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Has anything been published on what the Sirians (the aliens behind the "Martian" invasion in 1938) looked like?


I'll be starting a Golden Age CU game soon, and the players voted to start with the Martian attack because it's an easy way to get them assembled into a team (which is also why I suggested it :winkgrin: ). I have a copy of Gold Rush Games War of the Worlds sourcebook, and was thinking of using the original H.G. Wells aliens -- but is that going to stomp on continuity?

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Re: Sirians?


If there is any info on what they look like, I haven't seen it.


That said, figuring the Sirians are like their inspiration wouldn't be a bad idea.


The description of the Sirians' invasion in Champions Universe makes them sound very much like the invaders described in War of the Worlds: using "gigantic tripods armed with heat-rays and poisonous gas." (CU p. 131)


On that basis, I'd say that the WotW writeups by the redoubtable Michael "Susano" Surbrook would be a good place to start:




Martian Fighting-Machine


Martian Handling-Machine


EDIT: While these character sheets do indeed appear on "Surbrook's Stuff" website, the writeups are actually credited to Roland Volz.

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Re: Sirians?


The description of the Sirians' invasion in Champions Universe makes them sound very much like the invaders described in War of the Worlds: using "gigantic tripods armed with heat-rays and poisonous gas." (CU p. 131)


On that basis, I'd say that the WotW writeups by the redoubtable Michael "Susano" Surbrook would be a good place to start:




Martian Fighting-Machine


Martian Handling-Machine


EDIT: While these character sheets do indeed appear on "Surbrook's Stuff" website, the writeups are actually credited to Roland Volz.

I can't find any images online, but when I get to a scanner next, I'll get some images of the Martians from the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic. They were rockingly cool.

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