, so please bear with me. I have not seen a 5th Edition book, so I am wondering if 5th Edition is just a slight update on the same style that brought us the Seeker, Obsidian, Defender, the Protectors, Eurostar, etc. Or is this the Millennium edition that changed the values (divided by 3 or something)?


For the Online store, I noticed a 5E CD in software and what looked like a 5E book, for about the same price. Are these the same items? Does the CD come with the book? or is the book on the CD? or is the CD just software on creating heroes/vehicles? Also, is there a shipping cost or shipping options?


Lastly, I thought I saw somewhere that if you created an account you would get a $5 coupon for the online store; how/where does one do this?


Thank you for your time.

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Re: 5E & Online store


This may of been better in Company questions, but as a non-Hero company person I can attempt to answer some of your questions.


5E, the Big Black book with the Green Man is an update from Fourth Edition (typified by the BBB). Some rules changes, a lot of clarifications. Some costs changed. Some would say it's the Steve Long House Rules edition.

It is certainly not the Millennium edition. That was Fuzion which is handled by a different company.


As a consumer, I will say that the 5th edition modules, supplements, etc... are on the whole better in terms of editing and presentation. There are still errors, but I was struck last night while flipping through a 3rd edition modules how much worse it's presentation was.


About the SW CD you saw: Was it Hero Designer? It's a character creator that isn't very useful if you don't have the book. Or at least know the rules. I think it's a damn fine piece of software.


There is a revised version of the core rules coming out soonish. You might want to take a look at Sidekick. A stripped down version of the rules for only $10.


p.s. Welcome to the boards

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Re: 5E & Online store




I am very new to the website, so please bear with me. I have not seen a 5th Edition book, so I am wondering if 5th Edition is just a slight update on the same style that brought us the Seeker, Obsidian, Defender, the Protectors, Eurostar, etc. Or is this the Millennium edition that changed the values (divided by 3 or something)?

5th Edition is the most recent version of the HERO System rules... It is NOT New Millennium which is now a dead product line.

For the Online store, I noticed a 5E CD in software and what looked like a 5E book, for about the same price. Are these the same items? Does the CD come with the book? or is the book on the CD? or is the CD just software on creating heroes/vehicles? Also, is there a shipping cost or shipping options?

The CD you saw was for Hero Designer, the character/vehicle/base/etc creation software for HERO System 5th Edition. They are NOT the same item and neither comes with the other. Shipping is done via UPS Ground (US) or USPS Mail (International). Rates are displayed at the time of purchase.

Lastly, I thought I saw somewhere that if you created an account you would get a $5 coupon for the online store; how/where does one do this?

I am not familiar with that policy as it is not something that we actually do.

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Re: 5E & Online store


For a thorough summary of the changes from the previous (4th) edition of HERO System which brought you Seeker et al, to the current (5th) edition, I suggest you click on the link below:




Feel free to post any questions you have in any appropriate forum - folks around here are pretty helpful.


And welcome to the community! :)

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