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Precogs and the SEC


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So let's say it's discovered that a man who works as a stock broker also has limited precog ability. It's more of a "Danger Sense" kinda thing, and doesn't really function more than a few seconds--a minute at most--in the future. Lastly, it's an uncontrolled power.


I can't see it helping him in establishing investment portfolios and such--he couldn't tell you if Yahoo or IBM is going up or down in the next week, or even in the next hour. Assuming, of course, that if his precog abilities become public knowledge it could be proved that they don't have a bearing on his actions.


In the Champions Universe, would it be likely that the SEC has some sort of provisions against this? How would it be handled? Could the precog in question still work in the field if he stayed out of trading?



I don't know much about the SEC or stock trading--mainly what I've learned in the movies--but I figured someone here would. I'm looking for all possible ramifications of how this might be handled.


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Precogs and the SEC


He'd probably make a killing as a day-trader, though. (They make continuous real-time trades, rather than maintaining a long-term portfolio). And to be honest, with such a limited power he could probably stay undetected forever (some people *do* make money at day trading, although it's usually more like gambling than investing).


Now, big-time psychics could make the SEC's short list; but you could probably conceal it forever if you were careful to do your trading through proxies, not make out too much like a bandit, etc. Your best bet (if you had strong precog powers) would be to make one big, lucky score rather than a sustained run of incredible picks. In other words, precog for the next netscape, and bet big. (or, just pick the next huge PowerBall jackpot).


It's really hard to say what realistically people would do with known-good precog powers--and it would also depend on how those powers work (is the future immutable? are you choosing or seeing it? etc.) Frankly, known-good precog powers would probably have a far more dramatic effect on the world; the SEC probably would be the least of anyone's concerns!

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Re: Precogs and the SEC


Because of its nature as a quasi-Danger Sense ability, I would think it would be even easier to hide, and even harder to make money.


He can't use it to predict the next big thing, but he can get the feeling that in about two minutes, his Yahoo stock is going to plummet, and bail out while the stock is still high.

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Re: Precogs and the SEC


Thanks for the feedback, guys. That's pretty much the way I was thinkin' of it.


If other opinions are out there I'd still like to hear 'em. I'm thinkin' the 4th Ed. Corporations book might have something about it, but I don't have my books with me.

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Re: Precogs and the SEC


Not sure how this'd work in the official Champions Universe, but I can't see

why a psychic-investor couldn't just deny he has the powers or say that he was unaware of them or at least claim that he can't control 'em.


Frankly, I could see any mentalist claiming any of the above or going with the argument that it's a sense to him and he can't turn it off anymore than he could turn off sight.

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Re: Precogs and the SEC


If I were a psychic, and was barred from a particular job due to it, you can bet I'll be in court within the hour. I wouldn't win, but I'd get a huge settlement.


Fundamentally, it's wrong. It's discrimination. But it's also unfair to non-psychics who don't know what's going on in the future to allow precogs into such possitions. I can't see how it would be avoided, since people with true photographic memory are barred from spelling bees because of the unfair advantage. It's not that different.

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