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Turakian Age with no Kal Turak

Mr. R

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Re: Turakian Age with no Kal Turak


Which is why - I think - that it'd have been a better transition if the two ideas meshed and VA was set not after a disaster of death throes but a long long slow decline of the TA.


Hmm... that wouldn't be hard to run using the published info from both settings. There's plenty of undetailed area on Turakian Earth to fit the Valdorian continents into. But if the published books are to stay within a unified timeline (and I'm not saying whether the timeline should exist, only that it does) ;) , transitioning to the Atlantean Age would be trickier without some major globe-altering disaster. The Atlantean maps are far more world-spanning.

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Re: Turakian Age with no Kal Turak


Actually... the Atlantean map is the opposite side of the globe from the Valdorian map. The two ages overlap quite a bit.


If anything needed changing it's the Valdorian Map.


Indeed, the Atlantean and Valdorian ages officially overlap, and their maps do accomodate each other quite well. The trick would be fitting the continents of Ambrethel (the Turakian world) onto the same map as Atlantis and its neighbors, which nearly encompasses the globe. Il-Ryvas (the two Valdorian continents and islands) is relatively small, but Ambrethel's land masses add up to about the same area as Eurasia and Africa combined. Hence the need for some sort of continent-shifting event far more rapid than normal tectonic plate drift.

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Re: Turakian Age with no Kal Turak


couple of earth quakes - a few bad mages here and there - over the thousands of years between the end of one and start of the other you could shift Il-Ryvas to Valdoria nicely. The lands shifting could also account for the decline of empires, rise of other later ones and eventual loss of magic completely.


I think a series of small cataclysms spaced apart generously would work just as easily as some large ones.




Valdoria was always on the other side, so that Il-Ryvas through some Lemurian incident (or three) becomes the Atlantean map over time instead. Flip the timeline to Valdor for the PCs while things settle on the backside, and then Atlantis rises as Valdor finally fades away. . .

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