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Telepathy And Loss Of Control


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A player of mine has created a character who has telepathic abilities. The problem is, he used to hear all thoughts of the people around him. After a while, he managed to "turn off" the noise by constantly concentrating. So far, so good.

Now here's the point: Whenever he looses his concentration, his powers go haywire again, like when he gets stunned or becomes unconscious. Is this a Limitation or a Disadvantage? Which one?

And how can he regain consciousness when he gets a continuous telepathic shock while in La-la-land?

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Re: Telepathy And Loss Of Control


I think some more information about what effect his powers "going haywire" has on the character would be helpful, and what defines "losing concentration", but based on what you've said so far...


If it's when he's unconscious or stunned, how about when he's asleep? I assume he can't concentrate when he's sleeping, either.

Perhaps this might result in the equivalent of very intense, nightmarish dreams every time the character sleeps/is unconscious. This could mean the character gets very poor sleep, or is awakened constantly by the turmoil in his head. This might require he sleep in the mental powers equivalent of a sensory deprivation tank (like Matt Murdock in Daredevil) or he doesn't get enough rest to function. Maybe;


Dependence: Must spend time in 'MYOB Chamber' each night or suffer Incompetence (Common [he owns it but it's located at his base/home and not always available], Incompetence, Once/Day): 0 pts.


He might also have Psychological Limitations like "Cannot Endure Noisy/Chaotic Environments" or "Fear of Crowds"...


Maybe he's disoriented immediately upon recovering from being Stunned or KO'd, confused and uncertain where/who he is due to the "Psychic Overload";


Susceptibility: 1d6 Drain EGO when Stunned or Knocked Out (Very Common): 15 pts.


Perhaps something similar happens "In Large Crowds"...


What about Concentration and/or Side Effects for when he's actually using his powers? If he's not very careful, he opens up the "floodgates" again...


Like anything else, work backwards from the effect- once you define what happens when his powers go out of control, you can pinpoint the best way to simulate that effect.



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Re: Telepathy And Loss Of Control


Okay, I admit... I should have been more precise. Whenever his powers go out of control, he hears the chaos of all people's thoughts around him. Think of dozens of voices in your head that produce a totally confusing and maddening background noise (make that mayhem). An EGO Drain doesn't sound appropriate, sorry.


The problem of sleeping... Well, I had that thought, too. But like I said, it's not my concept, but I am trying to make something out of it. I guess that the loss of control only happens when he is not prepared (sleeping is different from a punch - makes sense in a way...).


Any more comments?

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Re: Telepathy And Loss Of Control


I would think of this more as a phys lim. It is always on but he has learnt how to tune out the noise unless he has suddenly and unexpectedly lost conscoiusness for some reason (Stun/KO). Think of the Mental Static lim from TUM 4e. Since this happens only rarely I would value it at a max of 10 points. As for regaining control again, that would be a basic, non-modified EGO roll (he has practiced for several years after all).

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