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H-H atttacks & Martial Artists


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Re: H-H atttacks & Martial Artists


Ok here's the question. Does a H-H attack (the power) add damage to martial arts striking attacks. I have an ice manipulator/martial artist who body radiated extreme cold shield acting as his h-h attack and his force field.
The rules for combining HA and MAs are in the back of the book under the section on damage, on or near the page of the girl jumping and shooting from behind a piano.


Dont have my book handy or I'd give a page ref ;)

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Re: H-H atttacks & Martial Artists


Unfortunatly Killer I do not own the book yet...I was looking over an old character of mine and the gm i played him with allowed it on all normal m-a attacks..(not on throws' date=' killing strike or nnd maneuvers)[/quote']


Don't have the book in front of me, but iirc the base rule is that you can't more than double the base damage of a weapon (in this case, a HTH attack) except in a superheroic campaign, and that adding multiple sources of damage together requires the GMs permission.


So, if you have a 20 STR and a 4d6 HTH, that comes to 8d6 in any campaign.


If your MA includes the weapon element for that weapon (bare hands in the case of the character in question, so you're good), then a +2d6 Strike, a 20 STR and a +4d6 HA would be 8d6 in Heroic campaigns, or 10d6 in a Superheroic campaign with GM's permission.


I think there may be something on this in the FAQ as well.

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Re: H-H atttacks & Martial Artists


Yes it is from a superhero campaign I am trying to convert him so I can use him in a play by e-mail game he has the following

20 STR and a 10d6 h-h attack plus the following maneuvers that the gm allowed me to apply it to Backfist (Defensive Strike), Sidekick (Martial Strike), Dragon's Claw (Offensive Strike) the way we calculated it the attacks did 14d6/16d6/18d6 resepectively

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Re: H-H atttacks & Martial Artists


Ok here's the question. Does a H-H attack (the power) add damage to martial arts striking attacks. I have an ice manipulator/martial artist who body radiated extreme cold shield acting as his h-h attack and his force field.


I am looking in my book right now (pages 272-273). HA damage does add to martial arts damage (or more correctly the MA bonuses do stack onto the STR and HA damage combined).


20 STR and a 10d6 h-h attack plus the following maneuvers that the gm allowed me to apply it to Backfist (Defensive Strike), Sidekick (Martial Strike), Dragon's Claw (Offensive Strike) the way we calculated it the attacks did 14d6/16d6/18d6 resepectively


Yes, this seems correct.

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Re: H-H atttacks & Martial Artists


Yes it is from a superhero campaign I am trying to convert him so I can use him in a play by e-mail game he has the following

20 STR and a 10d6 h-h attack plus the following maneuvers that the gm allowed me to apply it to Backfist (Defensive Strike), Sidekick (Martial Strike), Dragon's Claw (Offensive Strike) the way we calculated it the attacks did 14d6/16d6/18d6 resepectively


Looks fine, even in a heroic campaign.

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